December 10, 2016


Writing a few things down Sam looked up at Aaron again and his comment. Giving a smirk Sam looked back down at her paperwork.

   “You might want me to read to you so you can hear my wonderful voice again, but…I don’t want to read to you.”

Flipping through some of her files and making notes Sam worked quietly. Hearing Aaron’s reply she just continued to work. After a few moments and getting to a point where she could stop without losing her place she looked up at Aaron again. Chewing on the end of her pen for a long moment she finally put it down for a second.

   “I do stop working…when my work is done, and when I’m at home, and sometimes in between.”

Thinking again for a second Hope just looked at Scott. What was he thinking right now. Something just wasn’t right she could feel it. But if she kept him talking maybe she could figure it out.

   “Sometimes the right choice is the unpopular choice. I guess it depends on our own convictions.”

Leaning back again Hope lets out a small sign folding her hands in her lap.

   “I wouldn’t suggest going out and doing something that could get yourself killed though.”

Looking up and seeing Jamison Adison couldn’t help the rather large smile that spread across her lips. She was happy to see and hear that Jamison had changed his mind. She knew he would be a great part of the team and deserved to be someplace where his good talents were put to good use.

   “I am absolutely sure about this. You are going to do wonderfully here.”

Cocking her head for a long moment she just looked at Jamison before talking again.

   “What made you change your mind?”