December 2, 2016

Five Star

Sam let out another sigh and a part of her felt bad for Aaron. She knew to him maybe this wasn’t much different than actually being in jail. He was still locked here, but if they let him free he’d run and they didn’t need that. This was a lot harder than she had expected though. What she had excepted was to find an angry man who tried to throw his weight around. This was different though, much different.
“I’m sorry you think Garret stabbed you in the back. That had to be a hard thing to swallow and honestly I can’t blame you for that. As I said before it’s a heavy weight to be carrying around.”
Standing from her hair and pulling the handcuffs from her pocket she new Aaron needed lunch and she had promised Rick she wouldn’t leave him alone like that. She had to be true to her word, for her sake for Aaron’s sake for everyone sake.
“Also, I’m sorry I have to put these back on you, I need to go get your lunch though before I get in trouble.”
Putting the handcuffs on and making sure they were secure so Aaron couldn’t leave even if he wanted too she walked to the small break room. Opening the freezer and looking at the tv dinner for a long moment she closed the door and opened the fridge. There really wasn’t much in there but there was fixings for a salad, and some left over chicken. Hal had said she could help herself so today she’d whip up something different for Aaron.
It didn’t take long before Sam was coming back into the room closeing the door behind her. Setting the bowl down on the table along with a few other dressings she went over to Aaron and unlocked the cuffs. Sitting down in the same chair she had before she nodded.
“I know it’s a five star meal, but its better than actually trying to get me to cook and it definitely better than a TV dinner. Its all I could do on short notice.” 

Unsaddling the horse and starting to clean her up Ashlee really had, had a fun time today riding. Having someone else to ride with was fun too. Travis was good company after all.
As Travis came back over Ashlee smiled as she continued to brush Moonbeam. She didn’t say anything as she just listened to Travis thank her. She was happy he had a good time, and happy Casper had been a good horse for him as well.
“You are very welcome, it was fun.”
Falling silent again Ashlee couldn’t help the small bit of shock she felt at Travis’ mention to going to lunch some times. Was he asking her on a date? She had never been on a date before, and she had never even known any guys who would want to go on a date with her. This was different and Ashlee had to admit a little exciting and new.
“Yes, I would...I’d like that a lot. I know some great picnic spots we could go too here on the ranch grounds.” 

Sitting across from Justin Ryan was quiet for a long moment as she picked at a spot on the table. This was her normal session with Justin and though she never really had much to say she came anyways. Dr and her brothers orders. In a way she had to admit maybe it was helping just a little.
“I...I don’t know...ok I guess.”
She still hadn’t talking about herself and what she was feeling. In her head it was still all a mess that she was trying to work through. She didn’t know if she would ever be the same again but she wanted to at least be able to be human.
“Yeah I did. It was ok other than all the whispers of people. I...kinda missed it. Got to see a friend who won the race. So that was neat.”
Falling silent again and looking around the park. It was quiet today, more than likely because he forcast had said rain even though they hadn’t gotten any yet. The weather seemed to always match her mood. Cold and dreary. She didn’t mind though in a way Ryan kind of liked it.
“I think that’s a step in the right direction. My brain is still messed up though. Can think right, move slow at work, and...”
Ryan’s words drift off for a second thinking about the times she had seen Alec. “I still see him, just...not as much.”