December 31, 2016


Just listing to Hal Sam thoughtfully took in all that he was saying. It made her feel good having Hal tell her she wasn't doing anything wrong. Just to have that confirmation was nice. He made a good point if she was in his shoes she really wouldn't want to be there. 

   "No, I guess I wouldn't want to be if I was in his place."

Thinking about about just letting Aaron be and watching what he was doing Sam thought. He wasn't causing trouble, but maybe seeing what he was doing would be smart. He had to know there were cameras though. Maybe he was looking for something, maybe he was trying to understand this place. 

   "Ok that sounds good. Have Ty watch for us at night, worse comes to worse I can pull some all nigher shifts too."

Sam really was thankful for Hal and having him here. She connected with him right away and just felt comfortable. She wondered how she could ever repay him for his own kindness.

   "Maybe tonight would you like to grab a bit to eat, maybe play some darts? Remember all work and no play can make us cranky."

Ryan loved how positive Hunter was. He was so bent on not making her feel bad, or having her feel upset because of something. In a way it was kind of nice to have someone other than Eli who did there best to make her feel good. It made her feel like people really did care, and didn't just see her as a crazy person. 

Not saying anything and just soaking in the sun Ryan was quiet for a few long moments. Maybe stopping half way would be good. She was doing pretty ok at the moment but she didn't really want to push it to much. She didn't want to have  melt down when there journey just started. 

   "Stopping half way for the night sounds good. Than tomorrow we can go the rest of the way. Just claustrophobia and nerves about meeting new people are kind of getting to me. Never use you think I'll ever be normal again?" 

Loose Rope

Aaron scowled at Sam as she spoke, but didn’t interrupt or argue. Why was she so bent on this whole thing? Why didn’t she just tell him to shove it? Or take everything away? Or hand him over to someone else? Why was she trying so hard to be nice when…he didn’t deserve it?

Left alone, he heard the lock click, and he rolled his eyes. Why was she even bothering? She had to be one of the most confusing women he’d ever met.

Hal had been a bit preoccupied on the computer, and looked up quickly as Sam came into the room. He was about to smile, but quickly saw she was not a happy camper. Waiting a moment and hearing her words, he chuckled and swiveled around to look at her. “Nah. You’d be pretty hard to get tired of.” Listening to the issue, he let out a long, slow sigh. “You’re not doing anything wrong, Sam.” He leaned an elbow on his desk, to rest the side of his head on his hand as he studied her. She looked so frustrated, and he felt badly. She hadn’t been here long enough to get burned out yet.

“You just need to have a little more patience. And you have to understand…he doesn’t want to be here. Not while he’s convinced the Agency still loves him. If you were in his shoes…would you be any different?” 

He let the question linger for a few moments. “I, um… got wind of the unlocked door and I looked back through last night’s tapes.” He straightened and gestured to the monitor before bringing up the footage. The hall camera had caught Aaron leaving his room on crutches and going down to the break room. He disappeared for a while, then reappeared to hobble into the infirmary. The next camera caught him just standing inside the room and looking – not touching anything before he turned and left again. After that, he simply went back to the bedroom and shut the door. 

Hal glanced at Sam again. “Having him stay put would be ideal. Actually having him be a little more personable would be too much to ask. As it is…” He paused in thought. “I might just let the rope stay loose for a while. See what he does. We both know he can’t go far, and I can tell Ty to keep a closer eye on him. I’m not sure why he didn’t catch this last night, although I think it was just coincidence in Aaron’s timing.” He shrugged. “If he gets into anything Ty can call us. If he doesn’t…maybe he’s further along than you think. Maybe…his mouth is just hiding the fact that he really won’t try anything stupid.” 

Another pause and he smiled a little. “I don’t care how hard he is…your attention to his birthday had to have had some effect. It’ll come. You’re doing a good job and don’t let him make you think otherwise.”

Hunter stayed put when Ryan returned, catching on quickly that she wasn’t yet ready to leave. He wasn’t used to long breaks and not driving just as fast as he could to get to his destination but… at the same time… maybe it was good to slow down every once in a while, too. 

“Eh… don’t be sorry.” He shrugged it off. “It’s a gorgeous day. Why not enjoy it a little?” 

He thought for a few moments before leaning all the way back with his head on the windshield. “There’s a place at about the halfway mark. There’s a nice hotel there. We can…stop there for the night if you want. We’d get there later this afternoon.” 

He squinted up at her in the sunlight. “I don’t mind. Really.”

Old Entertainment

   "I've actually done a lot for you Aaron. I got you stuff to keep you busy with your bum knee, I have brought you better food, and I was working on getting you outside. I was doing what I could and all I have gotten from you is a smart mouth, and you picking locks. It's not my fault you are stuck here either with a bum leg. I'm not the one who shot you. But we are the ones trying to fix it for you instead of just letting it go, and never letting you walk again. "

Sam stood and crossed her arms over her chest. She was rather irritated and frustrated but she wouldn't let Aaron see that, she couldn't even give him a slight edge to knowing he was getting to her. She refused to even let him think that. 

   "This is a gave and take relationship Aaron, so far I have been giving all I can and you given me nothing. I know you hate it here, I know you don't like me and I know you dont like your therapy. But your going to keep getting therapy and until something changes those things you have there are going to be your old entertainment."

Not saying anything else Sam turned and walked out the door closing it behind her and locking it. Even if he picked it again at least she was sticking to it. Wondering to the security room Sam sat down before leaning on the desk and letting out a long sigh.

   "You are going to get tired of me soon you know."

Just falling quiet again for a second Sam finally turned to look at Hal. She hated she always complained to him him but at the moment she didn't have anyone else.

   "I don't know what to do Hal. I feel like I am failing. I've tried being nice to Aaron, tried to give a little and he is still being impossible. What am I doing wrong?"

Just stretching her legs Ryan was slow as she just kind of wondered. Getting back to the car and taking a bottle of water Ryan jumped up on the hood with Hunter and took a sip. Letting out a small sigh at his question Ryan leaned back and looked at Hunter.

   "Just needed a stretch...and just feeling a little claustrophobic. Sorry this might take a little longer than anticipated."


Aaron kept fiddling with his legos, although he smirked just a little. She knew he'd been out last night. Finally pausing, he cocked his head as he looked at her. "So... you want me to follow the rules just so you don't get into trouble? What about me? I can't just stare at these four walls all day."

A painful twinge in his knee made him wince. As he recovered, his expression had grown closer to a scowl. "You wanna keep me in here? Take away the perks." He gestured to the magazines and legos, even though under the surface it would kill him. "And cuff me to the bed. Only you better use something other than the cuffs you've been using. And while you're at it, tell the new guy that therapy is out. Oh and maybe you should just shackle me at lunchtime too. Spoon feed me. Bathroom breaks? I guess you can be creative with that one." 

He crossed his arms grouchily. He knew he couldn't be taken back downstairs yet unless she went against doctors orders. It was too difficult getting him upstairs to the infirmary when needed. "It's not my fault I'm stuck here." He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. How determined was she? Where was her breaking point? Was she a quitter? He wanted to see. 

Hunter nodded. "Yeah sure." His own legs could use some stretching too.

It wasn't too long before a rest stop came into view. It was a nice clean one with a grassy lot for anyone to stretch or walk around. After using the restroom, Hunter grabbed a bottle of water from the car and sat on the hood to wait for Ryan.

