March 16, 2017


Jason winced a little as he tried to gain back his control, shifting to Katie what he could, but it wasn't easy. He was more scared now than he had been, which wasn't helping matters. 
I'm trying... But it's like trying to shoot water from a hose into a pin hole. 

He could almost literally feel a blockage between himself and Katie. A dam had been built, and though it was slowly dissolving, it was going to take a while before she'd be able to take the brunt of the force again. 

Rick folded his arms and sighed. "Hal, get back to Sam before she gets suspicious. I'll run buffer. Thank you."

Hal nodded and let Rick slip into the camera's view instead. "I'm not sure we can avoid suspicion, but I'll see if I can put any fires out before they get too big." He glanced back at Katie and Jason. "Just take care of them."

"I will." Rick pursed his lips and thought hard, watching his two young friends. "I thought yesterday we'd be able to just let this thing ride out. Now I'm not so sure."

Jason let go of Katie's hand and sat up a little more. Instead of trying to feed her, he shifted his efforts to shutting things off, if only for enough time to regroup. "I'm okay," he tried to assure Rick. "Just give me a minute." 

Rick frowned and squinted at him. The glowing in Jason's eyes was fading fast, and now Katie's was too. Thank goodness for that. "What happened?" 

Jason shook his head. "When I exploded, Katie took a hit. By the time she got in here, her eyes were doing the same thing mine were except..." It sounded too bizarre to even say out loud. This was something from a sci-fi movie, not reality. "Except hers were red." 

"Incredible." Despite Rick's apprehensions, he couldn't deny this was fascinating, and he was putting together the pieces very quickly. "Your eyes wigged out when you got too emotional. She got wound up because of that, and then her eyes wigged out too..." He thought for a moment. "Do it again."

Jason blinked. "What?" 

"Do it again. I have a theory." 


"Just see if you can stop it before blowing anything up."

Jason smirked. "I have no control right now." He wasn't sure where Rick was going with this, but he was willing to try. Taking the lid off again, he cringed as the pain worsened, and his muscles started to tremble. Beads of sweat formed on his brow again and he looked to Katie, trying not to overwhelm her too quickly. He could feel the boiling point getting close, and struggled to maintain control. 

"There!" Rick pointed as Jason's eyes started to show the spiraling glow again. He looked quickly to Katie, telling just by her body language that she was being tormented. It took a little longer, but finally he saw the red spiraling glow in her gaze as well. "This is... unbelievable..."

Jason's pulse raced and he looked to Katie with apology, knowing this was painful for her as well. Reaching out, he took her hand again in an effort to ease it off. 

Rick's eyes widened in even more shock. "A connection," he murmured. "A visible connection." The colors in their eyes had both melded together as they'd made physical contact. Shaking his head, he tried to focus again. "Okay, that's all I wanted to see."

Jason immediately tried to stop it again, and gasped for air at the effort it took. His grip on Katie's hand tightened as he did his best to slow down the pressure on her. And slowly, slowly, the glowing faded once again as well. "What happened?" he asked Rick, breathing heavily. "What did you see?" 

"I saw proof that you two are connected, whether you like it or not." He took a deep breath. "I think you're right. I think we at least need to see if Garret can tell us anything. This... is even further out of my league." 

Jason leaned back in the pillows and sighed as his body started to calm down, at least for the most part. His emotions were still churning, but he was at least keeping them halfway under control. His thumb ran along Katie's hand in an effort to soothe her. "You okay?" 

Seeing they were alright, Rick finally dared to move, letting the security camera have its view again. 

Back in the security room, Hal resumed his seat at his desk as if nothing had happened. "So what time you wanna come over tonight? Seven? I've got the fish filleted all ready so it won't take long to cook them."

Kirk frowned and nodded at Adison. "Yeah." He knocked on Reese's door before entering. "Hal said you were looking for us?" 

Reese was standing at his filing cabinet, holding a folder that he was studying intently. "I'd like you to coordinate with the staff to make sure everyone has a chance to go see the prospective building," he commented before finally looking up at them. "I've seen it myself and I like it. But I want to give everyone else a chance to voice any concerns. Can you take care of that?" 

Kirk sighed. He'd thought this would be something more important. "Yeah. Sure."

"Okay, good. Thank you." 

Realizing they were being dismissed, Kirk retreated with Adison, going back to their cubicle to flop down in his chair. "And they wonder why the FBI is on their butts," he grumbled. "Secrets. I can smell them, and I don't like it." 

Jade knocked on the screen door before slowly entering the house. "Knock, knock," she called. She wandered in just far enough to see the living room and spy Chase having a great time on the floor with some kind of stuffed animal. She grinned as she also spotted Wendy. 

"Hey, didn't meant to intrude. I just had some time and wondered if you'd like me to watch the kids for a while? Give you a break?"