March 15, 2017


Wendy had been the one to talk to Wes? Clint frowned. He hadn't wanted that. It didn't take a genius to figure out it was more than a one man job - Wes has just completely ignored him. Why should it take Wendy saying something to get him to notice? As for talking... talking solved nothing. 

Upset, Clint slowly got up off the couch without saying any more, and trudged to the bedroom. Sliding down into bed without bothering to change clothes, he lay on his stomach, wrapping his arms around his pillow and forcing his eyes closed. Wendy didn't understand. Nobody did. 

Hunter smirked and came up beside Ryan, pushing the refrigerator door shut. He knew he didn't keep enough good food around. "I was thinking of ordering pizza." He wandered into the living room. There, he turned and slipped his arms around her waist.

"That way we don't have to go anywhere else... And we can pick up where we left off earlier..." His eyes twinkled teasingly before he bent to place a playful kiss on her neck. 

"How does that sound to you, hmm?"

Rick's shoulders dropped slightly at Katie's request. He hadn't wanted to come back here. It wasn't that he didn't love these people - it had just been too much stress, and he didn't want that anymore. But now... he also knew he'd done more with this whole crazy thing than Misty had, and two heads were better than one. 

He looked between Katie and Jason for a few moments, then sighed. "You know I won't abandon you when you need me..." He pursed his lips. "If Reese will let me come just for you two... then I will. I'm not gonna take back everything I was doing - Misty's still gotta be the on-call doctor around here. And if you two are both doing fine, then I'm not going to be here. Got it?"