The sun was up now and it felt like it was going to be a nice day. Perfect for driving. He took a swig of water and nodded to Ryan a few minutes later. "You alright?" He didn't want it to sound patronizing - he just didn't know if she had felt claustrophobic, needed the bathroom or if it was more than that, and he just wanted to make it easy on her.

Rest Stop

The ranch did sound lovely to Ryan and there was a little bit of excitement mixed in with her nerves. Even if she didn't get the gut up to ride a horse she could watch them, and maybe just enjoy the open quiet air.

   "I'll get behind the wheel of a car and go 100mph but I don't know about getting on a horse. Maybe you'll be able to convince me but I guess only time will tell."

Truth be she was having a hard time getting behind the wheel of a car. She missed it, she liked when she was with Hunter but he was in controle. Having to do it herself that was a whole nothing story.

Falling silent again Ryan just let the scenery pass by as she watched it. Taking tips of her coffee here and there. She didn't know how much time had passed but if she was to guess it had been a little while.

   "Next rest stop, can we stop? I just need to get out and get a little fresh air."

   Watching Aaron Sam stayed quiet for a moment. She was in a rather difficult prodicamint. She wanted to become friends with Aaron like Nate had with Garret but at the same time she couldn't let things like this slid. It really was a big deal.

   "I'm not bored, just trying to figure out why you can't follow the rules and not keep picking locks. Your going to end up getting me in trouble and than you'll be stuck with someone else a lot less nice. Not that you care."

She's done a lot for Aaron so far and she had hoped he'd start giving back a little. That seemed like a lost cause now though. What more could she do.

Looking up and seeing JT Misty was a little suprised. She never saw him outside the hospital and for him to actully be here at the Elite. Not that she minded. She had always liked JT and he was a good doctor.

   "Hey, fancy seeing you here."

Having him explain why he was there she understood a little more. Rick was always good like that making sure she was ok.

   "I don't mind at all. I all honestly I wasn't looking forward to working with Aaron."

She felt bad saying that but it was the honest truth.

   "I don't think they is anything else I need right now but thank you. Thanks for coming too."


Hunter smiled at Ryan's question. "Oh yeah. Super nice. As long as you don't cause trouble, they treat you like family. They're all just... good like that."

He thought for a few minutes as he kept his eyes on the road. "It's mostly two families, and then their married families or kids. Mick and Rosetta own the place, and he's got siblings who landed there, and so does she. So it's like... they're all related." His eyes widened slightly. "Takes a while to get it all straight." It had taken him quite a while to figure out who was who when he'd been there, but even now he had to stop and think if he was to identify whose sibling was whose. 

"You'll get your own bunkhouse and nobody will bother you if you don't want them to. Meals are family-style with everyone all together..." He gave her a sidelong glance. "If it feels a little overwhelming, I'll always be there to hide behind." He smiled a little. He knew good and well how awkward this could be, from his own experience. "As for the horses, you don't hafta ride or anything unless you want to, and then they'll make sure you're perfectly safe. It's actually pretty fun."

Aaron sighed as he was handed the ice, but did as he was told by propping up his knee with a pillow and putting the ice on it. It hurt like nothing right now, putting him in a rather sour mood. Especially since JT said any more pain meds would have to wait. Tonight he might just have to pick another lock or two. 

Hearing the options for food, he smirked a little. Tacos would be nice. "I'm not very hungry so I guess I don't care." He reached over to pick up one car and started to disassemble it so he could make something else and keep his mind occupied. His eyes rose a little to Sam though. She seemed... a bit off or something. Not that he was in the greatest mood but at least she was more interesting than his own self. 

"If you're bored, you really don't have to sit and stare... Unless you just like looking at me that much."

"Good morning." JT wandered into the infirmary now seeing Misty had arrived. Coming over to her desk, he gave a glance around. "Hope you don't mind, Rick called me in to help with Aaron. Is there anything else I can do for you?"


Once finished chatting with JT Sam went to the kitchen and grabbed some ice in a bag. Wrapping a towel around it Sam went back to Aaron's room. Entering she handed him the ice.

   "Ice your knee so it dosnt look like a balloon tomorrow."

Sitting down in the chair Sam thought for a long moment before sitting up a little. She didn't know what to do about Aaron getting out.

   "So for dinner our choices are saulsbury steak, or chicken nuggets. You get to choose what one you want me to warm up."

Giving a nod Ryan found something good on the raido. Satisfied with the upbeat music Ryan turned to look out the window. She'd never been farther than when she would visit her brother. So going to a whole new state was exciting and scary.

   "So...What are the people at the ranch like? Nice?"

Talking would help keep her mind off her nerves. She was nervous about meeting new people too so knowing a little about them before hand would be nice.


Catching Sam roll her eyes, JT wasn't sure exactly what that meant. Someone's negligence, or was Aaron a regular picklock? Either way, he'd watch his step.

"Okay, no problem. I'll finish up with him now. Should take about twenty minutes or so, then I'd like to make sure he ices his knee when I'm done." He grinned a little. "I'll let you enforce that though." 

Aaron wasn't thrilled with this new doctor. Actually he seemed less likely to be manipulated, and that was frustrating. Not to mention therapy was never pleasant and he wasn't getting as many pain meds as he'd like. At least he'd been able to take a little stroll in the middle of the night. After all, it had been his first night in this room and he hadn't been able to resist seeing how easy the lock was. As it turned out, it had only take him about five minutes with a couple paperclips. He hadn't gone far on his crutches....just the fact that he'd been able to get out was good enough. For now. Finding ways to slip his cuffs and his room at least made him feel like he was gaining a little bit of control back. 

Once JT was done, he met Sam again. "Alright, I think I'm done for the day. I'll check in with Misty, then I have to get back to the hospital but I'll be back here tomorrow."

Listening to the conversation from inside the room, Aaron was sitting up in his bed, now fiddling with one of the two finished lego cars. He couldn't help but wonder just how long this was going to last. 

Hunter smiled as Ryan came out and got into the car. "Oh, I'm always ready for an adventure." He put the car in gear. "First up... Coffee."

After stopping for gas, coffee and a few snacks, they hit the road. And once they were out of city limits, Hunter set a good speed. "You're in charge of the radio," he informed between sips of coffee. "That's the only requirement of the passenger."

He thought for a moment and decided to add more. "And whenever you need to stop just let me know... Whether it's for five minutes or you need to just stop for the day. Okay?" He really did mean it. Though he wanted to make good time to Texas, he wouldn't go any faster than Ryan wanted. He knew she was nervous and he knew that she might need breaks to take breathers or get her mind on track. And he was okay with that.

December 30, 2016


Sam smiled as JT poked his head back into the room and reprimanded Aaron. He needed someone to be hard on him to get the job done. Studying JT for a long moment too Sam could see a little worry in his eye but he was still willing to be here, and be at risk. That meant a lot to her.

Hearing the door was unlocked when JT got there today Sam rolled her eyes.  Why he kept leaving was beyond her but it had to stop. She'd have to talk to him once JT was done.

   "When you are done make sure the door is locked please and thank you."

Hearing Eli Ryan grabbed her back before leaving her bed room. Patting Zidan on the head she wondered into the living.

   "Well I guess I'm ready. Wish me luck...I'm really nervous."

