March 16, 2017


Clint could tell by the tone of Wendy's voice that she wasn't exactly pleased with his idea. But I'd she wasn't going to offer any feedback, what else was he supposed to do? And since when did they not discuss things? He couldn't remember. 

Giving a little sigh, he nodded as he picked at his eggs. "You're welcome. I just thought..." He shrugged. "I missed you last night and figured you must have been pretty mad at me." He finally ate some of his eggs and worked on a piece of toast before catching Dara's bottle before it fell. Seeing she'd had her fill, he turned her over his shoulder and patted her back absentmindedly.

"I'll leave soon," he mentioned quietly. "But I should be back in time for lunch."

Kirk frowned and threw Adison a glance. This whole thing was just plain weird. Now Katie had migraines? What about Jason? Why was he back in the infirmary this morning? He rose from his chair decidedly. "I'm gonna find out what's going on." He motioned for Adison to follow him.

In the infirmary, Jason gave Katie a weak smile. "I'm sorry." He held up a hand. "And don't tell me not to apologize because I always will. Just accept it." A little smirk emerged. "Just like you'll always tell me it's okay."

Sighing, he leaned his head back against the wall. "Oh, here's something new. Rick said my eyes glowed. I think it was his imagination after watching too many sci-fi shows. I..." His sentence trailed off as he saw Kirk and Adison enter the room, and he straightened a little.

Kirk wandered over to them both, offering a friendly smile. "Hey, we noticed you two spending an awful lot of time in here lately and hoped it wasn't anything serious."

"Flu," Jason answers flatly without even thinking.

Kirk lifted an eyebrow. "Most people would stay home."

"Guess were just that dedicated to our jobs." Jason forced a dry laugh.

Kirk grinned a little, but turned his eyes to Katie. "At least you're not in bed too. Actually, you look pretty good for having the flu. Although I though Ron said it was a migraine."

Jason could feel his nervousness feeding his emotions, and pulling them to the surface sooner than he'd anticipated after the eruption. He tried to breathe steadily to calm himself. "It's nice you guys care." He steered the conversation another direction. "Thanks for checking on us."

Kirk wasn't satisfied, and spied Misty cleaning things up. He wandered her direction next. "Whoa... what happened?"

Hal's mind was still on Jason and Katie, and he realized Sam had just said something. "Hmm?" He blinked. "Oh. Yeah. Dessert would be great." He grinned. "There are very few sweets I don't like, but I'm partial to anything strawberry." 

He leaned back in his chair and stretched with a yawn. Suddenly realizing he'd left the one monitor paused after erasing last of the footage, he reached quickly for the keyboard and turned it on again. Seeing Kirk and Adison in the infirmary, his heart skipped a beat and he stood up. "I'll be right back."

Hunter didn't remember when he'd fallen asleep, but when he woke and drowsily looked at the television, it was playing the dvd menu sequence over and over. 

He nuzzled his face into Ryan's shoulder and tightened his grip around her as his good sense tried to wake him fully. It was well after midnight and his body didn't want to get up. "I need to take you home," he mumbled.