December 1, 2016


"If I'm good," Aaron muttered under his breath. He really was stuck somewhere between a dog and a five-year-old. Starting forward at a slow pace, he was tempted not to put any weight on his knee at all, but knew he had to at least a little. He had to heal...he just had to. 

At the mention of Victoria, he bristled and stopped his route to look at Sam. Fire blazed in his eyes. "She and I were assigned to come 'rescue' Garret. Had I known they were secret lovers, I would have turned her in. She let me think she was in as much trouble as Garret, so when I tried to get them both out, she pulled the trigger. Literally. Which is why now I'm using crutches." An extra element was added to his eyes. Pain. Emotional pain. He'd taken it personally.

"Apparently this whole thing was Garret's plan alone though, because she got away scott free. The only satisfaction I've got is the fact that she didn't stay with him. If he's serves him right. I followed him for years. All I wanted was to be his right hand man. And he went and betrayed everything we'd been working for." He shook his head. "And here I am, a prisoner, while he's out pretending to be the hero who switched sides, and while Victoria is back where I ought to be. Thirteen years of my life, down the toilet because of those two." 

There was obvious bitterness in his tone, and he looked away from Sam to start forward again. He was completely at the Elite's mercy with no control...all he had was his anger. 

Dylan wasn't sure why the thought of hanging around Travis didn't really appeal to him. He should be excited to have another guy his age around, right? Finally someone to hang out with? And yet... 

Coming to a fork in the path, he veered right to keep them on the easier trail, and glanced over at Ashlee to make sure she was okay with Moonbeam. "You know me...if I didn't show up in my usual corner at supper, somebody would prolly think something was wrong." It was true. Every once in a while he'd still join Sparky and Faith for supper, or if his dad and Rosetta were having family time, he'd get invited to the house. But typically he was in the main house for meals, which meant he took up residence in the back corner away from everyone else. It was just...easier that way. 

Spotting a patch of purple wildflowers that had survived late into their season, Dylan hung down off the side of his saddle and grabbed a small bunch of them as they passed. Sorting out some grass and weeds, he steered closer to Ashlee and handed them to her. "If you put 'em in your saddlebag, they'll prolly last 'til we get back," he suggested. 

Gunner just nodded his agreement. He'd go wherever Bree wanted to. Walking alongside her, holding her hand, his fingers felt her engagement ring, and he felt his chest tighten just a little. She deserved so much more than this. He knew if he voiced that, it would just start an argument though, so he kept it to himself. 

Just staying quiet for a while, he walked, glad to at least be outdoors. It really wasn't so bad here. He had an upcoming session with one of the doctors this afternoon and he knew they'd try to get into his head, but, other than could be worse. 

Spying a bench under a little tree, he aimed that way and sat down next to Bree, still keeping his hand in hers. "It's a long drive for you to come down here," he mentioned softly. "Don't you have work today?"