December 10, 2016

Of Course

Smiling at Travis as he stopped Angel couldn’t help the twinkle in her eye. She enjoyed her nephews presence and had gotten used to it in a short time. She loved Wendy very much but has always wanted a son too. That just wasn’t in her cards anymore, so even if Travis was older it was nice to at least fill that hole just a little and help all she could.

   “Of course you are walking on thin ice. That is Stacy’s daughter you are going after.”

Humor twinkled in her eye for a second as she gathered a few things and took them to the sink to be sterilized. Turning around again she gave a nod.

   “Besides that though I do think it’s ok, and I think it’s cute too. As long as you keep having good intentions and keep treating her right in the end, I don’t think anyone will have an issue with you too.”

Ryan could feel her brother’s eyes on her as she thoughts some more. Did she really want to just out right say we should hang out with him sometime? She was hoping Eli would get the hint himself but it was now obvious now he was going to make her do it. Even if it made her a little nervous.

   “Maybe we can invite him over for pizza and a move sometime..maybe..depending on how I am feeling. It’s kind of nice having someone know I am crazy and yet not care.”

Turning and looking out the window at the scenes that passed by she sighed. Life was hard now, so many people she thought were her friend has shown her otherwise, even Tal had failed to understand and thought she was sure that all was her fault he wasn’t around anymore either. They just didn’t care as much as she thought and it hurt. But Hunter someone she never though would be someone who’d look out for her was. It was kind of funny how stuff like that worked.

You might have only been driving
but you also gave me confidence,
reassurance, and didn’t let me
give up.

Putting her phone down again Ryan wondered about a lot of things. She’d been punishing herself for so long it was the only way she knew how to live. It was scary to think of changed again, to think of life in a different way. Justin had mentioned that Alec wouldn’t want Ryan to live in misery and she knew it as well as Justin did but How did you let go of someone you loved, and move on, without feeling like you were betraying them. Just taking one day at a time was all she could continue to do but would she ever get to that point Justin wanted her to be at?

I might take you up on that one day. Who
Knows when but one day.
Even if all I do is sit there and don’t
go anywhere it’s a start right?