March 4, 2017

Good Luck

Hunter laughed outright - and so did a few others who overheard Ryan. He shook his head and slipped his arm around her shoulders. "Let's save the introductions for another time. I'd rather avoid any undo unpleasantries before the race." 

After mingling just a few more minutes, he aimed back towards his car and got back inside - the race would be starting soon. He waited for Ryan to get in the passenger seat before leaning over and giving her a kiss on the lips. "You ready for this?" 

"Kinda surprised to see you here."

Tal shrugged at Eli from the edge of the crowd as his eyes roamed the activities. "You know I show up every once in a while."

Eli folded his arms and nodded slowly. "Should be good tonight."

"So she's with Hunter now, huh?"

Eli quirked an eyebrow. Tal hadn't even heard his comment. His eyes followed Tal's to a distance away where Hunter and Ryan were just getting into his car. "Yep."

Tal shook his head. "Well good luck to him."

Eli sighed. "She's doing better, Tal. Lots better."

Tal swallowed hard. Deep down he was glad. He really was. But the surface of his heart was still tender. "Good. I hope Hunter knows what he's getting into."

"Pretty sure he does." If anyone knew Ryan's tough road lately, it was Hunter, and he hadn't been scared away yet. Eli aimed for the starting line where the crowd was gathering. "Come on. Lets get a front row seat."

"Eh... I dunno." Scott glanced up at Hope, his confidence not as high as hers. "It's just something I like to do is all. I'd feel funny if my pictures were up on display. Other than your wall, that is." 

Domino had finally worn herself out and crawled onto the blanket to flop down near Scott's feet. Scott wriggled his feet a little to scratch her back before he yawned. Rolling onto his side, he used Hope's leg as a pillow again. "Do we have to leave? I haven't been this relaxed in ages." 

Jim sat on one of the hay bales in the barn. It was quiet at the moment. He wasn't sure where everyone was. Jeff had led him out here earlier, and he'd just been sitting here ever since. Becky had heard from Rosalyn this morning that she was engaged to Chad. She'd sent a picture of the ring... and Jim couldn't even see it himself. He'd spent so long being angry... and now when he wanted to support his daughter, he couldn't even be a part of it. 

Leaning back against the wall, he fidgeted with a piece of hay. He wasn't sure he'd ever felt this useless. It was hard remembering what it was like before, when he'd lost his eyesight. But even then, he'd moved forward with the assumption that it was temporary. But this time... he knew it wasn't. What was he supposed to do with himself now? Just sit in here all day? Be led around from one spot to the next, just trying to stay out of the way? 

The hay in his had had become a shredded mess, and he threw it angrily - probably into the barn aisle, but he couldn't even be sure where it landed.