March 12, 2017

With You

Giving a stretch Adison wasn't sure if Reese would be upset with them or not but it might be worth finding out. It just felt like something they needed to know.

   "Maybe we need to just ask Jason and Katie straight forward. If we are going to be working with them they have to trust us sooner or later."

Just soaking in Hunter's hug Ryan knew this must be hard for him too but she was thankful he was willing to be there anyways and still accept her for her. Letting her arms creep up his back she returned the hug and just kept her face buried in his chest for a long moment. 

   "A long bike ride sounds nice. Let's just go where ever the road takes us and if we find something exciting along the way we will stop. As long as I am with you that's all I care about."

Leaning in Ryan gave Hunter a kiss on the lips letting it linger for a long moment before she pulled away and smiled. The rest of today would be a good day she would make sure of it.

Looking up from her desk as someone entered the office Angel stood seeing Clint and the blood. Moving quickly she motioned to the table and went to the cabnet to grab somethings. Also starting to fill a basin with some warm water. 

   "What on earth did you do?"

Coming back over to him she looked at the wound and cringed a little. That was definitely going to need some stitches. Taking a rag she dipped it in the water and went to work cleaning it up her eyes said how sorry she was as it was more than likely hurting just from touching it. She had to clean it before she could sew it up though so no infection formed.

Katie kept her eyes closed as she rested on Jason and soaked in the little bit of emotions she was feeling. This was going to be another long road and she new it...but she was ready.
