December 10, 2016

Do We?

As her tears slowed, and Ryan’s heart started to beat a little slower she was exhausted all over again but new even if she tried to sleep she wouldn’t be able too. It was just one of those things that wouldn’t happen right now no matter how she tried.

   “Yeah I’d like that.”

Shifting a little Ryan moved off the bed and went to the chair by her window. Grabbing her hoodie she slipped it on before following Eli and going to the couch. Sitting down she tried to get comfortable before scooting closer to Eli and leaning on him. It had been a long time since she cuddled this close to him but he was comfortable and she needed that comfort to relax.

   “I don’t mind what you put on, anything is good as long as it keeps my mind off things.”

   “Nah…I don’t want you dead. Than I would be mighty bored sitting around doing nothing.”

Finishing her taco there was another one in the bag but she was going to save that for someone else. Setting it aside and taking a sip of her water she handed a bottle to Aaron. She found it rather funny he really though there was another motives.

   “I brought you tacos because I asked what you wanted and you said tacos. I had no other way of knowing they were you favorite. Though now I do, so if I DO need something from you I know how to work my bribe.”

Looking up from her paperwork as Lane came into her office Angel thought for a long second. She hadn’t seen him which was odd. Throughout the day she normally did.

   “No I haven’t seen him since this morning at breakfast. I saw him helping Ashlee in the barn but that’s about it. Did you check the usual picnic spot or the lake?”

Smiling as Stacy saw Eric she stopped for a second. Automatically looking around the ranch yard to see if maybe Ashlee had just been over looked Stacy looked back at him with question.

   “Now that you mention it I haven’t.”

Looking at her watch and then Eric again she couldn’t help but feel just a little concerned. It wasn’t like Ashlee to not come and find her and at least let her know she was back.

   “I would of assumed that would have been back hours ago. Do we know where they went?”