March 7, 2017

No Movie

As Hal stood to reel into his fish Sam stood too and couldn't help the bit of excitement she felt as she wanted and cheered him on a little. As he got the fish and she wanted some more Sam couldn't help but let her smile widen a little as she sat back down. That was rather exciting. 

   "Well at least the poor guy won't bake in the sun while we continue to have fun."

Hearing Hal's offer of dinner Sam smiled and started to nod her head a little. That did sound like a lot of fun. As Hal started to stumble though she couldn't help but bring a hand to her mouth and giggle just a little. She didn't mean to laugh at him, it just...was rather cute.

   " mean you are going to make me dinner but no movie...I never."

Sam laughed a little as she eyes twinkled playfully with Hal. About to say more Sam felt a tug on her pole. Jumping up and giving a jerk like Hal did Sam's eyes went wide.

   "Oh Oh Oh Oh...I think I got something."

Doing exactly what Hal did Sam struggled but finally got the fish reeled in. Picking it up and having its spines prick her finger she let it go to swing back and forth she shook her hand. Trying again she got it under the gills. Trying to take the hook out she cringed a little knowing she was more than likely hurting it.

   "I'm sorry little fish."

Finally getting the hook out and letting it join the other Sam couldn't help her smile grew even more as she wormed her hook once again and sat back to wait.

   "Yes, I would love to join you for just dinner."

As Eli interrupted their conversation Ryan looked to him and smiled. Hearing about what they wanted to do to Hunter's Ryan gave a nod.

   "That actually sounds really cool. I think it would look good."

As Tal bid he goodbye Ryan smiled and gave a little wave. Even though it had been strange tonight maybe it was a step in the right direction at least. Eli had said Tal was doing ok, but Ryan could still see a little sadness in his eyes. She just wanted him to be ok too.


Ryan thought for a moment bringing her train of thought back to what Eli had asked. Now she had to choose who she was going home with. Rolling her eyes she laughed a little too.

   "What am I going to do with you both. Now I have to decide who I want to go home with. I guess...since Hunter brought me it would only be far if I had Eli take me home."

Looking at Hunter she gave a little smile. She didn't want to say goodnight to Hunter, but she knew sooner or later she would have too. But tomorrow was the weekend so maybe they could spend a little more time together.

   "See you tomorrow?"