March 31, 2017


Hunter winced as he got whacked a little too hard, then opened his mouth to argue, but it was of little use. Ryan had obviously made up her mind. Not to mention, after their conversation and all that was involved, he was simply exhausted, without energy to fight. He slouched down, ready to either sulk or sleep, when he got the order to finish the toast. He smirked at her, but nodded. "Yeah... okay."

Once she was gone, he was tempted to stuff the toast into the trash where she wouldn't find it, but instead, he did manage to eat it, and forced himself to finish the coffee and the glass of water. Getting up just once to use the bathroom, he was right back in bed again, curling up with his pillow and wanting sleep to take his headache away. His mind was almost too full though... mostly of Ryan. He wasn't sure but had he heard a slight slip of the tongue right before she'd left? And why was she doing all this for him? Had he...been wrong to assume she'd leave him like everybody else? He almost dared not hope.

Eventually, sleep did overtake him once more, offering relief, if only for a little while.

Utterly confused about what was going on, Eli was glad when Ryan finally showed up again. Sitting up in his chair, he listened intently. He wasnt surprised about Hunter, and yet he was. He knew Hunter had been a partyer, but had thought that life was behind him. Realizing he really did have an issue with alcohol though did clear a few things up. And while Eli didn't really like the thought of Ryan staying over with Hunter, he couldn't very well tell her not to help. Not to mention, he saw in her eyes something he liked. It was life. Maybe helping Hunter was giving her some extra purpose. 

"Well..." Eli thought for a few moments before he eventually stood up. He wandered to the kitchen where he pulled a six-pack of beer from the fridge. Then he reached the high cupboard above the stove and retrieved a half-bottle of whiskey he opened in rare occasion. Opening it, he poured the contents down the drain, then threw the bottle away. The beer, he took and set by the door. "I'll find a better place for this when I go out later," he explained. 

Sighing, he put his hands on his hips and looked at his sister. He'd already made up his mind. Hunter was a good man and Eli liked him. So he wasn't going to balk at helping too. "He can be here whenever he wants, and there won't be anything to tempt him." He shrugged. "You know I like my beer, but I don't need it. I can always grab one somewhere else. Besides..." He patted his stomach. "I wouldn't wanna get a beer belly."

20 Min

About to say something Ryan stopped getting Eli's text. She couldn't help but smile at her brother. She could tell he was wondering what was going on.

Hey! Things are better. Got a favor
to ask since you are off. Can you
head over to The Griller and pick
up Hunter's bike and being it to
our place?

Sending the text Ryan new Eli would be even more confused and she felt bad. But all that was going on she wanted to tell him in person.

I'll be home in about 20 min to
explain more...promise.

Tucking the phone back in her pocket Ryan gave a wack to Hunter's arm jolting him for a moment to and she cringed remembering his headache.

   "I don't wanna hear none of your back talk. I'm staying and that's final. I have vacation days I can take for work so that's not a big deal."

Slidding odd the bed Ryan picked up her socks that were on the floor and put them on. Slipping on her tennis shoes she stood and out her hands on her hips. It might look bad but she didn't really care at the moment.

   "You are right it more than likely will look back but honestly I don't care. If people want to gossip before knowing the truth they can. I know we aren't doing a thing wrong, you know we aren't and Eli will Know because...I'd rather not have him kill you since I you and all. Other than that I don't much care what other people have to say."

Turning and heading for the door Ryan stopped getting there again and turning.

   "Drink that water and finish your toast. We'll get some more food later."

Leaving the room Ryan headed to the door and got into her care heading home. She had to tell Eli what was going on. Ryan just hoped he would take this all as well as he had.

..."Eli...I'm home."

Wondering into the house it didn't take long for her to get home. Finding him in the living room Ryan wondered in and sat down on the couch letting out a long sigh.

   "So I'm guessing you want to know what's going on..."

Not wasting much time Ryan filled Eli in on everything and everything Hunter had told her. She also let Eli know she wanted to be supportive and help all she could along with staying at his place the next few days so he wouldnt be alone and stumble more. She assured Eli though she would keep her own head and nothing would happen.

   "So that's where we are at and I told him our home would be a safe haven for him and we would help as much as we could."

Ryan searched her brothers face waiting to hear his opinion on this whole ordeal.  



Hunter blinked and just stared back at Ryan. Was she serious? Her eyes said so. Genuine bewilderment covered his own gaze. "You'd... you'd do that? For me?" He knew she cared about him but... to do this... Some might think it wasn't much, but to him, it was everything. 

Her wanting to stay though, threw him for an even bigger loop. "You... I can't... I mean, I can't let you do that... You have work and, and, and a whole lot better things to do than be stuck here with me. Not to mention..." He bit his lower lip. "Well it wouldn't really look very good, now would it?"

Eli kicked back in his chair, letting one hand flop over the side of the armrest to pet Zidan while his free hand sent a text to Ryan .
Hey Speedy. 
How's things?
I got off work today if you
need me for anything.
Actually, he really wanted to know what was going on and if things were okay.

Stumble. Catch

Just continuing to listen to Hunter Ryan gave a little nod her hand still interlocked with his. Running her thumb over his hand and finger. Her mind worked a million miles a minute trying to figure out a way to help. 

   "Well...if being around people who don't drink helps, then I won't drink anymore either and my apartment will be a safe haven for you. I'll let Eli know too."

Shifting again to see Hunter's face Ryan smiled as she searched his eyes. She could see the worry and the fear. Did he think she would leave him too? 

   "I can't speak for other people but I know I won't abandon you. I care way to much about you do that."

 Sitting up again and shifting so she was facing Hunter Ryan smiled again. He had helped her through her dark time, now it was time for her to help him as much as she could.

   "I guess I should get some clothing so I can stay here with you the next few days to make sure if you stumble, I can catch you."


Feeling Ryan touch his face, Hunter finally lifted his gaze. Instead of finding the dismay or horror or anger he expected, he saw worry... forgiveness... and kindness. Another tear escaped and trickled down his cheek. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to have someone like her taking care of him and shouldering this with him. 

As she settled back next to him, he curled his fingers around hers and stared at the far wall, mulling over her words. "I just... it... I mean..." He slid down a little so he could rest his head on her shoulder, and closed his aching eyes. He was quiet long enough that one might think he'd fallen back to sleep, but really, he was desperately trying to clear his head enough to make sense. "When I was at the ranch the first time... with Katie..." He swallowed hard. "Mick really helped me. He's an alcoholic too so he understood. I got dry and when I got back here... I guess Katie kept me on track 'cause she doesn't drink and I didn't think about it as much." He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. As painful as this was, it was a relief to finally tell Ryan. 

"Last time I fell off the wagon was when I realized Katie still loved Jason. I didn't know how to cope so... I brought a bottle home and drowned my misery." His fingers toyed with hers nervously as he spoke. "I got a hold of Mick and he told me I was an idiot, and I got myself straightened out again. Then... then yesterday... I dunno what happened." He paused again as the guilt hounded him. "No, that's a lie." 

His eyes opened and he sat up straighter to lean his head back on the wall again, but turned to face her this time. His gaze proved how heavy this burden felt to him. "I gave you the short version of my life once... and sometimes it comes back to haunt me and... and I get scared that people I care about are just gonna reject me... or abandon me. I got reminded yesterday of some of the things I'd lost out on and... I couldn't get it out of my head, and I just wanted to get my mind to relax so..." 

He sighed. "I really thought I could just go and have one drink and walk away but... but I guess not. I was stupid to think I could control it like that." His eyes searched hers, truly wondering why she was still sitting here. "The next couple days, I... I'll prolly wanna drink real bad... then it'll ease off again and... and I just..." Tears entered his eyes once more. "I just need someone to tell me no... and help me focus on something else."


Ryan was happy Hunter was at least eating a little more this morning. She would argue with him if he didn't but it was nice she didn't have to worry about doing that.

About to say something else Ryan stopped just listening to Hunter. She was sad to hear he'd had a bad day but she was more sad to think his only way out was to drink. She was better than that and she new it. The mention of being a Alcoholic didn't surprise her all the much. Knowing his past made her believe it more. She didn't know how had been on the right path till now and he just had a slip up.

