December 8, 2016


Thinking about Reese’s words Sam was sure she had a look of question on her face, but she was thinking about everything he said. There was his goal, keeping Aaron out of prison and back into a normal life. How she got him there was completely up to her. She wasn’t sure if she liked that or not, but at least it mean she could for her own goals.

   “I can see how everyone being different could not really set many rules. I’ll have to be around Aaron more before I am comfortable enough to set anything solid. Guess I’m just going to have to find a way to fit.”

Standing and taking the last sip of her coke Sam throws it into the garbage can. Hearing Reese ask if she had talked to Hal she turned with a big grin on her face and gave a nod. It was funny in a way Reese suggested her to see him. It was almost like one big circle and just confirmed she had been talking to the right people on the matter to start with.

   “I did, that’s why I came here. Guess he had a good point, If I had a question go to the source. He was right. Thank you for your time Reese.”

Leaving Reese office and wondering back to the infirmary Sam gave a wave and nod to Misty and Rick before wondering over to Aaron. She wasn’t sure if he was sleeping or not and hated to wake him. So instead of trying to wake him and pulled a chair closer and sad down propping her feet up on the bar and leaning back. The day was almost over and she was exhausted.

Feeling the nudge on her knee and giving another laugh Ashlee leaned into Travis’ arm just a little bit before straitening again. She was surprised to hear he had a hard time making friends that just didn’t seem possible.

   “Well anyone who doesn’t want to be your friend is crazy. You have to be one of the nicest, funniest people I have ever met.”

Leaning back against the tree Ashlee spread her legs out in front of her and just sighed with content. She was happy how things were going with Travis. She had a nice time on this date, her first ever. If she was to imagen how it would be this would be just how she’d picture it.

   “Well since technically this is my first date, I think it’s gone rather well. Thank you for letting it be a good first experience.”

Ryan couldn’t help but just look around Hunter’s car and as he shifted her heart gave a little jump. Something deep down inside missed this. She missed being in a race car. Even if it wasn’t going fast there was just something about a car that raced that was…different.

Hearing Hunter’s question brought Ryan back from her thoughts. He was asking her to go somewhere with him. Wasn’t he worried about people would say? Didn’t he know what people sad about her. Did she even want to go?

   “I’d like to go with you but…I don’t think it would be very good for your racing reputation to be seen with someone who is crazy. I think it would be best if….you just took me home.”

Just letting out a sigh Ryan looked out the window again at the passing scenery. You have to let him so or you’ll never move on…Justin’s words ran through her mind. Could she ever move on or was it too late. Justen had said the choice was hers, but even if she did would anything be the same again?