Just taking a few more seconds Ryan finally gave a sigh and gave Eli a hug before heading out. She had to go now or she never would. Giving a wave as she got into the car she'd made it. Now to make it the rest of the way.

   "Hey. Ready for an adventure?"


JT smiled and shook his head. "I wouldn't expect any less of a reaction from you. This whole thing sorta happened fast. I've only talked to Rick, then Reese, and he said he was going to try and catch you when you got here this morning, but you must've slipped under his radar." 

Not hearing anything from inside the room, he held up a finger for Sam to wait a moment. Opening the door, he saw Aaron not moving. "Hey. I said five times. Get on it." Closing the door again, he grinned. "I've been working with patients too long to think they do what I tell them to do." 

Reverting back to their conversation, he glanced at the lock on the door. "Um...about him being cuffed or not - Rick warned me that Aaron's caused some problems and could get violent so I expected this door to be locked when I got here. wasn't. Aaron was in there and he hasn't tried anything, I just wasn't sure what your policy was with him, and whether or not I'm supposed to leave it unlocked or...?" 

Kirk just grinned at Adison before he started taking other pictures of the building. "Maybe," he teased. "Probably." Moving back down to the second floor for more pictures, then the first, he was finally satisfied that he had enough to show Reese. 

"Okay." Standing in the sunshine outside, he glanced around. "Let's try that coffee shop, then we'll head back to base." He slid his arm around Adison's shoulders as they headed down the sidewalk. Having her under his arm felt...nice. "If this works out, and the coffee over here is good, I have a feeling we might give them quite a boost in business." 

Hunter chuckled at Ryan's text before replying.
Coffee is always a given. 
See you Wednesday bright and
early then. 

The next few days moved quickly. Hunter had another race which he was won, and was very glad of since he'd done some heftier betting than normal. It would be a nice little something for the ranch once he got there. 

Before he knew it, Wednesday morning had arrived, and he was pulling up to the curb while the sun was barely making it over the horizon. 

Inside, Eli glanced out the window as he saw headlights. "Your carriage awaits," he called to Ryan. He hoped this trip would do her good. Justin still seemed to think it was a good idea, which helped, but Eli was still worried. He didn't want it to go badly and just hoped Hunter would do right by her and take care of her while they were on the road. 

Your Eyes

Adison couldn't help but smile again as Kirk snapped a picture. She hated getting her picture taken but most of the good ones were her when she wasn't ready for them. Swatting his arm she shook her head.

   "That is for your eyes only I hope."

Going outside the room with JT Sam just looked at him while he explained who he was. It still would of been nice if someone had said something to her so she wasn't taken off guard, or so she could have lest been in there with him and Aaron. Another minor irritation about this place. It wasn't JT's fault though.

   "Nice to meet you and yes I am. Sorry if I sounded so stern, just wasn't expecting anyone to be in there with Aaron. Normally I am with Rick when he works with Aaron, so just let me know when you are here and I can be with you too since hes not cuffed."

Sam gave a friendly smile. She hoped she hadn't turned him off to much. He seemed pretty nice and if he was going to work with Aaron instead of Misty that was one less worry on her part.

Sitting up on the couch Ryan pulled out her phone from her pocket. Seeing Hunter's text she set her phone down for a second letting out a sign. No really she wasn't ready, but she new it was best to go anyways. All the arrangements had been made and maybe it would be good for her.

I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Early
morning sounds good as long as
we can stop for coffee.

Longtime Friend

Kirk sighed but stepped back a little with a nod. "Okay. You're right. No fun, but right." He set his hands on his hips and looked around the room again before pulling out his phone. "I wanna take a bunch of pictures to take back with us and show Reese or anyone else. If he likes it, I'll have him come take a look too. I wanna make sure this isn't just me and you making this decision. And like you said...maybe if we get some of the others involved, it'll be a more pleasant adjustment for them."

He stood back and took a couple pictures with his phone before swinging around without warning and snapping a picture of Adison too. "Aww..." He grinned. "They're not getting that one, though." 

Still seated on the edge of the bed, Aaron was just trying to lift an ankle weight when Sam walked in. Seeing her stance, he grinned just a little. At least he wasn't the only one caught of guard by this guy. 

JT was standing as he directed Aaron, and stopped mid-sentence as the door opened. Looking at the young woman, he offered a polite smile. But he wasn't going to talk openly in here. He looked back to Aaron and pointed at his leg. "Five more lifts. Slowly. I'll be right back. And don't think I won't know if you haven't done them." 

He turned and nodded Sam to the door. "Let's talk out here," he suggested. Moving into the hall with her, he shut the door. "I apologize for the surprise." He extended his hand to her. "I'm Doctor Jack Timble. Rick called me yesterday and told me he was quitting. He asked me to come deal with Aaron so Misty wouldn't have to. I'm a...longtime friend of the Elite." He cocked his head. "You must be his handler. Sam, right?"

"So... why are you the one taking me home?" Scott looked out at the passing scenery as Justin drove him home from the hospital later that day. He'd been a little surprised to wake up late morning and find him there with Hope... although he had a sneaking suspicion why he was.

Justin kept his eyes on the road. "Oh, I think you know."

Scott looked down and fidgeted with the string on his hoodie. "Because... I can't handle anything anymore...again?"

"No... Because you're acting like an idiot and I wanna know why."

Scott bit his lip. "I didn't mean to. I mean I... Well I just wanted to do something useful and nobody would listen to me when I said how useless I'd been, and all they wanted to do was keep me from tripping over my own shadow and...and so I decided to do one last thing... even if it killed me."

Justin shook his head. "There's two parts of that statement that need work. But they'll wait. We're going home and getting you some lunch first."

Scott grimaced. "Not your spinach smoothie."

"Fruit salad. And either you eat it, or we're going to have a problem."

Scott sank down a little further in his seat. Everyone was upset with him.

Only later would he realize the severity of the consequences of his actions, when Reese would stop by...

..."You're officially on probation." Reese sat in the living room with Scott and Justin, looking at his agent sternly, while trying to still be gentle.

Scott blinked. "But...why? I was just trying to help. And I did, right? You told me me that you found the guy in charge of Carson's case and that's what we've been working on for months!"

"That's not the point." Reese shook his head. "You not only acted out of line by pursuing something that was off limits, but you blackmailed Garret, threatening to actually contact the Agency. You're lucky it's just probation, Scott. The FBI would have you fired."

Scott scowled and sunk into the couch. "Maybe you should just do that."

"No, you're too valuable."

"For what? All the intel you didn't want me to have?"

"No! For your skills and insights and because you're a part of the team."

"A useless part of the team," Scott muttered under his breath.

"Only when you go and try to throw your life away!" Reese had been told by Justin not to wear kid gloves with Scott, so he wasn't. "Therefore, effective immediately, you're on probation. As soon as Justin feels you're fit for duty, you'll return to work as normal. Dalton will be watching you closely and reporting to me. And if we find anything that indicates even in the slightest that you'd ever even consider blackmailing a part of the team again or even think about contacting the Agency without authorization, that will be it."

Scott glared at him. He wasn't used to Reese talking to him like this, and it hurt. "Garret's not a part of the team. He's Agency and-"

"That's where you're wrong," Reese stated flatly. "He's a part of the team now. Threatening to expose him and risk Victoria's life was no different than if you'd threatened Dani's life to Dalton. You were out of line, Scott. Way out. And I can't just ignore it." He stood up, ready to leave. "As soon as you get the go-ahead to return to work, I'll see you then."