   "Oh Hunter..."

Seeing the tears that sprang into his eyes she reached out cradling his face in her hand letting her thumb whip away his tears. Her heart honestly did break for him.

   "You know they say admiting you have a problem is the first step in recovery."

Shifting a little so she could move onto the bed more and lean back next to him and lock fingers Ryan was quiet for a long moment just thinking. She wanted to help she just wasn't sure how.

   "You don't have to do this alone. I'm here and I'll help all you can. I will never be to busy to help. You just tell me what I need to do...Ok?"


Hunter wasn't sure how much he'd had to drink the night before either, so he was just as clueless as Ryan, unfortunately. Honestly though, he was surprised she was still here this morning. She'd stayed all night? Just to make sure he was okay? He felt the bed move and heard her leave, then heard the rattling of dishes in the kitchen. The last thing he wanted was anything to eat. The thought alone made his stomach churn. But he had a feeling she was going to be taking care of him, whether he liked - or deserved - it or not. 

By the time she returned to the bedroom, he'd sat up and was leaning back against the wall and hugging his pillow. His eyes were half open, but he couldn't even look at Ryan. He felt too guilty... too ashamed. He was never going to remember everything from yesterday, but there were bits and pieces coming back to him now, and he knew he'd failed miserably in multiple ways. 

He glanced at the nightstand and was tempted to refuse, but his better sense won out, and he picked up a piece of toast and the coffee after he'd set his pillow aside. Taking a sip, he cringed as it went down, then rolled his eyes. It was definitely black, and it was strong. He forced himself to take several more swallows before he nibbled on the toast as well, bypassing his nausea in the hopes that this really would make him feel better. 

Eventually though, his silence was too much, even for him. His guilt was gnawing at him worse than the black coffee, and he couldn't stand it. He set the cup aside and focused on his hands in his lap. Ryan had a right to know the truth... as much as he didn't want to say it, he knew he had to. It was the one secret he'd kept from her, and now he had to tell her.

He picked around one of his thumbnails, trying to decide which words to use. His head hurt so bad that it made thinking even harder. "I'm sorry," he finally apologized softly. "For... for last night. I... remember being at the Griller with Jeb and Triston, and I kinda remember you showing up but... that's about it." He swallowed hard. He just needed to say it. "I'm an alcoholic." Tears sprang into his bloodshot eyes, but he kept them from spilling over. His fingers stopped moving and he stared down at his hands as the heat crawled up the back of his neck. He knew this probably ruined everything between them. Who would want to have a relationship with a drunk? "I, um..." His voice remained so quiet, it was almost a whisper. "I can't have just one drink... I... I didn't set out to get drunk last night." He paused again, still refusing to look at her. He didn't want to see the look in her eye that said they were over. "I was having a rough day," he admitted. "I just... wanted to relax, so... when Jeb invited me to tag along, I... I thought I could just go and have one beer to take the edge off, but..." He shook his head miserably. "Once I started, I couldn't stop."

He fell quiet before shrugging lamely. He knew this wasn't over. Now that he'd had a taste again, by the time his hangover was gone, he'd be craving another drink, and it wouldn't be fun. He didn't even want to think what Ryan thought of him now, though. 


Morning came quickly and Ryan had been awake then laid back down again a few times now while waiting for Hunter to wake up. She was just going to let him sleep and work whatever needed to be out of his system out and wake when he was ready. 

Feeling Hunter move around next to her and hearing his voice Ryan shut the game off she had been playing on her phone and sat up looking at Hunter. Even though his eyes were closed she offered a small smile.

    "I'm here because I wanted to make sure you were ok. I don't know how much you drank last night, or how much you mixed together so I just wanted to make sure you didn't have alcohol poisoning."

Getting up from the bed she wandered from the bedroom to the kitchen she bare feet scuffing on the floor. There was a little clattering around as she poured a glass of water and a cup of coffee. Also getting a plate with some toast on it for him to eat. 

Coming back into the bedroom she set it own on the little nightstand than sat on the bed. He hadn't wanted to eat much last night but he needed to this morning to keep his strength up an chase the hang over away.

   "Here is some's black so won't taste good but it will help with the hangover. Also some water, and toast you need to drink and eat to get yourself rehydrated."

Miserable Morning

Eli still wasn't sure what was going on, but he trusted his sister's judgment.
Ok. If you need help or
anything, let me know. 
He settled back into the couch and slid his hand down Scarlet's arm to interlock his fingers with hers. He'd soak up all the time he had before she left town again.

Prompted to get up, Hunter stood...too quickly. His head spun and he stumbled to the side, latching on to the counter to keep from falling. Regaining his balance, he tried again, once more leaning on Ryan as they slowly went to his bedroom.

Making it to the unmade bed, he slid down to curl on his side, his eyes immediately falling shut. He was too far gone to be roused, and would hardly move all night...

...Hunter stirred, lying on his back as he started to wake. It was mid-morning. He pried open his eyes, only to be met with blinding light streaming in through the half-open curtains. Scrunching his eyes closed again, he rolled over onto his stomach, which was more comfortable, but now he also felt his throbbing head, and he groaned.

Still shifting a little, his foot moved against something warm that was not his blanket. His eyes became slits as he tried to focus through the pain, and he suddenly realized he was not alone. Ryan? For just a split second, panic washed over him. He couldn't remember a thing about last night. Realizing he was fully clothed eased his conscience, but he was very unsettled. He let his head sink back in his pillow and closed his eyes again. He hadn't felt this awful in a very long time. He might not remember how much he'd had to drink, but he knew it must have been a lot, and not only did that make him feel physically ill, but mentally as well. And having Ryan here just made it worse. What kind of fool had he made out of himself? 

Assuming she was awake since he could tell by the light that they were well into the day, he finally spoke. Or mumbled, rather hoarsely, still keeping his eyes shut. "What are you doing here?" He at least had to know that so he could put some pieces together. 


Feeling the buzz of her phone Ryan took it out of her pocket again and looked at it giving a smile. She would always be thankful of her brother protectiveness.

I'm at Hunters. He had a rough night and is not doing to well.
I just want to stay with him to make sure he is going
to be ok.

Watching Hunter eat Ryan was happy he at least eat and drank a little. It was better than nothing at this point. In the morning she would cook something else light for him and give him some more water too.

   "I'm here because I want to keep and eye on you to make sure you are ok, and your bike is still at The Griller. You road back here with me. We will get it tomorrow, or I'll have Eli bring it by."

Taking their plates Ryan threw the rest of Hunter's toast away and put the dishes in the sink running some water on them. Coming back to the table and over to Hunter she tugged on his arm to help him up.

   "Come on, let's get you laying down in bed and under the covers. I'd say you will feel better in the morning but I am pretty sure you are going to have a wicked headache."


Eli read Ryan's text, his brow furrowing in concern. He sat on the couch with Scarlet's head in his lap as they watched a movie, his hand absentmindedly running through her hair. His sister's text bothered him though, and he replied with his free hand.
Ok... Can I at least know
where you are?

Hunter didn't move for a few moments, but eventually he sat up a little straighter and started nibbling on the toast. It was dry enough that it helped encourage him to drink the water too. Even though it made him nauseous, at least it didn't come back up.

He managed to finish the water and one piece of toast before pushing the plate away. His eyes were more bloodshot than glazed now, but his face was still pale. All the laughter and humor was gone, leaving him miserable, but he wasn't even sure why. The reasons were all lost in the haze.

"I don't feel good," he mumbled. "Why are you still here? And where's my bike?" His eyes drifted shut and his head started to drop before he snapped it back up again. He wasn't even sure how he'd ended up back at his own apartment.


As Hunter came into the room Ryan just watched him to make sure he was ok. He wasn't sure how much he'd had to drink, or how much he had mixed together so she just wanted to keep a close eye on him.

Taking a bite of her own toast she pushed his plate closer to him. He needed to eat and he needed to drink. Even if it made him sick again he had too.

   "You may not feel like it but you need too. Putting something in your stomach will help."

Ryan tried to keep she smile for Hunter's sake. Really there was no point in being upset with him, not at the moment anyways.

   "Drink the water slowly, and take small bites of the toast. Trust me you will thank me in the morning. Then we can get you tucked into bed to sleep the rest of it off."


