December 10, 2016


Eli’s heart broke all over again for Ryan. In the back of his mind, though, he had a hope that maybe, just maybe, her breaking down would help somehow. “Shhh… It’s okay. It’s all over now. It was just a dream.”

Feeling Zidan’s nudge, he looked down at the dog and motioned with his head. “Lie down,” he coaxed quietly. “She’ll be okay.” He continued to just hug Ryan until her tears started to slow. “It’s all going to be okay,” he assured. Oh, how he wished he was more confident of his own words. He just wanted his sister back. To see her laugh again. To see her smile. He knew she’d never be the same, but just to see her happy…he’d give anything.

Drawing back just a little, he wiped her tears with his thumb. “You wanna come out to the couch with me for a while?” He knew it could be hard trying to sleep after such a bad nightmare, and he’d gladly turn the tv on for a while and sit with her until she was ready for bed again.

Aaron quirked an eyebrow at Sam, not even sure how to take her, even after he figured out she was joking. She was…in a really good mood. Why on earth would she be? Especially coming here, in to work, to take care of him? He knew he was a pain – he meant to be – so what was there to laugh and smile about?

He moved on to a third taco and added some hotter sauce this time. “Yeah well…if I died, you’d have far less to worry about so… I’m seriously concerned about how well your brain functions.” He took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. “Although if you poisoned the tacos…I can think of worse ways to die.” He didn’t want to eat too quickly. If he took his time, he’d be out of cuffs longer, and that would be just fine with him.

He licked some sauce off his finger and gave Sam another glance. “I still don’t believe you though. That you don’t have a motive here. You coulda brought me anything other than a tv dinner, but you chose my favorite, which still means you want something from me.”

As Ashlee left, Eric gave Stacy a wry grin. “I’m assuming this is a first for her huh?” He took a sip of his water and chuckled. “I think Travis is an okay kid. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” He did think it seemed the two were moving pretty fast, but maybe it would wear off once they’d hung around each other a couple weeks…

Travis grinned and came around to the passenger door to open it for Ashlee. “Well then… your carriage awaits.” Once they were both in and settled, he drove slowly out of the ranch, checking behind them once they reached the road. It appeared no one had seen them, as he’d predicted. “Alrighty…here we go.”

It was an easy drive to town. Long, but easy, and Travis enjoyed just listening to the radio and chatting with Ashlee as they went. Once in town, they found a little burger joint that looked good, and sat down to enjoy their meal. Though it was tempting to take their time, they both knew they were pushing the limits enough the way it was. Despite wasting little time though, it was nice to just be the two of them away from everyone else where they could actually relax and just…be, and get to know each other even better.

“Hey, Angel?” Lane stuck his head into her office. “Have you seen Travis? He was supposed to help with something in the barn but I haven’t seen him since before lunch over an hour ago, when he said he was gonna go eat with Ashlee.”

Eric glanced down the barn aisle to Moonbeam’s stall, but saw no sign of Ashlee. Odd. He’d figured she’d be off on a picnic or something with Travis again, but had expected her to be back by now. He was going to make sure she got in a good riding lesson today since he had time but…he only had a short window of time before he needed to work out on the fence line with Mick.

Wandering outside the barn, he spotted Stacy near the main house, just coming out. He made his way over to her, and smiled. “Hey. You ever see Ashlee come back? I was gonna give her a riding lesson but I haven’t seen her since before lunch.”