December 13, 2016


Reaching out and looking at the pictures of the smiling faces Jamison had shown him his own smile spread across his face. Dalton loved seeing how some people could be so involved with there family. It was nice to see in a world that was losing what family really was meant to be.

   "Big family you have but it would like they are wonderful and I bet they love you just as much as you love and talk about them."

Thinking for a long second Dalton looked back at the computer for a long moment. There was something about Jamison's tone that was almost sad. He talked about his family, he loved his family but you could tell how much he missed them and how lonely he was. Did he really have no friends?

   "Scott and I are going to go out for dinner tonight. Nothing fancy, more than likely just pizza, but would you like to join us? If we are going to be working together we are going to need to know more about each other. It's a must so we can keep the snacks you like on hand."

Standing and smiling at Kirk Adison shook her head. Sometimes it was hard to believe they actually were a couple now. It had always felt that way just with none of the perks or title but now to actually admit it, it just seemed unreal, unplanned and perfect.

   "Sounds sound good to me. Just no onions..I'm told they dont go well with dessert."

Continuing to listen to Aaron talk Sam just listened. The wheels in her mind were turning as he talked, just taking everything in and figuring out who Aaron was. She was happy he was talking honestly. It helped her understand him better and his way of thinking.

Just continuing to search his eyes Sam could see the pain that clouded them and it made her feel bad. What a hard life he had growing up, and no wonder the Agency sounded like heaven to him when approached. No one should have to live like that and yet so many people out there were. It braked her heart more than anyone would ever know.

  "Sooner or later you are going to have to let Garret go you know. Focus on healing, and being able to get out there again and have your future. It's never going to happen though if you are clouded by the hatred of Garret's betrayal."

Shifting again Sam pulled out another file and started looking though it before glancing up at Aaron again. Would he ever be able to let go?

   "Garret might of betrayed you, Victoria might have shot you, but only you can work on your progress, get better and move forward. You don't have to agree with that, or believe it, just remember it."

Getting ready to make her rounds Stacy stopped thinking she hear something. Maybe it was Ashlee moving around. Straining to listen she heard it again coming from her window followed by a muffled voice. The hair on her neck bristled as she drew her gun and slowly went over. Opening it and seeing Travis her lips twisted into a frown as she put her gun away.

   "Travis, what on earth are you doing? I some how doubt your dad sent my window."

Crossing her arms over her chest Stacy just waited for Travis's reply. She had a pretty good idea what he was doing here but wanted to hear what he had to say.