In a drunken daze, Hunter just nodded at Ryan as he sat on the floor. He wasn't sure if he understood her or not, but he was feeling too lousy at the moment to argue. After another couple waves hit, his head and stomach were aching. That seemed to be the last of it though, and he managed to shower, albeit clumsily, taking twice as long just because his mind was moving that much more slowly. After changing into the clean clothes Ryan had found, he walked shakily to the kitchen in his bare feet, his hair still wet.

Exhausted and still feeling sick, his motormouth had ceased, leaving him quiet as he sank into a chair. He folded his arms and bent to rest his head on them, sighing deeply. "I don't feel like eating an'thing," he mumbled. With his head down, his eyes looked over at Ryan. They weren't quite as glazed, but it was obvious he was still far from sober.

Toast and Water

Getting Hunter inside Ryan was about to direct him to his room when he stumbled off to the bathroom. Hearing him throw up Ryan cringed. She could only guess it was not a very good experience since he hadn't eaten all day.

Going in and checking on him to make sure he was ok. Rubbing his back for a second Ryan flushed the toilet so a least it would be fresh for when round two came along. Standing again she exited the bathroom and took her jacket off. Taking her phone out of her pocket she brought up Eli's number quick.

Hey just wanted to give you a heads up I wouldn't
be home tonight. Everything is ok, I'll explain tomorrow.
Just didn't want you to worry.

Going to the kitchen and seeing what Hunter had to eat Ryan grabbed the loaf of bread and some butter before toasting it and putting very light butter on it. It wasn't much but it was at least something to put in Hunter's stomach and help soak up the Alcohol. Setting it on the table she also grabbed a glass of water.

Heading back to the bathroom she poked her head in looking at Hunter. She felt bad for him. Something really must have got to him to cause him to do this. There was no point in talking to him about it now but tomorrow she would.

   "If you think you can hope in the shower and clean up. It will help you feel better. I will bring you some fresh clothing. Then I'll be in the kitchen with some toast and water for you to eat and drink. It will help you feel better."

March 30, 2017


Though halfway to sleep, Hunter lifted his head at Ryan's voice and gave her a crooked grin. "I dunno... I can't r'member." He looked around at the passing scenery. "Where we goin' anyhow?" He squinted. "Was I s'posedta take you somewheres? Cause I..." He belched and shook his head. "I think I forgot somethin'."

As they turned another corner, he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the window. The car ride was quickly making him dizzy. "Supper? Was that it?" he mumbled. "I wasn'a gonna stay long. I jus' stopped fer a quick one. Ya know... with th' guys..."

He rattled on about Jeb and Triston, about half of what he said making sense, and the other half lost in his slurred and backwards words. By the time they reached his apartment, he was slouched in the seat, his face having turned from flushed to pale.

After untangling himself from the seatbelt, he managed to get out of the car, but still leaned heavily on Ryan. Staggering forward, there was no way he would have made it on his own, and twice he almost took them both down. Finally getting inside his apartment, he shed his jacket and was on his way to the couch, when his stomach finally caught up to him.

His drunken chatter ceased as he tried to hold it in, stumbling to the bathroom where he sank to the floor in front of the toilet to throw up. Without any prior food, the alcohol was doing a number on him, and all he could do was just sit in misery as his stomach tried to empty itself.

The Best

Trying to keep Hunter up Ryan struggled and was thankful again for Zan's help. Still prompting Hunter as they walked Ryan was just happy to be out of the bar and getting Hunter home. She was sure he had food at his house she could make them for them. 

Getting him into the car and turning to Zan again she nodded. He was an alright guy in her book and would always remember he helped her. 

   "Thanks for you help. I appreciate it. More than likely if Hunter still is in no shape to ride it tomorrow I'll have my brother come get it."

Going around to the driver side Ryan was about to get in and stopped. Hearing the comment about her car she couldn't help but let her smile grown. She really was proud of the work Eli and Axel had done. 

   "Thank you. If you ever need a new paint job on one of your cars, look my brother up. He's one of the best."

Getting in and buckling up Ryan made sure Hunter was too before pulling out of the parking lot and heading to his house. Looking over at him it looked like he had fallen asleep. Letting out a small sigh she shook her head.

   "Oh Hunter...what happened to make you do this to yourself?!"


Hunter didn't resist Ryan's promptings, and staggered next to her, still leaning on her just to stay upright. "Mmm... yer sure nice ta do that."

Jeb moved to go after them, but backed off as Zan gave him a warning glance. "You just stay put and have some more beer til you pass out," he suggested. Turning, he followed after Ryan to make sure they made it outside okay.

Hitting the evening air, Hunter's senses stirred but we're too far in a fog for it to make much difference. Seeing his bike, he aimed for it instead of Ryan's car, but the different direction threw him off balance and he stumbled, almost taking Ryan down with him.

Zan quickly came up from behind and grabbed his other arm to keep him upright. "You're not riding home," he chided. He helped guide him to Ryan's car instead, and it took a little doing, but they finally got Hunter inside and buckled in.

Breathing a little heavily from the effort, Zan put his hands on his hips and nodded to Ryan. "Get him home. I'll move his bike around back where it's safer." He glanced at the car again before giving her a crooked grin. "And by the way... nice wheels."


Still holding her smile Ryan nodded. Even if she felt a little shaky at the moment She was trying to keep her composure the best she could. For everyone's sake even Hunters.

   "I know you were, I wanted to drive my new car some more so I decided to come to you."

As Hunter leaned into her Ryan held him up. He was almost like dead weight so it was harder than normal but she would manage.

   "We will leave your bike here for now and take my car. Better safe than sorry ok?"

Moving forward to help him Ryan stopped at Jeb's voice and looked at him. Her eyes had a fire in them that wasn't there before. She wasn't upset with Hunter, only concerned. She was upset though with the other idiots that didn't have the sense to know when enough was enough and encouraged instead of looked out for them.

   "You don't need to be drunk to have fun."

Though she seemed composed inside she could feel herself shaking a little. She wasn't ready for anymore confrontation and didn't know how well she could stand against a bunch of drunk guys while trying to keep Hunter safe too.

As Zan came closer Ryan locked eyes with him and nodded. She was thankful he was there and willing to help her out. She new her look would be enough to tell him thanks. Shifting a little to get Hunter into a more comfortable position to walk leaning on her Ryan started forward again.

   "Come on...I parked pretty close so you won't have to walk far."


Still carrying on at the bar, Hunter didn't even notice Ryan until she'd come up to him. Swinging his glazed eyes her direction, they widened. "Ohhhh.... I w's gonna come getcha." He nodded. "But Jeb here... distr'cteded me." His face was flushed and he wore a stupid grin in spite of something deep down trying to tell him this was all wrong.

"Eat?" He thought hard before shaking his head and almost falling off the barstool again. "I... can't 'member."

Triston burst out laughing. "We ate, but you dint."

"Right right." Hunter snickered and took another swig of beer from his bottle. "I'm... ready when you are." He slid off the stool and leaned heavily on her to keep his balance. "Got my bike waitin' sideout," he slurred.

"Aw c'mon," Jeb complained. "We aren't done yet!" He stood as well, wobbling a little as he took a step closer to Ryan. "Leave 'im be. He d'serves a night a fun."

Back in the corner away from all the noise, Zan sat in a chair, his feet propped up on the table. He took a slow sip from the same bottle of beer he'd been nursing for over an hour, while his eyes remained on the scene. Seeing Jeb move towards Ryan, Zan lowered his feet and stood. He maneuvered his lanky frame around the other tables before coming close and setting a hand on Jeb's shoulder to keep him from going any further. He spoke calmly over his shoulder to Ryan. "I suggest getting your boyfriend out into some fresh air before these goons start trouble."


Still trying to make out where Hunter was Ryan now knew she heard other people, music, clanking of glasses, and someone's who's voice she new. It was the Bartended from the Griller. At least she new now where he was. 

   "You are not an idiot.."

Hearing Hunter says he was going to come and get her Ryan bristled. That was the last thing she wanted. Who knew if he was on his bike or not and with the way he was he should not be driving at all. As the line went dead her heart race more as she threw her car into reverse and pulled out of the driveway. It was time to put this new baby to the test.

