December 6, 2016

Head, Heart

Thinking for a long second about Travis' question she looked down at him and smiled. Looking into his eyes she wondered if he really did like her or if it was because she was the only one there his age. She didn't want to assume that and Travis seemed nice enough to not be that kind of guy but it was a thought that floated through her mind anyways. She'd never had a guy be interested in her like this before. Maybe to many were intimidated her mom was a cop, or maybe everything was just leading up to this.

   "Going into town for a date sounds like a really great idea. I'd definitely like to go with you."

Ashlee couldn't help the flutter in her stomach she felt. No matter what this was new, and it felt good to have someone who was interested in her. Travis was good looking, and nice on top of it. 

Thinking about the option as Rick told Aaron about he knee Sam hated the ball was in her court. She'd just take it and run normally but this was all new. She'd never been a handler before, and having to actually make a desition on someones life other than her own was hard. Her heart told her to care for and take care of Alec, and her head said he was a criminal and he should be treated as such. 

   "I'll stay here handcuffed for a little while till his knee heals a little. Than we will move him and no more handcuffs as long as he can refrain from hurting anymore."

For now Aaron was already cuffed, and she new honestly it was what was best but still on the inside it ripped her apart. 

   "I'll be back,"

Turning Sam left the infirmary and made her way to the security office. So far the only people she really connected with here was Hal and she hoped he wonder mind her dropping in.

Entering and sitting down in what now because her favorite chair she swiveled back and forth for a long second before finally looking at Hal.

   "I dont know if I am cut out for this job after all. I'm starting to wonder if I was better off just doing paperwork and busting the bad guys. I didn't have to deal with other emotions as well. My heart tells me to be nice, and my head tells me not to care. I just...I dont know what to do."