December 14, 2016


Watching Travis leave again Ashlee let out a long sigh. This whole thing had turned out to be such a big mess. A bigger one that she had imagined. She didn't know when she was going to be able to ride again, when she would be able to hang out with her own group at meals, and when she would ever actually be able to spend time with Travis again. She'd see him around though and at least that would be nice. Next time though she'd just listen to her mom. Seeing Travis at the ranch and spending time with him here, was better than seeing him but not being able to talk to him.

Hearing Hal's voice Sam turned around and gave a wave. It was good to see Hal as her day was ending. This was only her second day here and he had helped her so much already. Smiling and leaning against her car she nodded.

   "Heya! Nah no screaming today, but never know what kind of mood I might be in."

Shifting just a little Sam couldn't help but notice how handsome Hal looked in his leather jacket. She hadn't noticed before but maybe it was because of the horrible light inside. His eyes twinkled as he talked as well. Realizing she was letting her mind linger to far she tried to recover from how silly she felt now. 

   "How was your afternoon? Anymore juicy gossip on Kirk and Adison I can use against them?"

The night had gone well and Dalton was pleased with the conversation that went around the table. Jamison seemed alright and like he would fit in ok with there little group. With how he and Scott worked that was important to him. He hoped Scott would feel the same way.

Once Jamison was gone and the table fell quiet again Dalton took a sip of her drink. Scott hadn't had much to eat tonight and it worried him. He wondered if something was wrong, or if just all the change was getting to him. 

   "Yeah I will tonight. I know its not the best thing in the world for you but I just want to make sure you are safe till Reese gives me the ok. I don't think it will be to much longer."

Silent again for a second Dalton was quiet. He new Scott hated having a shadow but it was for his safty. He just wished so many things could be different for them.

   "Are you doing ok today? I know this whole situation stinks I just...feel like there is something more. Idk why just one of those feelings I guess."