Once the front door had been shut, the living room grew eerily quiet. Scott finally ventured a glance in Justin's direction. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Not one bit." Justin shook his head. "How about we start with whatever it was that possessed you to do this, hmm?"

...Late that evening, Scott found himself alone with Domino, curled up on his bed, just staring into the dark. He didn't see darkness though, he saw data. It was like holographic images that he could see through. Text and lines and he could shift from one piece to the next almost seamlessly. As if he really was a living, breathing computer. It was actually fascinating once he got past the headache. one cared. He'd been asked if he still had access to Agency data - if the upgrade had been successful. But that was all. No one had asked him if it was different or how it made him feel or even if he had any new intel that would be helpful. He'd done this entire thing just to be useful, and no one even seemed to care that he had new ways to thwart Agency plans.

A tear trickled down his cheek to land on his pillow. He'd set out to feel like he could actually do something again...and had wound up just as useless as he had been. Maybe he really didn't belong on the Elite team anymore.

Domino jumped down off the bed and trotted through the house to the front door just to make sure there were no visitors. She huffed a sigh. Nope. No one had come since Justin had left several hours ago, leaving her master alone and sad. She grabbed her squeaky toy and galloped back to the bedroom to jump on the bed and curl up next to Scott. She knew he wouldn't play with her, but she gave a little whine anyway, bothered by his mood. 

Hunter left the Karate school and slid in behind the wheel of his car, ready to have an evening of.... Nothing sounded good. Maybe he'd just order out Chinese and take it home. He flipped open his phone to send the text he'd forgotten to earlier. 
Hitting the road Wednesday
early morning. Still on?

December 29, 2016


   "I know you wont be, that's why I called you in. With being emotionally evolved with him I know I can't be hard on him when that's what he really needs."

Giving a smile and nodding Hope was happy she had helped Justin if even a little bit. She was a good friend, a good person to work with and he loved doing his job. She really would have hared seeing him walk away from it because of the Agency.

   "When he needs me, I'll be waiting."

Getting back from running to the FBI Sam new she should probable check in on Aaron to make sure he wasn't causing trouble. More than likely feed him too. She had some left over burgers from last night. The was one of the few things she could actually cook pretty good.  

Entering the room and realizing the door was unlocked Sam's heart jumped. Seeing someone else sitting there she just looked at him than Aaron and than him again. She had no idea who this guy was and no one said anything to her about someone else coming.

   "Who are you and what are you doing in here?"

Sam put her hands on her hips just waiting. She really didn't like it that someone else came into Aaron's room without her knowledge not to mention this was not someone she had seen are the Elite before.

Being pushed against the wall Adison let her arms tighten around Kirk. Just letting his kiss linger she returned the passion she felt as well. Just letting her fingers run through the hair that was lost from his pony tail.

   "I think that sounds like a good plan to me, but...maybe we should not upset anyone just yet by disappearing to much."

Skipping out on work sounded fantasic and spending more time alone with Kirk sounded even better but it really wasn't smart, at least not while they were still trying to make a good impression on the Elite.

   "How about we settle for coffee now, and than tonight maybe dinner and a movie?" 


Hal just grinned and shook his head as Sam left. Maybe she was right. Maybe normal really would be boring. He hardly even remembered what it was like when he would have said he had a normal life.

Getting his mind back on track, he tried to focus on work again. Maybe if he got busy, the day wouldn't seem so long...

Justin sighed and nodded a little as Hope spoke. Scott had been through so much and had overcome the impossible. To see him backslide multiple times was hard. This time was different too. The fact that he'd actually acted out was good in a sense - he was finally expressing how he was feeling. Unfortunately he'd made all the wrong choices to do so.

"Looks like we got our work cut out for us," he mused, taking a sip of coffee. "You know I won't be easy on him," he warned. "I helped him fight Agency data before, and this time he's fighting himself. I'm not gonna let him wallow... but if he comes to you to cry on your shoulder, let him. I'd rather you be the good guy in all this."

He fell quiet for a few minutes before looking over to her again. "Thank you, by the way. You, um... Helped me think through a few of my own things and... if you hadn't, I might not have come now."

The door wasn't locked. JT stiffened, his hand on the doorknob. He'd been warned this might come with its own set of perils. 

Dressed casually in jeans, tennis shoes and a long sleeved t-shirt, he still outside the bedroom beside the infirmary at the Elite. It was early enough yet that there weren't many agents around, and that was okay by him. This wasn't totally new territory, but he wasn't used to being here for an actual Elite task. 

Carefully opening the door, he peered inside to see his new patient lying in bed reading a magazine. "Well now... they didn't tell me you liked to read."

Aaron let the magazine flop down and gave him a dim look. "And you are?"

"Your new nightmare." JT came closer. "Strip."

Aaron blinked. "Excuse me?"

JT grabbed a pair of sweat pants and tossed them to him. "I can't check your knee when you've got jeans on. Come on. I haven't got all day."

Aaron sat up, but was still confused. "Where's Rick?"

"Day off."

"You're a doctor?"

"No, I'm a zookeeper. They said they had a gorilla with a bum leg."

Aaron rolled his eyes in annoyance, but obeyed and changed pants. "Rick always had me in the infirmary for therapy."

"Oh good. We get to learn a new trick then. It's called 'stay put.'" JT grabbed a chair and brought it closer to sit down near the bed. "Can you lift your foot into my lap?"

Aaron crossed his arms stubbornly. "Maybe." Getting no reaction, he sighed and slowly, painfully lifted his foot high enough for JT to take and rest it across his own leg. "Time for a foot massage?" he complained.

JT quirked an eyebrow. "Don't forget...all I gotta do is twist." He turned Aaron's ankle just enough to put pressure in the knee. 

Aaron winced and sucked in his breath as he almost yanked his leg away. "What in the-"

"Don't worry," JT assured. "The tingling in your toes will subside in a few seconds. Now...where were we?" Truth be told, he was downright scared of this guy. He'd been given the low-down by Reese after Rick had asked him to come and take over this task, and knew he was no match for any Agency thug. At least for the moment, Aaron was at a severe disadvantage, but that's all the defense JT had. That, and his mask of confidence. He knew Aaron's handler would be here soon too, at which time he'd have a lot of explaining to do."

Kirk laughed, and finally stopped dancing, but still held on to Adison. "Well they definitely have something to be jealous of."

He leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips, letting it linger. Tightening his arms around her, he deepend his affection and shifted around until Adison's back was against the wall. Pinning her lightly, he withdrew just far enough to grin. "Can we just call it a day and keep this place a secret? I'm rather enjoying this."


Sam understood that sometimes it was not as easy as it sounded to just go out and do things. Specially when you were worrying about work, or just got home and were so tired.

   "I know it is easier said than done."

Raising her eyebrow at Hal and just smiling she took her paperwork and stood. She needed to run this stuff over to the FBI office before she forgot. She didn't want to cut Hal short, but she'd be back.

   "I kinda like no one here is normal. Normal is boring!"

Seeing Justin come in with two cups of coffee Hope smiled. She was happy he came after all. Scott needed tough love and she was just to close to do that.

   "Thank you so much for this."

