March 4, 2017


Scott smirked at Hope as he sat up. "You're the best subject matter I've got." He paused. "Well... aside from Domino." Grinning, he crawled over to his small camera bag to retrieve his camera and fiddled with it a few minutes before starting to take pictures. He snapped shots of Domino, a nearby wildflower, the trees, and, of course, of Hope.

He was quiet while he worked. As his hands worked, his mind struggled between old habits and his old self, and his new self that was so unstable. Only when satisfied did he lie down on his back and he handed Hope the camera so she could scroll through the pictures and look at them on the screen. "There are a couple good ones I think."

Travis smiled and returned the squeeze to Ashlee's hand. "Okay. I believe you." Leaning down, he put his lips to hers, letting this kiss linger a few moments before retreating. 

"Come on... Let's enjoy the rest of our walk before we have to do more chores."

Dylan's eyes fluttered open and he sighed deeply. He didn't want to get up from this comfortable spot in the loft. He had two kittens asleep in his chest, and the horse blanket was nice and warm. But he knew if he didn't show himself soon, someone would come looking for him. 

Finally getting up and carefully placing the kittens aside, he stood and stretched. The dining room was probably empty by now. He should go get some coffee. Wandering to the loft door, he looked out across the back pasture and could just make out two figures walking, coming back to the ranch yard.  He knew it was probably Ashlee and Travis, and his gut turned just a little. He sighed and turned away, going to the ladder. And after making his way to the dining room, he found himself alone at a table, sipping the coffee he'd warmed up.

Zan grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I gotta admit it's been a little easier to win a few races lately." He cocked his head as he studied Ryan's face. "Not quite as much fun though. It's good to have you back, even if you're not racing tonight." He glanced at Hunter, still grinning. "Careful. Having her as a copilot could be distracting."

Hunter chuckled. "True. But having her around somehow calms my nerves."

Zan's grin grew into a wide smile. It was quite obvious that Hunter and Ryan were now an item. "And when she's in her own car? Then what?"

"Mm... guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Someone called to Zan and he waved at them before concluding his conversation. "Guess I'll see you two at the finish line. Oh, and watch out for Thunder. He's had a bad day and he's out for blood."