March 15, 2017


Walking back to her desk Katie gave a smile to Adison and Kirk as she passed. She really hadn't hadn't talked to them much as they got here but everyone was still a little leery. Continuing to walk and looking down at the files she had in had she was suddenly hit with a wave of intense emotions she had not been prepared for. Dropping the files and stumbling Katie closed her eyes tight only to open them again and see Ron standing in front of her.

Seeing what happened Ron didn't know the young woman all too well other than helping with Pete, but it looked like she had been in pain.

   "Whoa there...are you ok?"

Bending down quickly to start picking up her files as she could still feel a forceful push of Jason's emotions she winces again but tried to hide it.

   "Yeah Yeah...I just got a sudden migraine. I'm ok though, thanks."

Helping her pick up the papers Ron just continued to watch Katie holding out what he had. Something felt odd, he didn't know what it was or why but he felt like Katie was holding something in more than just a migraine.

Taking the papers from Ron and standing Katie looking down at the paperwork that would not have to be sorted again. She tried to keep from looking at Ron least he sees she was actually in pain. 

   "Um...thanks again."

Pushing past him and going to her desk Katie put the papers down before putting her head in her hands just waiting for the pain to pass knowing Jason had finally hit his limit.

   Man I knew it was going to hurt but I forgot how fast it can hit.

Taking a deep breath Katie closed her eyes and just letting everything run its corse offering what she could to Jason. This was going to take some getting use too again.

   Are you ok?

Misty couldn't help her eyes went wide for a moment just staring at Jason. This was completely new and slightly dangerous. She wasn't scared of Jason and Katie though it was just going to take some getting use to all over again.

   "Sit, rest...I can clean this up."

Coming into the security room Sam looked behind her before looking back to Hal with question. She smiled though and sat down letting out some air before turning to Hal.

   "So...Rick is back, good to see him. But...there was quite the commotion in the infirmary. Anything fun and exciting going on there?"

Just leaning into Hunter and taking another bite of her pizza Ryan sighed with content. This was a good ending to a day that was not so bad after all. Things had gone ok this morning, a lovely afternoon with Hunter, the surprise of her car and now just relaxing. Really she couldn't ask for more. 

   "This is perfect."

Waking it took Wendy a moment to get her bearing to remember why she was on the couch. Having it all come back to her Wendy just rolled on her back for a moment and laid there. Knowing she couldn't just stay like that all day and hearing movement in the kitchen she finally got up.

Wandering into the kitchen and smell breakfast she smiled a little going over to Chance. Picking him up and nuzzling him she looked to Clint at the stove. 

   "Something sure does smell good. Can I help with anything?"