December 2, 2016

Wide Awake

As Travis retreated a little Ashlee couldn’t help but a little disappointed. His arms around her had felt warm, and soft. She’d liked it but new maybe it was best for now that was all there was to it. Continuing to work and letting her shoulder brush with Travis every now and again Ashlee felt content. 

Looking up from what she was working on hearing Mick’s voice Ashlee smiled at him. Mick was always so nice, and thankful for any work she did. It was really nice to hear that from him. Giving a nod looked at all they had done and it really had been more than planned. 

“It’s no problem at all. One of my favorite things to do.” 

Once Mick was gone Ashlee couldn’t help the grin on her face as her cheeks grew warm again. She wasn’t sure why it felt like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar but she did for a moment. Giving him a nod she really was thankful for his help today. It made it a little less lonely with him there. 

“Thanks for doing this with me today. It was really nice having you help. I’ll definitely save you a seat at dinner.” 

Coming in for the day Sam stopped by the security room and gave a wave to Hal letting him know she was headed down to see Aaron. She didn’t know if she would need his help or not but if she did she would ask. She’d been upset with herself for pushing him so much yesterday but wasn’t going to let it bother her to much or at least try. 

Getting down to the cell and unlocking it she looked making sure Aaron was on his cot before stepping aside. Looking at her for a long moment she stepped in a little more before talking to him.
“Morning Aaron. Let’s get up and go see Rick about your knee. I want to make sure it’s not any worse. Than I’ll get you some food.” 

Feeling Laura get into the bed next to him Nate automatically wrapped his arm around her drawing Laura close. Giving a sleepy kiss to her forehead and a soft mumble Nate finally opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her giving a soft smile. 
“You are just as beautiful in the morning as you are when you fall asleep.” 

Hearing her comment about Garret he gave a nod before kissing her again and finally getting out of bed. It was good to hear Garret was doing better. Maybe this all was another step. 

It didn’t take Nate long to shower and get dressed for the day. Getting downstairs and grabbing a cup of coffee and an extra he wondered to the bad where he saw Garret still. Opening the door and stepping out he held the coffee out for him. 

“Good Morning. I thought maybe you’d like some coffee, but you look pretty awake to me. Have you been up long?”