Speeding across town Ryan took turns faster than normal, and speed through the side streets. She normally wouldn't go that fast in town but she had to get to The Griller before Hunter decided to leave.

Pulling into the lot Ryan saw Hunter's bike and breathed a small sigh of relief. At least he was still there and safe for the most part. Getting inside and making her way past the people she finally spotted him along with two other people she knew was no good.


Coming up to him she smiled and put an arm over his shoulder. She could tell by the glazed look in his eye he was so far gone and in a way is scared her. What had happened today to cause him to do this. She'd thought for sure his old life was behind him.

   "Ah hah...I knew I'd find you. Have you eaten yet? I'm starving." 


Hunter's eyes widened as it finally registered why Ryan was calling him, and he audibly swore at himself. "Ohhh... not good. I'm an idiot."

Jeb snickered at him and nudged him with his foot. "We alr'dy knew th't," he slurred.

Hunter started to laugh before clamping a hand over his mouth. "Shhhh," he hushed his inebriated friends. He tried to understand Ryan, but his brain was moving so slowly, it was difficult. "Ohhh, um... So sorry... I..." He cringed as he pulled himself up off the floor and draped himself over the barstool to stsy standing. "D'nt worry, I'll, um, I'll come getcha. Pr'mise."

As he tried to stand up and get seated again, he stumbled and dropped his phone, unintentionally ending the call. He stared down at it wide-eyed. "Oops."

Triston cracked up and had to keep himself from falling over. "Didya just hang up on yer girlfriend?"

"I think so." Hunter picked up his phone and squinted at it. "Yip. I... gotta go."

"What fer?" Jeb whacked his arm. "Let a girl run ya life and you'll be misar... myser... mis... you'll be sorry." He took the shot glass that was in front of him and offered it to Hunter instead. "Here. She can wait."

Hunter cackled and downed the shot, wincing as he swallowed it. "Yer absolutedly right. B'sides... I think I forgot where she lives."

At that, all three were laughing again.


Hearing a bunch more commotion Ryan was a little surprised when Hunter talked. He sounded extremely drunk. She knew he drank still but she didn't think he got plastered anymore, not to mention it seemed very uncharacteristic for him to have missed one of there dates. 

   "Yes, you were going to pick me up at six."

Ryan couldn't help her heart raced thinking about a million things. She didn't know who he was with, how he was going to get home, or if he was really even ok. The last thing she wanted though in the state he seemed to be in was to panic and try to drive.

   "It's ok though I was running a little late myself..."

It was a lie but in this moment it was the only thing Ryan could think of doing to keep Hunter put. Already having her keys in hand and grabbing her leather jacket she was heading out the door.

    "...Where are you so I can meet up with you now?!"


"Whooee!" Hunter spun around on the barstool and almost fell off, barely catching himself on the bar, and knocking into his beer which he almost spilled.

Jeb and Triston burst out laughing. "Ride 'em, cowboy!" Jeb encouraged.

Hunter snickered and took a swig of his beer, not sure which one he was on by now. It had started out with just one as planned... then Jeb had convinced him to have just one shot of whiskey. Then he'd wanted to leave, but he'd started to feel so relaxed, and that had felt so good that he'd chased that with another beer, just for good measure. Then he'd forgotten to look at the clock, and he might have had another shot of whiskey. All the thoughts that had plagued him all day had dissolved, leaving his mind a lethargic mess, but at least it was numb. Now he didn't know what all he'd had within the last hour and a half.

Still laughing, Hunter finally felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket, and struggled to get it out before squinting at the screen. "Ooooooh..." He swiped the screen to answer it as he spun around again, only to lose his balance once more, and dropped his phone on the floor. The other guys laughed even harder as Hunter bent to pick it up and wound up sitting on the floor before he fell there anyway. "Whoops..." He belched and returned to the call. "S'rry 'bout that." He furrowed his brow. Was he supposed to have been somewhere else? He tried to sort out what Ryan was saying. The numbness in his mind was too strong. "Um..." He stifled another laugh as he leaned back against the bottom of the bar stool and tried to hear over the music. "I'm good. Fine. Okeedokee. W's I.... er... s'posed ta..." He blinked through the mental fog, working hard to speak more clearly. "Did I f'rget something? I feel like I mighta f'rgott'n something."


   "No problem Reese. Have a good day."

Hanging up the phone with Reese Destiny just stood in the aisle of the store for a long moment her mind going a million miles a minute. She didn't know what was going on but she didn't like the feeling she had in the pit of her stomach.

Dialing Chance's number Destiny waited disappointed she only got his voice mail as well. What was going on. Was Chance ok or had something happened?

   "Hey Chance its me. Reese called me looking for you since it was your day off and said you weren't answering so wondered if I could get a hold of you. Call me back, and call him when you get a second. Bye."

Looking at her watch again and then out the window again Ryan tried her best not to worry. Eli had left to do something with Scarlet since she had just gotten back in town. She'd texted Hunter, and still heard nothing back. She couldn't help the worry she felt though that something happened. Finally sucking in a deep breath she pulled out her phone and dialed his number. 

Waiting...waiting...Ryan hung up and then tried again. This couldn't be happening, he had to be ok. Waiting while it rang someone finally picked up and she could hear noise in the background. Maybe someone shouting, possible music, she really couldn't make it out.

   "Hunter....Hello...? Hunter is Ryan...I hear lots of noise...are you ok?" 

Ryan paced the hallway unable to help her hands were sweating and her heart was pounding. Zidan sat next to her watching intently knowing something wasn't right.


Getting Ryan's quick response, Hunter grinned. They hadn't had a day without seeing each other since getting back from Texas and... he was okay with that.
Okay. :) See you at 6.

He'd say more, but he knew she was at work and he didn't want her getting in trouble. He had a lot of time to kill now... maybe he'd tinker with his car for a while... maybe he'd go home and throw a movie in... Usually he liked not having normal working hours, but sometimes it did get a little boring.

Getting home and showering, Hunter debated again in his head about what he wanted to do with the rest of his day, and he still wasn't sure. Flopping down on his couch, he grabbed his phone again and started another text message to Mick.
Hey. Bored. Whats new in Texas?

It didn't take long to get a response back.
Bored? Come clean stalls :) 
Not much new. 
Katie and Jason are here - 
they're not doing so hot. FYI.

Hunter frowned. He really didn't know the whole story there, but if Mick was actually mentioning it, it must not be good. At the same time, his chest tightened just as little, reminded again of Katie being back with Jason.
They be ok? 

Hope so. They're sick. But
have help. Not public but 
thought u might wanna know.

Did he? Of course he did. He still cared what happened to Katie. There really were no real hard feelings. Anything else with her just wasn't meant to be. She and Jason had something different - there was no denying that. He didn't understand about how they'd been connected and all, but he believed it to be true. He'd also thought it was over though, and they were out of the woods. But apparently not. There were a ton of questions, but he knew he probably wouldn't understand any better, even if he asked.
Ok. Tell Katie to knock it 
off and get better. 

He paused, sighing. He knew Mick was just being nice, but he really hadn't wanted to think about Katie today. He wanted to text her now too, to find out what was really going on but... he knew he probably shouldn't. After just a little bit of small talk, the quick text conversation was over, and he was left lying on his couch, just staring at the ceiling. Would he ever be able to get rid of these negative feelings? He had Ryan... he shouldn't feel bad anymore... right?

It was a few hours later, and Hunter's stomach growled, reminding him it was past lunchtime and he'd forgotten to eat. Nothing really sounded good, and his refrigerator certainly didn't have anything interesting in it. Getting on his bike, he rode around for a short while and ended up at Mom and Pop's. Pizza was always a good choice. After parking and locking his helmet to his bike, he wandered inside, trying to think of what he might order today. He had barely stepped through the door when he heard his name.


Turning quickly, his eyebrows rose in surprise. Kyle and Alice were sitting at a table over in the corner. Smiling, he waved and came over. "Hi, guys."

Kyle grinned. "Hey. What's up?"

"Eh." Hunter shrugged. "Just killing time and filling my stomach. You?"