Taking a sip of the warm drink it never tasted so good. Sitting here had been a killer. She wouldn't have it any other way but it didn't make it any easier.

   "I think one of the biggest issues is Scott needs to see his own worth. Not to mention his death wish."

Adison laughed and smiled as she wrapped her arms around Kirk. She'd never danced with him before but he was quite good and she didn't fight it. She just followed his lead.

   "I think that sounds like a good idea. Now sure what everyone else will think. More than likely they will catch us smooching a lot."

Giving a smile and leaning her head into Kirk's as her drew near her neck Adison let out a content sigh. She always loved how Kirk and herself worked together and now it seemed different but she liked it.

   "They can watch though, and be jealous."

Biggest Issue

Hal laughed outright at Sam's last comment and turned away from his computer again. "Normal? Us?" He grinned. "I'm not sure there's been a normal person working here since the beginning."

A sigh surfaced though, and he did have to nod. "You're right though. We've all been so strung out lately, we don't know which end is up. I think probably it started when we got so shorthanded. And then, no offense, having the FBI around has added to the stress. But maybe since we've got more hands on deck now, we'll be able to keep more regular hours instead of overtime every day."

He gave a light chuckle. "We used to hang out... go for pizza..." That recollection didn't help his hunger any, as his mind wandered to Mom and Pop's. "I guess life got complicated and we all just...shifted into survival mode. It was either that or jump ship and none of us could do it." He frowned as he considered Rick, and even Con. "Most of us anyway. There's a fine line between caring about the job and making it your life. And most of us around here have crossed that line and need to regain some balance before we all burn out completely. So...yeah."  He nodded again. "You're right. Just making it happen is the hard part."

Scott sighed and wriggled his thumb a little, playing with Hope's as she held his hand. "You've always been too good to me." That's all he'd say about it though. He'd been fighting her for so long. He'd been trying to push her away for so long. Maybe, just maybe he was finally seeing that she simply wasn't going to let him go. No matter how stupid he was. 

The rest of the day was quiet as he slept on and off. He was alert enough to talk to Dalton when he came to visit, but didn't do well once the nurse tried to get him to eat, which resulted in an IV just as JT had warned. He was a little surprised that by evening, Reese hadn't returned to hound him about all that had happened, or about what kind of intel he might hold now. He'd thought this whole thing was so important...yet no one else seemed to think so. They just all seemed upset that he'd gone through with it. Which, in the end, left him feeling even more low than he'd started out. He'd just wanted to help...

...It was fairly early the next morning when Justin once again showed up. He'd been called...and he couldn't refuse. He didn't feel like he was back on his game, but...maybe getting back to work would do him good. This time though, he came prepared with two coffees. One for him, and one for Hope, who he knew would still be here. Seeing her in the chair, he gave her a small smile. "Good morning," he greeted quietly. He saw Scott was still sleeping...which was okay at this point. 

He handed Hope her coffee before taking up the other chair. "JT called me. I thought when Scott's released later today, I could take him home. Wanted to talk to you first though and get your take on things." He studied her tired face, hoping that she'd be able to get some good rest after all this. "Everything considered... what do you think is the biggest issue here?" He had his own theories, but he wanted to hear Hope's perspective before forming a plan of action.

Kirk smiled as he looked over at Adison and nodded. "I think that's a fantastic idea. I don't want to be thought of as the guy who came in and forced everyone out. I want them all to like it here too. Getting them all involved would be perfect. Not to mention, the whole team should help decide where people and things will go around here." 

He pushed off the window sill and came over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and taking her hand to start slow dancing on the dusty wooden floor. "I think we ought to keep this space up here empty," he mused. "Just so we can escape and come dance whenever we want." 

Still moving, he leaned his head down close to hers until his lips reached her neck. "And...maybe some kissing," he teased. Moving back up, he kissed her lips before straightening again, his eyes twinkling. This place really would take quite a bit of work. But between the Elite team and what the FBI would fund, it shouldn't take too long to be up and running. He liked the feel of it here. It was older, but the woodwork held a character that he liked. He just hoped everyone else would feel the same.

December 28, 2016


   "Well I don't plan on going anywhere any time soon, so hopefully I'll be able to see that close knit family soon."

Looking down at her paperwork Sam had at least got a little bit of stuff done she wanted too. It was better than not getting anything done at all. Most of her old cases were complete and could be taken back to the FBI now to be handed off to other people. She only hoped she had put everything together like it should be.

Studying Hal for a long moment her heart went out to him. She could tell by that look in his eye he missed his daughter very much. She couldn't imagen how hard being away from her way. She hoped one day that would change for him and he would be able to see her again.

   "Do you ever wonder if everyone around here is getting burnt out because they don't do anything but work? I mean...there had to be some time to have laughs in there too, or grab dinner. A life outside work where you can just let go and be...normal."

Staying close to Scott and not moving Hope gave a little smile. His comment and the fact he was still sitting there with her was a huge stop not many people would realize was major. But to her it was. It had been a long time since she had been this close to Scott, it felt nice.

   "I have. From the facility, to the Elite, to here I haven't left."

Taking Scott's hand in her own her fingers locked with his as he thumb just absentmindedly ran over his own.

Walking around the building Adison split off for Kirk and explored. She couldn't help the images that flashed in her mind as she envisioned how everything would look. There was enough rooms that some people could have there own office, they could have a good size infirmary. Some rooms used for interrogating. This was almost to perfect.

Wondering around a little more and coming to where Kirk was Adison put an arm around his wast and leaned her head on his shoulder looking out the window with him. 

   "I think this one is perfect. I kinda like that there is a coffee shop next door."

Shifting a little and going to the window she looked closer out it at the cars and people that passed by. It was a cute area, but not to busy just in case anything was ever to happen, yet close enough that the FBI might not be so paranoid. 

   "Lots of TLC, but maybe if we get everyone at the Elite a project to help with...they can feel like its there own too."


Hal chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Impressive...I am not." His eyes roamed the work before him. This was his life. He worked long hours not because he had to, but because he had nothing else of value to fill his time with. These people... this job... it's what gave him reason to get up every morning.

"I just...protect what I believe in, I guess." His eyes moved to land on the picture of Alison "And sometimes when you can't protect one thing you love, you try to protect everything else to make up for it."

He fell quiet for several long moments before swiveling around to the mini fridge and grabbing a coke to flip open and take a swig. "It's hard, ya know... seeing the Elite torn apart from the inside out like this. Before we were forced to go public, we were..." He smiled as he looked down at the coke can. "Invincible. I was a private investigator to the outside world, but here, I was fighting real crime. Like Batman or something." Another chuckle surfaced and he fidgeted with the pop can tab, his eyes remaining down. "After we had to let the world know we existed, things got harder and harder, like we were being suffocated. I kept to night security mostly because I had too hard a time following the rules when I was out on assignment and... it was easy to use my night owl nature as an excuse." In reality, he missed going out on cases, but he did cause less trouble in here.

He finally swung his gaze back up to Sam, a new grin emerging. "I'm sorry you had to come at such a rough time. I wish you could see everybody around here when their hackles aren't up. Maybe once we get moved and things get reorganized it'll feel a little more like home."

His stomach growled and he rolled his eyes. He'd accidentally skipped breakfast, and took another swig of coke to take the edge off before turning back to his computer screen to keep working.

