December 9, 2016


Hunter's words were like a drink to the soul. Soaking up what it could, before it was gone. It made her feel safe. The whole words was outside cruel, hard, ready to kick her while she was down a little more, but here...she felt safe, confidant, her new found friend at her side, someone she never would of expected.

Feeling the car shift Hunter's hand still on top of hers it was like riding a bike, she never forgot how to drive, the thrill, the rush, it was all still there coursing through her now, like it had all the other times she drove. Never gone, just lost for a short while.

Moving with the car Ryan kept her eyes forward only glancing at Hunter once or twice but quickly putting them back on the road. Though fear was still in her the Adrenalin seemed to win out in this battle. Pulling into first Ryan couldn't help the small grin that played at the corner of her lips, and wanted to come to make itself known but didn't. The small victory felt like a million dollars at the moment. There was something there though, and if her mouth didn't show it, her eyes did as they gave a small twinkle before it was gone.

   "That...was a lot of fun. Deep down...I think I really missed it. Even if I'm not ready to drive myself again, I'm happy I came with you. Thank you."

As the people started to gather to congratulate the winner Ryan new if she wanted to avoid the crowd she better go now. Maybe she helped, but this was Hunter's victory and he deserved to enjoy it. She hadn't seen Alec at all tonight, not even once. It made her wonder for a long moment before turning slightly to Hunter. 

   "I'll let you bask in your victory now as you should. Thank you again, I really mean that. Don't be a stranger now that you know where I live. It was really nice getting to hang out with you today."

Ripping the crust off her grilled cheese Ashlee popped it into her mouth and chewed. Boy it sure did taste good today. Maybe it was just the company that made it taste a million times better. Sitting here with Travis was really nice.  Thinking about Travis's question about her dad Ashlee stiffened just a little. It wasn't his fault, he just wanted to get to know her.

   "I don't know anything about my dad unfortunately. He left when he found out my mom was going to have me. I guess he never wanted kids. I don't even have a faint memorie of him."

Ripping off another piece of the sandwich again Ashlee fell silent just thinking for a long moment. Sometimes she thought she was lucky to have never met her father. You don't know what you are missing if you never had it to start with. But than at the same time, it was hard to see everyone else have something she didn't/

   "I like I say I have a Mom-dad! She fills both rolls for me and is extremely good at it too. Just something I have learned to live with."

Nate's heart broke for Garret even more. He really did feel bad, for more than one thing. He felt bad about Victoria, he felt bad about his family, he felt bad for everything he had to go through in life. It was so much different than the others they encountered. While everyone else had a choice, Garret never did.

   "Family can mean a lot of different things. But to us it means we look out for each other, when one falters we all do, when one needs help we are right there to help. Caring, going above and beyond. To be family, you don't have to be blood related. It's the actions that define a family."

He wasn't sure if Garret would understand but he hoped he had explained it well enough to him.