December 10, 2016


Stepping inside and seeing the look on everyone’s face Ashlee glanced at Travis before biting her lip. Something told her they were in more trouble than she thought. Looking back at everyone else Ashlee’s eyes land on Eric. The look he gave her spoke louder than words. His look made her heart sink to see the look of disappointment.

   “Well...we wanted to go into town and get a burger. We didn’t see any harm and nothing happened, so there was nothing to worry about.”

Finally, standing Stacy stood next to Eric her eyes blazing. She didn’t like Ashlee disobeyed her and she didn’t like her attitude now either. She was livid and beyond angry.

   “We had everything to worry about young lady. We told you no, something could of happened and we were worried sick.”

   “But nothing did happen Mom, we are fine and old enough to make up our own minds.”

   “ASHLEE LYNN…You are sixteen years old and as long as you live with me you will follow my rules do you understand?”

   “But Mo…”

   “ENOUGH…I do not what to hear another world. You are grounded for a week, a month, the rest of your life. You will do your chores in the morning, eat with this family, go back to your bunk, come eat lunch with Eric or I than back to the bunk, then nightly chores, dinner, and back here do you understand me? No more riding, no more chores, nothing till I tell you otherwise.”

   “That’s not fair…what is the big deal.”

   “The big deal is you disobeyed me and I will not tolerate it.”

   “I can’t believe you are doing this to me because I want to be happy. I hate it here!!”

Turning Ashlee stormed out of the room slamming the door behind her. She couldn’t believe her mom was doing this to her. Completely embarrassing her in front of Travis. She’d be lucky if he ever talked to her again. Getting to her bunk she went inside slamming and locking the door behind her before flopping down on the bed, tears burned in her eyes from how angry she was.

Looking at Eric Stacy ran a hand over her face. She’d never had to deal with this before and it was a total stress out. She needed some fresh air. Leaving the mess hall she went outside and sat down on the porch. What was she going to do now?

Just staying silent Angel finally looked back at Travis. She couldn’t believe he had gone and got himself into trouble like this. He was a good kid, she still thought he was a good kid, but she was still disappointed. Looking at Lane she knew he’d want to talk to him first.