December 2, 2016


Dylan nodded a little before pursing his lips. “I like coming here. It’s...peaceful.” 

Sparky couldn’t have received a bigger compliment, and he gave Faith’s hand a squeeze. “You need to come back here more often again, Dylan... We’re constantly having leftovers.” 

“Okay I’ve...sort of missed it.” As much as he’d like to just stay here though, he knew that more work awaited him back at the barns, so once he was finished eating, he thanked them both again, then left.
Alone with Faith as he helped clean off the table, Sparky stopped her at one point, and just pulled her into a hug. “Thanks for being so wonderful...” 

Feeling Ashlee’s foot under the table, Travis tapped it back while tossing her a grin. “Okay, okay, I’m eating.” He stuffed a very large bite of sandwich in his mouth and had a hard time chewing. “This fast enough?” he mumbled. 

It didn’t take long to finish lunch, and as soon as they were done, Travis followed Ashlee out to retrieve Casper from the back pasture. He really was a sweet horse with a very willing disposition, and Travis could see why Mick had suggested him. It wasn’t too hard to find a saddle, so very soon, he and Casper were in the riding arena with Ashlee and Moonbeam. 

Mounting up, Travis stood up in his stirrups to test the length, then settled into the saddle comfortably. He did enjoy riding, even if he hadn’t been too involved with his dad. He looked over his shoulder at Ashlee, and motioned her forward. “Ladies first,” he teased. “I’ll follow your lead.” 

Outside the arena, Eric leaned on the fence to watch. He hadn’t had as much time lately for many lessons with Ashlee, other than just letting her ride, but it looked like she was doing well. Feeling a presence next to him, he turned, a little surprised to see Dylan, who also leaned on the fence to watch. His facial expression was...pensive. Even more so than normal. Eric hadn’t seen him at lunch, and couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong, especially after seeing that hollow look in his eyes yesterday. “Whatcha think?” 

Dylan glanced at him before following his line of sight to the two riders. He shrugged. “Ashlee is improving. She needs to work on her posture though, and she’s holding her reins a bit tight. Travis is stiff – could be a few reasons for that. Looks like he’s got good balance though, and Casper’s responding to him well.” 

Eric quirked an eyebrow. Dylan’s observance really did impress him. “Maybe you should be the one giving riding lessons.” 

Dylan quirked a little crooked grin and shook his head. “I don’t think I have the patience for it.” 

Eric thought a few moments, then thumbed to the barn. “Got a few horses need exercising. Why don’t you join them out there?” 

Dylan picked on the fence rail before he shrugged. “They’re having fun.”


“So...I don’t want to impose.”

Eric rolled his eyes. “Go get a horse. Or I’ll tell your dad you didn’t get all your work done today.” 

Smirking, Dylan gave Eric’s shoulder a whack as he passed by him on the way to the barn. It didn’t take him long to saddle up Seven, a young dun gelding he’d recently brought back from an auction – number 7 – as one of his typical purchases to turn around and sell again. It may have been a whim, but Dylan had bought him on a hunch, and had yet to try him out after letting him get settled. 

Bringing him out to the arena, he let himself in and shut the gate again before checking over his tack and mounting up. As soon as he was in the saddle, Seven reared up in protest, but Dylan kept his seat, and as soon as all four hooves were back on the ground, he spun him in a small circle until he’d given up his little trick. 

Eric, still watching from the side, grinned. The boy sure hadn’t taken long to become one of the better riders around here. No surprise, seeing who his father was, but still, he definitely had a talent, especially for someone who used to be terrified of the animals. 

Seven tried to bolt, but again was held back, and only managed to prance as Dylan held him steady, then turned sideways along the fence to try that instead. Dylan remained calm and simply let him expend his energy without getting away with too much. 

From the other end of the arena, Travis watched the new arrivals, and raised his eyebrows. “Looks like he’s got quite a handful,” he commented to Ashlee. “That his horse?” 

Aaron gave a little scoff. “What is this? The good cop, bad cop routine? You supposed to be the nice one so I’ll behave or something?” He shook his head. “It’s to your benefit I hurt my knee worse. Makes your job easier because now I have absolutely no hope of escape.” 

It was true. His hope was almost completely gone now. This was it. And when they were done with him here, they’d probably send him to prison anyway. “And...this is where you find meaning? Who are you helping? The public, who, otherwise, I’d terrorize?”