March 7, 2017


Listing to Hunter and Eli talk Ryan enjoyed just listing. At least it was a little less awkward that way. If she knew what to say to Tal she would talk more to him, but that was such a touchy thing she wasn't sure what would upset him or what wouldn't.

Taking a spoonful of her ice cream Ryan looked up as Tal spoke again. It was quiet so she wasn't sure if he had really said something but as he asked her a question she knew he had. It felt odd telling him about herself like she was rubbing it in his face they weren't together anymore, but he had asked so what did he expect right?

   "Things are ok. I have good days and I have bad days. I don't get nightmare hardly anymore though."

Looking down at her ice cream again and moving the spoon around for a second just through for a long moment. She really did feel bad she even hurt Tal. She hadn't intended on doing that, and she really had enjoyed his company while he was with her. Everything just got so messed up, so fast.

   "Hunter took me to a ranch that helps people, and I think that really helped my progress too. It was kind nice to just...get away from everything and be able to breathe."

   "Sounds peaceful to me. Sometimes I get or did get so busy with work and cases I forgot to just relax. Now I get the weekend off for the most part and I have no idea what to do with myself."

Leaning back against the rock behind her Sam let out a small sigh. This was nice, though, being out here with a friend just enjoying doing really nothing at all. Contently sigh Sam looked to Hal and gave a small smile. 

   "Only fish I have ever had was at a restaurant, and I did like it. I haven't ever had it fresh, though. I can image it is good, though. Do you like to cook fish?"