"Killing time and filling our stomachs." Kyle laughed. "Actually, Alice was craving Carson's pizza, and when she craves something, well... you just don't say no." He looked over at her, his eyes twinkling as he winked.

Hunter chuckled, glancing at Alice. She looked... good. Happy. They both looked happy. And Hunter was glad they were all friends again. Even so, he couldn't help it that every time he was with them - even though Kyle really was his best friend - there was still a pang at the bottom of his heart. "Well then, I don't wanna interrupt your craving," he teased.

"Wanna join us?" Kyle offered.

"Nah. I'm just gonna grab and go." Part of Hunter wanted to stay. Why not? It would be fun. But today he just didn't want to deal with that little pang. "You two have fun."

"Oh, we always do." Kyle smiled and waved as Hunter walked away, then looked back over to Alice, glancing down at the several slices of pizza left, then up at her again. " wanted pizza, so you better help me finish this off."

After ordering just a single slice of pizza, Hunter left, waving one last time to Kyle and Alice. Outside, he straddled his bike and ate his pizza outside, soaking up some sunshine.

"Yo, Hunt!"

He turned around to see another motorcycle pausing in the street. Jeb waved at him, smiling, then pulled around to park next to him. "How's it going, man! Long time no see."

"Yeah, hey." Hunter gave him a hearty handshake. He hadn't seen Jeb in... well, quite a while, actually. Come to think of it, he hadn't actually talked to him in person since that night at the concert when Katie had arrested him. Jeb had been one of the other rowdy bikers causing trouble. "What are you up to?"

"Oh, you know... just playing around." Jeb grinned. "Hey, me an' Triston gonna go over to The Griller later. Grab a burger and beer. Wanna come?"

Hunter quirked an eyebrow. It did sound like fun. But... he knew in the back of his mind that could be dangerous for him. "I dunno... I got plans tonight."

"He gets off work at four so we'll be there around then. That's early enough isn't it?"

"Maybe." Hunter forced a smile and finished his pizza. "If I show up, you'll see me."

Jeb laughed and nodded. "Alright. See ya later then."

Once he was gone, Hunter sighed and donned his helmet. His mind was much more full than intended for today. Everything from Alice to BreakOut to Katie to his old friends. It made him mad, and he just wanted to clear his head. Starting up his bike, he took off down the street at a higher speed than he should, and aimed for the open road...

...He couldn't stop them. The thoughts. Thoughts of everything. Why had Alice chosen Kyle? How come they got to be a happy little family? Why did the accident have to tear apart BreakOut and leave him stranded? Why had Katie toyed with him just to return to a jerk like Jason? And why did he even care when he had his own girl now? But even Ryan probably wouldn't stick around much longer, and he knew he had to prepare for when she'd leave him, too.

He shut off his motorcycle engine after parking in front of The Griller. It was five o'clock. He saw the other guys' bikes and knew they were still here - they would probably be here the rest of the evening. He hesitated. This wasn't a good idea. But he had a whole hour to kill before picking up Ryan. So he could just go in, say hi, grab just one beer to help his mind relax, and be done. Just a quick, fun little stop to interrupt and cease his senseless thinking. He got off his bike and went inside.

And at six-thirty, he still hadn't shown up at Ryan's.

Garret smirked at Nate as the headache passed, and took another bite, eating it more carefully this time. He mulled over his words for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he thought. "I dunno... isn't that what love is?" He glanced back and forth between him and Laura. "You don't seem to think that's silly and yet... that inflicts the worst kind of pain." 

Laura sat back in her chair and quirked an eyebrow. She couldn't tell if he was really serious, or trying to make a joke. "Or it inflicts the best kind of joy."

Garret looked down at the rest of his ice cream, and wondered. All it had ever brought him was pain.

"Yeah.... yeah, if you could get a hold of him, that would be great." Reese rolled his eyes. "He's probably not answering the phone just because he knows it's me." It wouldn't be the first time one of his agents had tried to ignore him. "Just tell him to call me right away. Thanks, Destiny."


Pulling her phone out of her pocket and not knowing the number Destiny almost didn't answer it but would never forgive herself if it was someone she knew and it was an emergency. Answering the phone and hearing Reese's voice Destiny's heart beat a little faster.  What ha happened to Chance that Reese would be calling her. All they had were each other really, so it made sense he would call.

   "Hey Reese, is everything ok?"

Hearing what he said about Chance having off, and wondering if he was with her Destiny frowned her brow. She could of sworn last night he told her he had to work and that was why he had to go home. Why would he lie to her? 

   "No he's not with me at the moment. I can try to get a hold of him for you and have him give you a call."

Destiny's mind raced a million directions at once. She thought the lying and secrets were over, but it felt like they were starting all over again and Destiny didn't understand why. 

Sitting at the small table in the kitchen Nate enjoyed just being here with Laura and Garret. Caring on light conversation and enjoying there cold treat. Seeing Garret get brain freeze out of the courner of his eye he couldn't help but laugh a little. 

   "You know I never thought of it before but humans have to be some of the silliest people. We inflict pain on our own selves enjoying a treat, and then go back to doing it again."

Stopping what she was doing when her phone went off Ryan whiped her hands off on her pants and got her phone. Seeing Hunter's message she smiled. It always brightened her day when he would message her.

Do you really think I would say no? I kinda always want
to be with you. 6 sounds good. Gives me time to clean up. <3


March 29, 2017

Day Off

Chance chuckled and gave Destiny a little squeeze. He usually did try to leave at night, but there had been once or twice he'd fallen asleep on her couch and she'd let him stay. Tonight though, he really did need to go home...

...A couple hours later, he was waking up. The movie was over, and something else was playing on tv now. He was so comfortable that he really had a hard time keeping his eyes open. Realizing Destiny was still tucked in close to him, he sighed. He didn't want to wake her, but it would be impossible not to. He rose slowly, careful not to jostle her too much, and pulled the blanket up over her. "I gotta go," he whispered and leaned down to give her lips a kiss. He ran his thumb along her cheek lovingly. "Goodnight... I'll see you tomorrow after work." 

After slipping his shoes on and grabbing his jacket, he quietly exited the house, locking the door behind him. The night air was cool tonight and it struck him more harshly than anticipated, sending a chill down his spine. Or maybe... it wasn't from the cold air at all... 

It was the following day, and nearing noon. The sky was covered in gray clouds, creating a gloomy atmosphere, despite the nice temperature. Inside the Elite building though, where there were only a few tiny windows, one might not notice the gloom. Reese sat at his desk and sighed as he looked over the details of a case that had cropped up in Arizona. Technically it was out of their jurisdiction, but the FBI had asked for their involvement since they'd had a base in Arizona before. The most logical person to send would be Chance, but Reese had tried to call him five times, had left five message, and had received no response. He hated to call Destiny, but if Chance was anywhere, it would be with her. 

Finally he picked up the phone once more time and dialed. "Hi, Destiny. This is Mike Reese. Sorry to bother you... Listen, I've been trying to get a hold of Chance. I know it's his day off, but I've called him several times. He isn't with you, is he?" 

Hunter eased down on a bench after working out at the Karate school. He was the only one here, giving him ample time to do whatever he wanted. Hot and sweaty, it felt good, and it was a good start to the day. 

After taking a swig from his water bottle, he pulled out his phone to text Ryan. He knew she was working all day today, but his schedule was clear, and he wasn't going to race tonight. 
Im lonely. Wanna do supper tonight? 
I can pick you up if you want. 6:00?

In spite of his hurting heart, Garret's lips curled into a smile. "You know I can't say no to ice cream."

Laura giggled quietly and nodded for them to come into the kitchen. She retrieved three bowls and divvied out the rest of the ice cream before joining the two men at the table. "Maggie would kill us if she knew..."

Garret snickered. "I certainly won't tell her." 

Laura grinned and took a bite, sighing with content. "So was it nice and quiet around here while we were gone?"

"Mm... it was quiet... but it was only nice the first couple days," Garret admitted. "I... guess I kinda got used to having other people around." 

Laura couldn't really describe how she felt. It was just... a warm feeling. Knowing that they had helped Garret and had become a family for him. Truth be told, just a Nate viewed him like a brother, so did she. She wasn't as close, by any means, but she wouldn't be ashamed to call him family in front of anyone. "Well... you know you have a home here for as long as you want." 

