December 8, 2016

Keep Your Eyes on Me

Travis didn’t look up right away as Ashlee approached. He was in a sour mood and didn’t want to take it out on her. None of it was her fault. As she started to talk though, he glanced up and noticed her red eyes. His expression immediately changed, realizing how embarrassed she was.

He sighed and kept scrubbing one of the buckets. “Don’t be sorry – it’s not your fault, and you have no reason to be embarrassed.” He finally quit working and set the brush aside. Getting up, he wandered the few feet to the log and eased down next to her. “If it helps, my dad said the same thing. Talk about feeling treated like a baby.” He rolled his eyes. “I know he’s just trying to protect me – and you – but I really don’t think there’s anything to worry about. I think they’re overreacting, but…yeah.” All he could do was shrug.

“Good luck changing their minds.” Dylan walked past with Seven, saddled up for another workout. “I have yet to figure out how to do that one,” he finished over his shoulder.

Travis’ eyes narrowed as he watched Dylan head towards the riding ring. How did he even know what they’d been talking about? “Well that was encouraging.”

Laura came up beside Nate and tucked herself under his free arm to watch the scene in the living room. “He does look especially tired tonight. I noticed it as soon as you guys got home from work. I can’t imagine how emotionally exhausted he is after all he’s going through.” She chuckled and shook her head at Maggie. “She’s just not gonna let him be miserable though, is she?” She gave Nate a loving squeeze. “I’ll go ahead and make another pot of coffee.”

Garret grinned a little at Maggie’s enthusiasm and hit the pay button on the stereo before turning the volume up just a bit. “Okay…first, you have to find the beat of the music.” He wasn’t sure whether she knew that much or not, but he went ahead and briefly explained, counting along with the waltz so she might get the idea. After that, he took one hand, put her other hand near his shoulder, and then rested his free hand on her waist.

“Now. When I step back, you step forward. Like this.” He stepped a couple times to let her try. “And when I move to the side, you move with me. Or if I step towards you, you go back.” Seeing her watching their feet, he shook his head. “Don’t look down…look up. Just keep your eyes on me and I’ll guide you, okay?”

Yes, Eli had been worried about Ryan. But he wouldn’t chide her about that now. She had enough on her mind the way it was without him being upset with her on top of it. Turning his head to look at her, he did wonder about her visit with Justin today. He’d told Eli just a little, but couldn’t share everything, and it had left Eli concerned about his sister all over again.

Hearing that she was seriously considering riding in the race tonight with Hunter, Eli’s eyebrows rose, and his concern faded. “I don’t mind taking you at all. Sounds like fun.” He smiled and patted her leg. He wasn’t going to make too big a deal out of it, lest he scare her away from the idea. “Wanna finish this movie with me first? It’s totally cheesy but I can’t stop watching it. It’s like a train wreck.”

While talking, he nonchalantly drew out his phone to send a quick text at an angle where Ryan couldn’t read it.
Hey Babe. I know we have a date tonight.
I gotta take care of Ryan tho.
She’s gonna go to the races again
but needs a ride.
I don’t wanna say no. I think she’s
starting to improve.