Jamison grinned and nodded. "I gotcha. And organizing files is something I can definitely do." He might not admit it, but some mindless work might be nice for a while.

"If I don't see you later, I'll see you tomorrow."

Scott woke with a start, giving a little lurch before realizing he was still snuggled up against Hope. He hadn't been asleep all that long, but hadn't even known JT had come and gone. 

Opening his eyes, he was hit with another onslaught of data, making him cringe. It was... different though. It was clearer. More precise. More visually structured. He blinked a couple times until it went away, and sighed deeply. 

"Sorry," he mumbled to Hope. "I forgot how comfortable you are." He bit his lip. He hadn't said anything like that in a long time. Instead of retreating though, he just left his arm around her and his head on her shoulder. He was too exhausted to move anyway. "You haven't been here...the whole time, have you? The last few days?"

"Yeah..." Kirk kept thinking, then finally shook his head. "Let's go to the next place. Third time's the charm, right?"

The next location wasn't quite downtown as the FBI desired, though it was still fairly central. With a parking lot on either side, it provided plenty of space in that aspect, and outside before a wide set of steps were several trees, giving it a rather pretty look.

Pulling up to the curb, Kirk lifted an eyebrow. "Looks almost too cute," he mused. It was an older brown stone building, three stories high with what appeared to be a nice number of windows. "Hope you're not afraid of heights," he teased Adison before getting out of the car.

The entrance was two large wooden doors that led into a small foyer-like area before opening up to a wide space with a staircase on either side, winding up to the second floor that could be seen from there. Kirk wandered across the tiled floor, checking out some ground level offices and discovering several large rooms towards the back. 

Further investigation revealed a nice open space upstairs, with several more rooms, ideal for offices. The top floor was almost all open, and that's where Kirk found himself last, leaning on a window sill to look out on the surroundings. 

Across the street were some older shops. On one side of this building's parking lots was a coffee shop, and on the other was a small storage facility. It was quiet. Peaceful almost. 

"I think I'm in love." Kirk's voice echoed a little in the open room, and he grinned at Adison. "It would take some work to get everything up and running but...What do you think?"


Sam looked up at Hal and raised an eyebrow. Since she got here everything had been crazy and all she had to go on was Hal told her. Maybe it was just bad timing on the FBI's part.

   "I'll do my best to make sure that dosnt happen."

Just watching Hal again for a long second Sam was impressed by how protective of the different people in this family.

   "Your an impressive man you know that. The way you are willing to protect people is honorable. Makes me feel good knowing I am working closely with someone like that too."

Looking up at Jamison Dalton thought for a long moment. Jamison must be good at readying people. Maybe that was another one of his special talents. Dalton wondered a lot about the new comer.

   "I think I will go see him. I don't want you to be bored though. You learn quickly around here if you are bored, than you get an even worse task to do."

Glancing around the office Dalton tried to think of something for Jamison to do to keep him busy.  Finally he thought of something.

   "If you want on the computer you go into the files marked Agency-Alec you will find a whole bunch of stuff that needs to be put in groups for easy finding. Scott and I have been putting it off and it really needs to be done if you want to do that. Also feel free to help yourself to the snacks and drinks in the fridge over there." 

Hearing JT come into the room Hope smiled and gave a nod. She new Scott did need his rest and when he woke again she would see about trying to get him to eat at least a little something. If he wanted to heal he was going to have to keep his strength up.

Thinking again about JT's question Hope new Scott would need someone, and maybe that someone this time was not her. She didn't know if Justin would help or not but it was worth a try.

   "Yeah, if you could call Justin for me that would be great. I think I'm to emotionally involved to help the way he needs it."

Emotional State

"I... don't know." Jason bit his lip as his mind worked overtime. "I trust Misty, for sure, but... there's too much work for one person to keep up with. I just... I can't believe he just walked out like that. Maybe after he cools off, he'll be back." He forced a wry grin. "Even Con came back." It was true. More than one agent had left and come back, and some even multiple times. For Rick to walk out though...that was big. And worrisome. 

In the security room, Hal watched and listened to everything that was going on, just piecing it all together for himself. This wasn't good. At all. 

He gave Sam a sidelong glance, his face showing his concern. " not normal. Just so you know." He strummed his fingers on the desk. "I know Aaron's your responsibility, but just be careful if Misty's got to be the one doing his therapy. I can just see him taking advantage of the situation and trying to pull a stupid stunt with her." He gritted his teeth. "And heaven help him if he does, because I'll rip his limbs out." He huffed a sigh, not meaning to imply such violence, but Misty had been through enough, and Hal wouldn't stand for anyone trying to hurt her any more. Yes, this was Sam's job now, but he was right behind her. 

Jamison swiveled back and forth in his chair as he watched Dalton work. He hadn't been much help today. At least it didn't feel like it. He was learning - a lot - and fast - but he still didn't have his feet under himself yet around here. Then the whole thing with Scott had knocked everything even further off kilter. He was determined to make this work though... no matter what, it was Adison and Kirk who had gotten him in this mess, and if it wasn't to be, they'd have to be the ones to get him back out. 

Eyeing Dalton for a moment, he sighed. "If you want to visit Scott, I'm fine here by myself," he offered. He could tell the big man was very worried about his friend, and could understand. If it were him, he'd be the same way. "I'll find something to do. I just don't want you staying here because of me."

Having Hope come close and wrap him in a hug, Scott felt himself melt just a little. He slipped his arms around her too, wishing, just wishing that all of this - from the very beginning, had never happened. But then... a new thought struck him. If he'd never been abducted in the first place...he never would have met Hope at all. 

Looking at her eyes as she pulled back, his shoulders dropped a little more and he nodded. "I...I promise." New tears emerged, even though a little laugh surfaced as well. "It's the worse thing ever," he admitted. More tears streamed down his cheeks, and he laughed again. "It hurts so bad. I never should have been so...stupid." 

Sinking down a little again, he let his head lean over into her and just closed his eyes. His head was pounding, and he was so tired. So weak. So exhausted. He just wanted more sleep. And within seconds, he really had fallen asleep, still nestled into Hope. 

JT entered the room and was about to say something, but stopped when he realized Scott was sleeping. Approaching more quietly, he gave Hope a gentle smile. "I'm going to let him sleep a while," he mentioned softly. "But we need to see if he'll eat anything. If he won't, I'll need to give him a new IV. I think I want to keep him here overnight, but if his tests come out okay, he can go home tomorrow." He cocked his head, still thinking. "Because of his emotional state... do you want me to call Justin and see if he'd get involved again?" 

Honest Truth

Just stopping and watching Rick go Misty didn't know what else to say. She didn't want Rick to go, she could do this on her own but he was going and there was no changing his mind on this.

Letting out a long sigh she tried to not let her tears show but they did. Going back into the infermary she sat down at her desk. She was happy Aaron was in there right now as she just let the tears fall.

Having Jason come back into the room Katie had heard everything. From Rick leaving to Scott really blackmailing Garret it was so hard to believe. Looking at Jason her eyes were sad.

   "I can't believe this is happening right now."

Her mind raced as this all seemed so unbelievable. How could any of this happen. Things seemed to finally get better and now, it was a mess all over again.

   "What are we going to do now? I know we got Misty and she's good butt still."

Because you are an amazing man. Even if your head is messed up a little I love you, Scott Johnson."