Garret sighed as he sucked on a spoonful of ice cream. He knew that despite him feeling at home here, he really did need to move on. He needed to find some place of his own so he could get his own two feet under himself. Lost in thought, he hadn't been paying attention to how he was eating his ice cream, and out of nowhere, a brain freeze hit. Cringing and almost dropping his spoon, he set his head in his hand and forced his groan to be a quiet one. 

Laura clamped a hand over her mouth to hush her laughter. "Don't you know you're not supposed to do that?" she whispered. 

Garret gave her a look before rolling his eyes. 

Laura glanced over to Nate, the smile still on her face. Who would ever have thought they'd be sitting here like this, laughing and relaxed?


Laying down tucked in front of Chance Destiny just watched the TV and what was on it. She still had that feeling in the pit of her stomach but maybe it was nothing. One could hope, right?

   "I'm pretty tired myself so I make no promises on keeping you awake."

Nate smiled again and let his hand drop. Garret had changed so much since when he first got here and it was a good change. He still had his bumps but really who didn't? Even he was still learning lessons along the way. Like taking a little more time to be with his family, to not let work rules his life. Tomorrow was never promised to anyone and he needed to remember that before it was too late.

   "You are very welcome Garret. Despite everything, it's been really nice to have you here and it been nice to see Maggie so happy. Also even after you leave you are always welcome here. If it's to just be around people, get some free food or complain about your day you are welcome here with open arms."

Nate chuckled thinking for a moment before crossing her arms over his chest.

   "Not to mention if you don't visit Maggie she'll hurt you own herself."

Turning at the sound of Laura's voice Nate smiled and gave Garret a sidelong glance. Laura sure new how to win his heart. He'd never turn down ice cream.

   "Um...I'm game as aways."

Katie couldn't help but laugh. She was happy Rick was having a nice time and mingling with everyone. Laughter was the best medicine for anyone even a doctor himself. 

That sounds perfect to me. I'm to sleepy to try and make my brain work on cards tonight anyways. 

   "Definitely another nite we will join in, promise."

Hearing Sparky's comment Katie looked at him and smiled. Her dad has always been good at cards as long as she could remember. It didn't matter the game he was good at it. She always teased him he was cheating.

   "We will keep it hush hush from him for now. Catch him by surprise."

Chocolate Cherry

"I dunno..." Chance fell quiet again for a few moments. "Something with cowboys." It had just looked somewhat interesting... and had been an easy distraction from the conversation he was avoiding. Shifting around on the couch, he wedged himself between Destiny and the back of the couch, keeping her in front of him to wrap his arms around... and also keeping his face out of her line of sight. 

"If I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd just stay here and watch movies with you all night." He placed a soft kiss on her neck. "Don't let me fall asleep or I really will forget to leave." 

Garret's emotions churned inside of him as Nate spoke. His heart that had been almost completely stone, and softened to the point that it could hurt...and be touched. He thought of John, and realized in this moment... Nate was more his brother. 

He finally nodded again but looked away before his emotions got the best of him. "Thank you," he responded quietly. "I know... I can't stay here forever but... I really am grateful for all you've done for me. I know I didn't make it easy." All the times he'd argued - and still did. All the times he'd started to just walk away. The stress of just having him here while things between him and the Elite were in turmoil. Yet Nate and Laura had both stuck it out with him and had given him more support and kindness than anyone ever had his entire life. Nate was right... this was his family. 

"Hey, pssst..." Laura stuck her head in from the kitchen as she whispered. "Brian's asleep and Maggie's in bed... but there's a half carton of chocolate cherry ice cream up here." She grinned at the two men. "Wanna have some before bed?"

Rick swatted Katie's hand away, gaining a sheepish grin. "You've seen me laugh," he retorted. "Every time Hotshot's done something stupid." 

Jade snickered, Sparky laughed, and Jason whacked the back of Rick's head. "Hey, watch it."

Rick finished shuffling the cards and started to deal the out. "Or what?" 

"Or..." Jason smirked. "I'll quit doing stupid things and you'll be out of business." 

Rick laughed and shook his head. "That'll be the day." He turned to look up at both of them, glad to see they were up, walking and smiling. It was apparent that the worst of that episode was over, and hopefully they had a little time to relax before another wave came. It was his theory that with each wave came another shift towards whatever end result this thing would bring, but he hadn't said it out loud yet. "You two gonna stay?" 

Jason glanced at Katie, but shook his head.
I'm so tired... And besides, it looks like he's having fun and I don't wanna interrupt that. He deserves to not be worrying about us.
"I think we're gonna go call it a night."
On the couch? With a movie?

"Alright, suit yourselves." Rick shrugged. 

Dylan smirked at them. "Party poopers." 

Jason quirked an eyebrow. Since when did Dylan interact, let alone tease and smile? "Oh don't worry. One of these nights we'll stay up and beat all your socks off."

Sparky looked up at Katie. "Don't tell your dad that. He's been the reigning champion the last two weeks."


Letting out a small sigh and wrapping an arm around Chance's shoulder Destiny didn't like how this felt, and she didn't like secrets. She had grown up with too many of them already. But what could she do right now except trust he wouldn't lie to her again.

   "Ok. So what movie did you pick?"

   "You don't have to miss out Garret. You have a"

Resting his hand on Garret's shoulder Nate would see the pain in Garret was in. He could never imagen what it would be like to know his family was out there but not be able to see them, or knowing they didn't want him. His heart broke for his friend.

   "We want you here, and Maggie wants you here, and Laura loves having another person to cook for. Maybe your blood didn't want you, but we do and don't ever forget that."

Entering the dinning hall with Jason Katie couldn't help but stair. She was about as shoked as Jason felt. She'd hardly ever seen Rick laugh bit he looked like he was really having a good time.

See told you he was doing just fine.

Walking in more and going over to Rick Katie didn't say anything before pressing her hand to his for head and then bending down a little to look him in the eyes. Her own twinkled, as a small smile spread across her lips.

    "He looks to be ok J. For a second there Rick I thought maybe you were sick. I never see you laugh."

Maybe coming here hadn't been just for them, but maybe it would be for Rick too.

March 28, 2017


Chance paused between tv stations before settling on a more interesting movie than what had been playing, and setting the remote aside. "Work is... work." He shrugged and slouched back into the couch, his eyes remaining glued to the television even though he wasn't really watching. His mind was going a thousand different directions. He finally gave her a sidelong glance though, along with a sorry grin. "Things have been crazy at the office. With the FBI around, everything is tense. Then to top it off, I'm on a classified case that... I'm not supposed to talk about."

He flopped back over onto Destiny, burying his face into her neck. "So don't ask, and I won't have to tell you I can't talk about it," he mumbled. Instead of being playful though, he just remained where he was, hiding his face. It used to be easy to lie... and it still was... he just didn't like it nearly as much anymore.

Garret didn't turn as Nate spoke, but tried to digest his words. He understood, and didn't at the same time. It would seem something so simple, and yet he couldn't wrap his head around it. 

After several moments of silence, he finally shook his head. "They're happier without me." He swallowed hard. "I... saw them... my parents... in a picture with my siblings. And... they all looked so happy." He eventually shifted his eyes to see Nate. "They didn't want me." His voice had become quieter. "But they wanted their two other children. So... why would I want to walk into that? I feel like... I have been robbed of something that is supposed to make me whole... and it just sits there and taunts me, because I know I can't ever have it." 

Perhaps it was more obvious than he realized that he was so deeply hurt as his eyes reflected the pain. "I appreciate your offer but... I think I'd rather have help moving on with my life and forgetting about my family."

That sounds like a good idea to me. As long as I get you to myself on the walk back.
Jason grinned as he chewed his mouthful, glancing over at Katie again.

"Hey," Jeff earned teasingly. "Safe your flirting until after dinner."

Jason almost choked as he laughed, his face reddening. Only those who knew about all this could tell when he and Katie were carrying on a silent conversation.

Once dinner was finished, everyone sat and chatted for a while before Jeff decided it was time to head out. As planned, Jason went with Katie to walk her dad back to his bunkhouse. By now, most others were headed their own ways, but as usual, the lights were still on in the main house.

