December 2, 2016

My Word

Sam gave a nod. She understood where Rick was coming from and she knew why he was worried about Aaron. He was rough, and he’d hurt others Rick was only trying to protect everyone and she knew it. As long as Aaron was up here she wouldn’t leave him out of her site.
“I’ll sit with him, you have my word.” 

Going back over to Aaron Sam looked down at him for a long second. Would he really change like the others? She’d never seen this program work but reading the files it had for others, so would it for Aaron or was he to far gone now? Was there really always hope for everyone? 

“Hey, come on. We are going to go into the room next door till your surgery. I won’t torcher you with the steps at least for now.” 

Giving a jolt at her phone went off Thirteen sat up from the couch where she had been comfortable nuzzled in with Ryder. They must have fallen asleep watching there movie. It was so warm there though it was easy to do. Feeling the vibration again of her phone remaindering she had had a messaged she pulled it from her pocket. Seeing it was Trent she gave a smile and hit the reply. 

My day was pretty good. Uneventful but good. Hope everything is going good with you too. Miss you lots and hope to see you soon. I love you Dad. 

Their relationship had its up and downs but it was getting better and Thirteen was getting use to the idea of having people who were caring for her. Trent being one of them. It was still rare she called him dad, but it was becoming less and less strange as she said it. 

Having Travis walk with her back to her bunk was nice. She could of made it on her own and it wasn’t like she couldn’t walk on her own but it was nice to just have someone care enough to make sure she got there safe anyways. Travis seemed to be good like that know just the slight things to do to show he really did care. 

The air was crisp and the walk was nice. Even not saying anything at all Ashlee felt like they had the best conversations. Getting to the edge of her bunk Ashlee wished the short walk didn’t have to end but it was getting late and she knew morning would come all to soon.
“Thank you for talking me Travis.” 

Reaching out and laying a hand on his arm for a moment she really was thankful he had. It made a good ending to the night. Hearing his comment she smiled and gave a nod. 

“Sounds good to me. Tomorrow after chores, you and I, finding something to do sounds like a plan.”
Letting her hand drop and giving a small wave Ashlee made her way up the steps before stopping and turning. 

“I have to feed the horses in the morning if you want to join me.”