Moving to the bed and tucking herself in next to Scott she wrapped her arms around him giving him a big hug. Just holding it for a long moment.

Finally pulling away she smiled and searching his face.

   "Don't ever do something so silly again...You got it? I don't know what I would do without you and that's the honestly truth."


Rick's head hurt and his heart hurt. This whole thing had pushed him too far, and he needed it to stop. As Misty came up beside him, he just kept walking. She wasn't making this any easier. They'd become close, working together the last few years, and if there was anyone he'd miss, it would be her.

Finally stopping out on the main floor, he sighed deeply. "No...I don't just need a vacation, because when I get back, nothing will have changed. I'll still hit a brick wall every stinking time I try to do something to help someone. I'm... I'm sorry." He looked to Misty with genuine apology, but just as much, there was anger and frustration. And before he could stop them, tears sprang into his eyes. "I can't do this any more." His voice had softened. "If you need anything or have any questions, just call me, okay?" 

Unable to say any more, he continued his route to leave the building. 

Having heard the commotion from his office, Jason glanced at Katie who had been going over some paperwork with him. His eyes went wide as he heard Rick's loud voice, and got up from his desk. Something was seriously wrong. Rick never shouted at anyone. Out in the hall, he met Reese, almost running into him. "Whoa. Reese. What's going on?" 

"I don't know." Reese set his hands on his hips with a groan. "Or I do. But I don't. Rick's leaving. Say's he's quitting for good and I can't stop him."

"What?" Jason's pulse quickened. He knew he always gave Rick a bad time, but Rick was one of the few stable things he had. The one person who had been looking out for him for years. Who knew all his ups and downs and what to watch for with his health. He and Misty were the only ones who knew how to deal with all the residual Agency crap symptoms. "But...why?" 

"Says he's fed up with dealing with people who just destroy everything he does to help." Reese shook his head. "It's been building, I know, but today I guess was the last straw."


"Yeah. Scott's awake and he confirmed he really did blackmail Garret. Which means he did all this to himself. I guess Rick figured he'd spent far too much time trying to help Scott to have him do this and throw it all away. He came back here, packed up a box and...there he goes." Reese sighed and aimed for his own office. "I...have work to do." 

Left alone with Katie again, Jason looked down at her with worry in his eyes. "Tell me this isn't happening." 

"But... I liked who I was." Scott searched Hope's face for answers he knew she didn't have. He was lost - it wasn't her fault. She couldn't fix him. No one could. But everything he did seemed to affect those around him and he kept messing it up. 

Hearing once again that she loved him, his anger subsided, replaced with more sorrow...more hurt... more sadness. "I'll never understand why," he whispered. He swallowed hard and thought for a few quiet moments before shifting a little so there was a bit more room next to him. "Can...can you just...give me a hug? I don't feel very good."

December 27, 2016

Without You

Giving a jump as the door burst open Misty just watched as Rick and Reese went back and forth. She had no idea what was going on but her heart races inside her chest. Rick was leaving? He wasn't going to work there anymore? 

Standing Misty ran after Rick before walking next to him. She could see his frustration, and it hurt.

   "Rick, I can run this place without you. I...cant do this without you. I can understand you are frustrated...but maybe you just need a vacation?"

   "You need to stop thinking about who you were, and see who you are."

Hope searches Scott's face. She could see his fear, she could see the pain and it hurt but what she said was true. 

   "You don't mess everything up and you ARE worth more than you say. People protect you because they are. We protect everyone at the Elite because we care."

Shifting in her chair Hope wasn't sure if what she was saying was even getting through to Scott but she hoped maybe just a little it was.

   "You don't keep hurting me Scott and no I wont let you go, because I love you."


"I thought you would believe the note..." Scott couldn't feel worse. After everything, he'd still done it wrong. "I failed again didn't I? I just... I can't ever get it right anymore." 

His fingers curled around the bedsheets as his hurt and anger surfaced. "Ever since... since they had me and put me through hell... I haven't done anything right. I haven't eaten right or... or done my work right... or even treated you right." He swiped another tear from his eye. 

"There was a part of me that actually enjoyed blackmailing Garret. I'm so... scared of him. Of anyone from the Agency. And... and finally... I was the one in control." His gaze remained glued to the ceiling as everything he'd had bottled up inside bubbled over. "All Reese and Dalton do is try to protect me... I'm scared of my own shadow... And... and I just... I got so tired of it."

He fell quiet for a few minutes until he finally glanced over at Hope. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I keep hurting you and you just won't let me go and I don't know what to do anymore."

"...No! I've had it up to here!" Rick burst into the infirmary and stalked to his desk where he grabbed a nearby box and started tossing things into it.

Reese followed him and threw Misty a frustrated look, throwing his hands in the air. "You can't just walk away!"

"Watch me." Rick's tone was harsh. Cold almost. "I have worked hard, countless hours, had countless sleepless nights for countless years, I have dug out bullets, sewed up knife wounds, played psychiatrist, pretended to be a forensic scientist, and been pushed around, shoved around, told how to do my job and gone completely ignored nearly seventy-five percent of the time by ninety percent of this one hundred percent insane, ungrateful, psychotic and stubborn batch of agents." He grabbed his favorite paper weight and put it in the box too.

"I have been put through the wringer, and for what? For Scott to go and actually purposely harm himself. And he's not the only one around here! What's the point in trying to make people better when all they do is intentionally destroy it anyway?!" He took his framed accomplishments off the wall and wasn't very careful as he packed them, too. "I'm through, Reese."

"But you can't-"

"Nobody ever listens to me, why should I listen to you?!" Rick grabbed his box and turned to give Misty a sloppy salute. "It's all yours. Have fun with it." Turning around, he almost ran into Reese. "Out of my way," he growled.

Reese held up his hands and stepped to the side to let him by, helplessly watching him leave. Glancing over his shoulder, he looked at Misty with desperation. "If you have anything to say that you think might keep him here, by all means say it."

Yes I can...

   "Because one I am upset with him and its better I cool off before I go, and two I know there are going to be a lot of people there already and I don't want to crowd him. I'll go see him tonight, promise."

Sapphire sat back in her chair for a second and put her pencil behind her ear. If she went to see Scott right now she new what would happen. She would be happy to see him, but be upset and more than likely scold him too. Which in turn would upset him more and while he was healing she didn't want to cause stress.

   "In some cases its better to just sit back and wait till things calm a little. If not you might just makes things worse because you are acting on emotions. Even with family."

   "Yes I can blame you. I know you were only trying to help but what you did...was very selfish. Not only to Garret, but to the rest of use too."

Hope tried to keep her emotions in check. Knowing the truth, knowing Scott forced Garret to do this hurt. Knowing Scott wanted to die, hurt even more. 

   "So if you died, Garret would be going to prison and innocent man who was just trying to get a second chance's life would be over because he was trying to save the woman he loved. While the rest of us would have suffered because you were gone. We'd be questioning ourselves wondering what we could of done differently to help you."

Letting out a sigh Hope sat back in her chair whole emotions and through ran through her head. There was so much she wanted to say and yet...she didn't know how to find the words to say it all. Maybe not saying anything at all was better than saying something and making it come out wrong.


Left alone with Sapphire again, Garret cocked his head and just studied her. "Maybe. But... Why didn't you go see Scott? I mean..." He wasn't quite sure what he was asking. It just seemed strange that she would stay here, let alone be concerned about whether or not his name was cleared.