Opening the door, Jason let Katie inside first before stepping in after her. And the sight before them made him stop short. Those who had remained, sat at one table, having just finished a round of UNO. There was Sparky, Luke, Jade and Nate, Dylan and... Rick? Someone had just said something funny, and they were all in stitches, including Rick. It was his turn to shuffle apparently, and he was doing so quite well. Wait, he'd been the one to crack a joke?

Jason leaned over closer to Katie to whisper. "Is that Rick? I don't think I recognize him."

Going On

Just watching Chance for a second as he flipped through the channel Destiny felt like something wasn't right. Chance wasn't talking as much about work anymore, and a lot of strange phone calls had been coming in. Not to mention she felt like he was hiding something. She hoped he wasn't but it was a feeling she had.

   "Whats been going on with work? You never talk to me about it anymore like you use too."

Wandering into the living room and just watching Garret for a long moment Nate saw the look on his face and he felt bad. He new Garret longed for family. Wondering in and standing next to him Nate signed a little searching the pictures. 

   "You know a family isn't just about blood right?"

Nate turned to face Garret a little more. He new it wasn't the same, and there might always be a hole in Garret's heart but Nate really did hope they could fill it if even just a little.

   "You are part of our family now, and that's never going to change, but if you ever want to try and get in contact with your own family I can help, an go with you. You don't have to do anything alone anymore."

I bet he is ok. Rick is good like that. Wanna take a walk and find him after dinner?

Though she was tired, some night air might be nice and after sleeping for so long already she really didn't want to sleep anymore, or rest. She wanted to do what she could.

We can walk my dad back and then look what Rick it up too. 


Chance grinned and wriggled around a little to nestle further into the couch with Destiny, and returned her kiss. As she mentioned his call, he sighed and let his forehead rest on hers, too. "Eh. Just a case I'm on. People always think they know better than me when they're not actually there to see what really goes on." He didn't want to talk about it. She wouldn't like to hear it anyway, and he didn't want to ruin their evening. 

As he went back to kissing her though, his mind traveled back to a time when he'd felt just like this... immersed in her affections while harboring secrets. And it hadn't ended well. 

Unable to shake that thought, he drew back and sat up before grabbing the tv remote. "There's gotta be something better on," he mused as his free hand reached over to tickle the bottoms of Destiny's feet.

Sitting down with the family for supper, Garret fell quiet, but not because he was trying to be withdrawn. This time, he just liked listening to the chatter between Maggie, Nate and Laura.... and even Brian's intermittent squeals. He couldn't help but think of the pictures he'd found on Facebook a few days prior. Seeing his siblings... his parents... and wondering what life might had been like, had he not been sold to the Agency. Why couldn't he find acceptance and love from his own family, when he had found it here, among strangers? It didn't make sense, and he couldn't justify it in his mind...

...It was after supper and things were settling down for the night. Garret hadn't gone to his own room yet, but found himself in the living room, looking at the shelves along one wall. This was where a bunch of family pictures were kept. There were some people he didn't recognize. People he assumed were Laura's aunt and uncle. He knew Con - he showed up in a lot of pictures, especially older ones where Laura looked much younger. No matter who the face were though... they were all smiling... all happy. Jason showed up a few times with Con. Janet and Rick were included in a couple photos. What... made family happy? And why could they all love each other, even without blood ties? When people with blood ties.... could actually sell their own? 

He needed to stop thinking about it. Stop dwelling. Stop his heart from hurting.

Jeff smiled and nodded. "I'd love to go for a ride with you. As long as you're feeling alright, that sounds like a fantastic idea." He really was thrilled she had come. He hated that she was suffering along with Jason, and he wished he could fix it all. But he cherished every moment he had with her, and was glad they were here. 

Your dad looks... tired. But he looks super happy to see you. This was definitely the right choice. 
Jason took another bite of his supper, and smiled at Katie. 
Think Rick's making out alright? 

At the main house, Rick sat at one of the larger tables with Sparky and Faith, and Xander's family. The last time he'd been here, he'd been trying to save Jeff's life and had not interacted much at all. This time he was here for Jason and Katie, but he wanted to keep his distance unless he was needed. It was different this time around, and as much as he wanted to watch them every second, he knew he couldn't babysit them. Or at least...shouldn't. 

Now here, surrounded by all these people, he was rather enjoying himself, and laughed at a funny story Sparky was telling. In the back of his mind, he wondered if maybe he should bring Janet here sometime. It might be nice to get away with her on a mini vacation. 


Maggie returned Garret's hug and couldn't stop smiling. She was happy he liked it. Though it might have seemed like a simple task she had worked hard on it and had directed her Aunt and Uncle exactly how she wanted it. Knowing she had done good, make her feel great.

Hearing Laura's prompt for dinner Maggie turned and sat down. Giving and enthusiastic nod.

   "Yes please that's my favorite."

   "That has to be the most adorable as thing ever."

Katie grinned. Maybe her and Jason should visit more. She nee Jeff would like that and it would make Cindy happy too.

Turning to her dad after taking another small bite she smiled and gave a small nod.

   "Maybe tomorrow if I'm feeling up to it want to take a small ride?"

As Chance came back into the room Destiny smiled returning the kiss. It was a quiet night, just to the two of them and the TV droning in the background. What they were watching she had no idea but at least it was background noise.

   "I believe we were in the middle of making out when your phone scared the crap out of me."

Destiny smiled before leaning in for another kiss again and than pulling away. Leaning her forehead against his.

   "Everything ok? That sounded like a heated conversation."


As Maggie got up and ran from the room, Garret's eyes widened. "Where on earth is she going?"

Laura grinned and shook her head. "I never try to guess anymore with that girl."

Garret remained standing, assuming Maggie would be back quickly, and he was right. As she handed him the package though, he blinked and hesitated before accepting it. What on earth? She'd given him some of her coloring pages before but that was all. Slowly, he opened the package, and when he saw what it was, his heart was struck way down deep. Deeply enough that only those who knew him well - those right here in this room - would be able to see it... would be able to see the tears that he kept so well hidden behind his eyes. 

He glanced down at Maggie. That innocent smile. Those hopeful eyes. What was it about her that touched him so? Looking back at the picture, he nodded. "I like it," he approved softly. He put his arm around her and gave her a gentle squeeze. "Thank you."

Just watching, Laura couldn't help her smile, nor her glance over to Nate. This man before them... was a completely different man than the one who had walked through their door that first time. She did recognize, though, that Garret needed an out before he felt too awkward. "Okay, who's ready to eat? Maggie, do you want the drumstick?"

"I know it." Jason smirked and tossed the napkin back to Kaylee, making her giggle. "I'm just lucky she remembers me at all." Truth be told, he had a real soft spot for his little sister, and he knew the only one who really knew that was Katie, since she'd felt it.

"You know she has a picture of you in her room," Cindy commented. "Hardly a day goes by that I don't find it somewhere else like the kitchen or living room because she's carried it around with her."

Jason just grinned and concentrated on trying to eat. He knew his mom wouldn't lie, but he also knew she wished he came to visit more. 
I gotta admit... It really is nice to have our private conversations back.

He glanced over to Katie, just barely able to feel the positive emotions she sent his way. And to be honest... he longed to feel them like he had before... to not be hindered, and to feel the full current again. He nudged her foot gently again, just enjoying their little hidden affection.

"Look, I was running out of options," Chance hissed. He paced on Destiny's back porch, his cell phone to his ear. He'd just gotten settled on the couch with her for the evening to watch a movie when he'd gotten a call he couldn't ignore.

"I know, I know." He sighed as he listened. "Well if you've got a better man, then go for it. You know I haven't liked this from day..." He stopped pacing and glared at the moonlit yard. "You need to let that one go. It's getting too hot right now. Just... Fine. Whatever. Figure out what you want me to do and I'll do it. But if I don't lay off, it's not gonna be good."

Ending the conversation, he sighed deeply before returning the phone to his pocket. He took a moment to pull himself together before going back inside and returning to the couch. Flopping down on top of Destiny, he kissed her lips passionately. "Mm... sorry about that. Now... where were we?"

