March 11, 2017


Giving Hunter the directions it didn't take long to get to where they were going. As Hunter parked Ryan just sat there for a long second her arms still around Hunter. She didn't know if she was ok or not, but she knew she would be. 

   "I will be."

Getting off the bike Ryan took Hunter's hand and held it for a long moment before letting go and smiling. She wouldn't be long at all but this was just something she needed to do.

Wondering around some of the grave sites Ryan finally got to Alec's. Just standing there for a long moment Ryan finally sank down and pulled the little car keychain from her pocket. Holding for a long second she finally put it down on the lip of the gravestone.

   "I know you died thinking I hated you but I didn't. I'm sorry for how things ended. I hope you are at peace now."

Letting out a long sigh and standing Ryan stood there a few moments longer. She knew one day the pain of losing someone would subside but at least now she was heading in the right direction for that. 

Turning she slowly wandered back where Hunter was and looked up at him through the tears in her eyes. She was lucky to have someone special like Hunter. He understood here and didn't run when he could have. 

   "Ok, I think I'm good. Now the rest of the day it ours."

Keeping her arm around Jason and her head on his shoulder Katie just thought about what he said. She remembered way back when this whole thing started how Jason always wanted to stop and she was the one who didn't mind. She just wanted Jason to be happy, healthy and ok.

   "I don't mind, as long as I get my abilities back too. I can't sit here and watch you wither away and die without being able to help. So if we are going to do this, we need to figure out how to speed mine alone. Maybe talk to Garret he might know. That's the only way I will agree, though."

Katie looked up to see Jason's eyes. She was serious. If they were in this, they were in it together there was no question about that. She loved Jason far too much not to be.

Leaning back in her chair and listing to Kirk Adison thought for a long second. It was strange the whole thing that swirled around Katie and Jason. She had a feeling it was bigger than any of them but why. It was odd and a little unnerving.

   "Maybe we are talking to the wrong people about it."