December 8, 2016

For Us

   “Oh my goodness…”

Ashlee couldn’t help but laugh from the stove as the bread went head over end onto the counter with a plop. Taking the slice from him after he fixed it her eyes were still wide. This wasn’t town but at least they were laughing and having a good time. Swatting at his hand and putting the bread into the pan with a sizzle Ashlee busted out laughing again.

   “Oh course I didn’t! Just remember that one is yours.”

   “She went back Garret because she loved you. I know I said it before and you didn’t believe me, but she did. If she hadn’t you might be in danger for the rest of your life and she knew you didn’t deserve that. Maybe it wasn’t the way you wanted it to happen, but it was indeed for you and every day it kills her a little more, but knowing you are safe, not hunted gives her at least a little comfort.”

It had been a while since Victoria’s last call to him but the last thing they talked about was Garret. It was amazing someone like her would even open up to him. But maybe it was because she had no one else to talk to about it that she talked to him when she could.

   “Letting go can be good, moving on it ok but you can keep her in your heart always just like she will do with you. Victoria love your Garret, and that is why she felt it was necessary to let you go to save you.”

Taking another sip of his coffee Nate thought for a long second. He didn’t like putting his family in the middle of things but what he said next was the truth.

   “I know you came for Victoria, but maybe…you can stay for us. You are part of our family, and we love having you here.”

Looking back to Eli, than Hunter and then to the open door Ryan just looked in for a long moment. Her heart raced in her chest and she felt warm. Scared was hardly the word she would use to describe how she felt. She’d never felt like this before and she didn’t like it.


Taking in a breath and closing her eyes for a long moment Ryan counted to ten. She could do this, she knew she could, there was nothing to be scared of, Hunter would keep her safe, he was going to be right next to her.

   “Ok…I’ll warm it up. I’m…I’m ready when you are. Eli…see….see you at the finish line?”