December 10, 2016

You Sure?

Falling silent again Angel just stepped back and let Lane do his thing. She couldn’t help but cringe inwardly At Travis’ punishment but she knew it was for his own good and to teach him a lesson. She still felt bad for him non the less.

Just watching him leave Angel let out a small sigh before looking back to her brother. She really did feel bad for Lane too. It had seemed just from the pure shock that Travis didn’t normally do things like this and it was just as hard for Lane as it was Travis.

   “Unfortunately kids will be kids and he’s getting to that age. Let’s just hope this is the only thing that happens. You handled yourself well I think.”

For a long second Angel just stood there. She had promised Travis she wouldn’t tell his dad about his secret but she did think he needed to know. But if she spilled the beans Travis would never trust her again. She just couldn’t do that.

   “Nothing, it’s just something he was dealing with and asked me not to say anything. He’s not in trouble or anything so you don’t have to worry but If you want to know anything else you need to talk to him.”

It was all Angel could say really ands he felt bad but she had promised him. Finally letting out a sigh and walking past her brother Angel patted his arm before leaving the mess hall for now.

Being forced to look at Eric Ashlee didn’t change the look of hurt in her eyes. She was angry, she was beyond angry. She didn’t understand why everyone else was acting like this. This was not the worst thing they could of went and done, and yet…it they acted like it was. No she wouldn’t join them for dinner tonight and if that meant she would go hungry than she didn’t care. She was upset and embarrassed and didn’t want to face anyone.

Looking up as Eric came into the little room Stacy tried to smile though she was still hurting herself. Hearing his comment, she just looked at the monitors again for a long second as her heart broke a little more. This was a hard thing to deal with and she herself wasn’t even sure about it.

   “Teenagers…you really sure you want to jump into this mess now? It might get worse before it gets better and I’d understand if you weren’t ready to take on that responsibility.”

Stacy wanted Eric in there lives, but this just brought a whole new mess. He had two little ones of his own so would have to deal with it sooner or later, but if he wanted out now because he didn’t think he was ready she would understand and not hold it against him. She never thought she would have these issues with Ashlee but now that she was it worried her, and she didn’t know if this would be the last time she would get in trouble or not.