March 27, 2017

Cherry Wood

As Garret messed up her hair Maggie swatted at Garret and laughed her smile was huge. She really had missed Garret while she was away and was happy to be home. 

   "Of course I came home silly. Where else would I go?"

Before saying anything Maggie got up from the table leaving her food and ran up the steps and to her room. Grabbing a little package she headed back down and handed it to Garret.

   "This is for you. My Aunt and Uncle helped me make it, and I....mmm...stained...thats whats its called. I stained it myself."

Inside the package was a cherry wood frame with the words best friends burned into it. Inside the frame was a picture of Maggie with a big cheesy grin on her face, and Garret standing next to her in her suit from the dance.

Sam gave a nod to Hal. She knew it had been a long day for him. She would more than likely stay a little longer, though.

   "Ok, I am gonna stay and look some more. Maybe something else will come up if I look just a little longer."

Sitting at the table with everyone it was really nice. Katie enjoyed that their families were together even if things were a little crazy. It was these little moments that really made it all worth it. As Kaylee threw her napkin at Jason again Katie laughed before taking another bite of her meal. Tonight she felt tired still but was doing her best to be social. 

   "I think someone just wants her brothers attachen. Poor girl is deprived of all that you know."

Feeling Jason's foot tap her Katie laughed again before rubbing her foot along his too, and pushing a few good emotions his way. 

If anything I missed talking to you without anyone else knowing.

Away from this Ranch

Considering all his options, Garret nodded slowly. He'd go in tomorrow. He'd cooperate. Unfortunately though, even if Reese really was on his side, someone else had still targeted him, and used Sapphire in the process, and that didn't feel good at all.

Lost in thought, he looked up quickly, processing what Nate had said about supper. He chuckled and nodded again. "Okay. I'll be there." The family had gotten in late from their vacation, and he'd left too early in the morning to see Maggie, so he had yet to even talk to her. He might not tell anyone but... while there were parts of being alone he'd enjoyed this past week, he'd missed the smiles... the conversation... the family.

It wasn't long before Laura had supper on the table. She'd baked some chicken, made a potato casserole, and cooked some broccoli. She didn't always cook like this, but she'd wanted a nice meal after being home again. And, in the back of her mind, she wanted to make sure Garret had a good meal, too. She'd left him some meals in the freezer, but only a few of them were gone, so she knew he hadn't been eating regular meals while by himself. 

After getting Brain settled in his high chair, and making sure Nate and Maggie were there, she hollered down the hallway. "Garret... supper!" 

He'd just been lying on his back staring at the ceiling since Nate had left, trying to sort through everything happening at the Elite. Hearing the call for supper, a slight smile crept onto his lips and he got up. Entering the dining room, he came up behind Maggie and ruffled her hair. "You decided to come back after all," he teased. 

Hal pursed his lips and nodded. There was tension between the Elite staff and the FBI, but he really didn't think Kirk and Adison would do this either. "Maybe we should just watch them so we can say we did, and rule them out. I think you're right about them, but... if it's not one of the Elite, and not one of the FBI, then what on earth is going on?" It was so confusing. They'd never dealt with something like this before that he could remember. Thinking anyone here could be a traitor was... well, unthinkable. "I'll tell Ty to keep an extra eye out too, just in case anything fishy happens after hours. Other than Aaron, that is." He gave her a wry grin. He still didn't think Aaron could be trusted at night but he trusted Sam, so he didn't say anything more on the matter. 

"Well..." He sighed and glanced at his watch. "As much as I'd love to keep staring at footage... I think I'm gonna call it a day."

Clint sighed deeply and nodded. "I know... I'm sorry. I just... can't seem to get any traction lately." He took another bite of his tuna melt, savoring its taste. "Soon as I can just... spend my days away from this ranch, I'll feel better." At least that's what he thought, anyway. It wasn't his little family he was trying to get away from... it was this place. He felt trapped with no way out, and it was just getting worse. And now the whole Wes thing had gotten even messier, and he wanted to shed that entire thing. But he just couldn't be done with it until he could walk away from the garage for good. Not being here during the days would make it easier. 

The walk had been nice, even if Jason was even more tired now. Mentally though, the fresh air had been a good idea, and it had been nice to just spend a little time alone with Katie, too. Tonight, they at supper as a family instead of going up to the main house. So it was Wes and Cindy, Kaylee, Katie and Jason, and Jeff also came over. The atmosphere was warm and peaceful, in spite of everything going on.

Kaylee was thrilled to have her big brother around, and although it was obvious she sensed something wasn't right, she was still all smiles, gaining as much attention as possible by babbling half-sentences, banging her plate, and making sure she threw her napkin at Jason every so often to make sure he wasn't forgetting about her. As she did it again, Jeff laughed. "I'd say she's got your number."

Jason grinned and rolled his eyes. "Apparently so." Although Katie sat across from him, his legs were long enough that he tapped her leg teasingly, just making sure she was still smiling. She looked so tired tonight, and he felt badly.

March 26, 2017


Nate absentmindedly nodded to Garret. Reese really was a good actor when he needed to be and at this moment he did to try and get this person who was going around killing people. Seeing the bit of spark in Garret's eyes Nate was pleased to see Garret willing to help. Really...Nate new that's all he wanted to do was help and show he was here for a good reason.

   "Reese said to come into work tomorrow, and he is going to pull you into his office to have Ron and Pete question you again. I'm not sure if they are going to be in on Reese's plan or not. So if they drill you to hard, its because they were told too."

Thinking for a moment Nate shifted and thought for a second making sure he hadn't gotten anything else. Smelling dinner he smiled though turning to leave the room but stopped.

   "Dinner should be ready soon. I know Maggie is going to be thrilled to see you. The whole way home from her Aunts house she kept talking about all the neat stuff she did and wanted to tell you about."

Leaning back in her chair and thinking for a long moment Sam shook her head. She couldn't really see Kirk or Adison doing something like this, and Ron he didn't even have anything to do with the FBI. At this point though everything was worth looking into and if the people here were, they should be too honestly.

   "I have known Kirk, Adison, and Ron for a long while. They love there jobs, but I could never see them doing something like this to hurt people."

Drawing silent for a long second she spoke again.

   "I guess anything is possible though if we want to look at cams that follow them and see what they are up too."

Wendy smiled. She new Clint wanted something away from here, and it wasn't right of her to stop him as long as they didn't have to move. She didn't know if this would make him happy again or not  but it was worth a shot. She did want him to be happy.

   "I know you will. I'm just not use to all the tension in the air. It's been so thick lately."

At Night

Hearing about the butcher shop, Clint's eyebrows rose. For a moment, he was speechless. Wendy hadn't outright fought him about finding other work, but he knew she didn't like the idea. Yet she willingly told him about this job?

He set his sandwich down and slid his hand over to take hers. Her skin felt so soft under his rough fingers. "Thank you... that means a lot to me. I... might check that out." He gave her hand a squeeze. "No matter what I find... I promise I will always come home at night... you know that right?"

"Uh-uh." Hal shook his head. "I don't think Dalton's guilty either." He paused to frown. "Then again... I don't think anyone here is guilty... And yet... someone has to be. I just don't understand it."

He sighed and looked back at the screen. "We know the notebook was planted no longer than a couple days ago because that's when the camera moved. Otherwise... we've found nothing. I don't know what to do."

His eyes traveled back to Sam. "I'm not saying this because I think it's true but... would anyone want the FBI to discover something like this going on here, in order to prove the Elite is housing killers? I mean... could... the whole 'traitor in our midst' just be a lie, created to stir up trouble?"

Laura giggled as Nate came up behind her, and leaned back into him as he kissed her. "Mm... I won't be going anywhere," she assured, pointing a wooden spoon at him. "If you don't take too long, that is." She was so happy to see the spark back in her husband's eye... it had been gone for too long.

Garret didn't even look at Nate as he entered the room. He didn't want to hear any of the same old words meant to encourage him or make him more patient. He just wanted to be left alone.

Hearing what he had to say though, he finally looked at him before sitting up. "Serious?" He gave a slight scoff. "Maybe he's a better actor than I have him credit for." He thought for a moment, his brow furrowing. "Does he want me to do anything? I mean... Stay away or come in to work or...? What can I do to help?"