He thought for a moment about John... a brother he didn't even know, and the strange feeling it evoked. "He's your brother," he finally concluded. "Why stay here?"

"Oh." Scott swallowed hard. His fingers fidgeted with Hope's. She seemed... more quiet than normal. Not upset but... almost. "Well it... it wasn't his fault. I... I mean I..." A random slice of data flashed across his vision and he closed his eyes, just leaning his head back. "I feel kinda nauseous..." 

He said little more until Reese and Rick had arrived. JT stood nearby as well, but didn't interfere. Reese stood by the bed, and though unhappy, remained calm for Scott's sake. He was so thin and pale, it was scary. 

"We got your note..." Reese cocked his head. "We, um... figured Garret forced you into it."

Scott was sitting up in bed by now, and bit his lip. "But... but I signed it."

"So... he didn't force you?"

"No. That's why I signed it." Scott rolled his eyes. "I thought you'd believe it."

"Uh... not really." Reese shook his head. "You're telling me that you actually blackmailed him? That you actually threatened to contact the Agency and blow his cover?"

Tears sprang into Scott's eyes. "Yes."

Reese had a hard time controlling his temper. "Care to explain why?"

"Because I know you'd never let me go through with the upgrade and... and Garret was my only way."

"But Scott... You could have died. What ever possessed you?"

"I just... I wanted to be useful." A tear trickled down Scott's cheek. "Everybody kept telling me I was fine the way I was but... but I wasn't. And... I just wanted to help. With just one thing, that's all. Then... if I died, at least I woulda done something good."

Rick shook his head and turned to leave, unable to take it. JT watched him go, them followed him out into the hall to make sure everything was alright. 

Reese looked at Scott with pity, just shaking his head. "I could have sent Garret to prison for that stunt," he reprimanded softly. 

"I wouldn't have really contacted the Agency..." Scott sniffed. "I just... I knew Garret wouldn't be able to refuse if I told him I would."

"I'm sorry you felt like you had to do that."

"Did I at least help? With Carson?"

Reese sighed. "Yeah. But... it wasn't worth the risk."

"If you were me... lost... and unable to function... you wouldn't say that." Scott bit his lip as more tears came. "You have no idea what it's like to... to feel helpless and useless. I just wanted to do one last brave thing. I wasn't meant to survive."

Reese had a hard time holding in his own emotions now, and knew this visit was over. He looked to Hope apologetically. "I think he needs you more than anyone." If Scott had a death wish, then Hope really was who he needed... in more ways than one. 

Alone with Hope once again, Scott stared up at the ceiling and swiped at his eyes. "It wasn't supposed to happen this way... I just wanted to do something other than cower in a corner and run away from my nightmares. Can you really blame me?"

Little work

Something was different about Scott that she could tell. Was it a good different, was it a bad different that she didn't know. She just hoped for Scott's sake he wasn't worse off. She didn't know how much more he could handle.

Hearing what he said about Garret it confirmed what Garret said was the truth. Her heart sank just a little thinking that Scott could really do that.

   "He's in quite a bit of trouble actully. Reese has wait though to decide what to do with him till you woke up and he spoke to you."

Hearing Scott was awake Sapphire's head poped up as she let out a sigh of releaf. Even if she was upset with her brother she wanted him to be ok.

   "Thank goodness."

She was happy yet she didn't move from her chair. She wasn't ready to go see him yet, not to mention she didn't want to crowd him with to many people.

   "I'll go to see him later. I want to finish what I'm doing with you first."

Looking at the computer screen again Sapphire finally gave a sidelong glance to Garret and she smiled a little.

   "At least your name can be cleared now."

Looking around the open room Adison scrunched her nose. She didn't like this one as much as the first. The first one seemed like there more room for what they needed this one was just...felt small.

   "If we could build onto this one I think we would be OK but how it is now it just seems small for everything we need."

Walking forward and thinking he mind started imagen what they could add on or walls to build. This could work it might just take a little work.


Scott kept his hand in Hope's, and just closed his eyes again for a few silent moments until he shook his head. "He'll just talk to me eventually," he responded softly. 

He opened his eyes again and blinked. The world was... different. He was seeing things as if looking through a completely different lense. He knew it was his mind's eye and not literal, but it was as if he were looking through a scope that zeroed in on anything he focused on, so it could be analyzed. Even Hope's face. And immediately he saw streaming data. 

Sucking in his breath, he shook his head a little again, ridding his view of the imagery. Was that...the upgrade? He was almost scared to find out. 

"Um..." He searched Hope's worried face, and was just as sorry as he always was. Why hadn't he just died like he'd hoped? "Is... Is Garret okay? He didn't get in trouble did he?"

"Rick?" Reese stuck his head in the infirmary. "JT just called. Scott's awake."

Rick got to his feet immediately and grabbed his keys before looking to Misty. "I'm going to see him. If you need anything, call my cell." He followed Reese out the door with a nod. "I'll follow you there."

Reese led the way out onto the main floor and stopped by Sapphire's cubicle. "Your brother just woke up."

Garret's head snapped up. Scott was awake? What kind of shape was he in? Was he talking yet? Would he tell the truth? Had the upgrade worked or been a failure?

Reese saw all the questions on his face but shook his head. "Stay put," he directed. "I wanna talk to him first."

All Garret could do was nod before looking over to Sapphire. He did hope Scott was okay for her sake. 

"I dunno..." Kirk folded his arms and looked around the large open room. "There's a lot of space but... something just doesn't feel quite right."

He turned and scanned the entire place again. It was a large open floor, by only two office spaces. It was two levels, which wasn't bad, although the stairs needed some work. There was a lot of square footage but...It didn't feel like much elbow room.

Kirk glanced at Adison. "I think we need something a bit more modernized. Wonder how much we could squeeze out of the FBI for a building upgrade."

What Happened

   "Ohhh...Milky way my favorite. You are going to have to find a new hiding place now."

Taking the candy and nodding her thanks Sam opened it and took a bite. Right about now chocolate tastes like heaven. Scooting in a little closer to the desk Sam opened one of her files. Hearing Hal's comment she just smiled. She didn't need to reply but it did make her feel good knowing he'd have done the same thing. Gave her confirmation she was doing something right. 

Feeling Scott squeeze her hand Hope new he wanted her to stay and she would. Just staying quiet while JT was there she let him do his thing. As JT said he was going to make some phone call Hope nodded. She was thankful he was going to do that for her.

Once he was going she looked to Scott again cocking her head to one side. 

   "We didn't know if you would or not either. You had a lot of people pretty worried."

Sitting down on the bed and searching Scott's face for a long moment she wondered how he would be this time around. Would he be worse? More fragile. So many things went through her mind.

   "Reese will probable be here soon. He's going to want to talk to you about what happened. If you'd rather not talk about it yet I can ask him to hold off for a little bit."

Welcome Back

Hal didn't look up as Sam came into the room, and just focused on work. He knew she was still new around here, but didn't want to dictate every move she made, or pounce whenever she came into the office. He'd seen the cameras and knew the decision she'd made. 

As she spoke, he glanced up from his paperwork where he had his elbows resting on the desk, and grinned. "If there's one thing everyone around here had to learn eventually is that nothing needs to be or should be done alone. Lots of people try to go it alone, but it usually ends in disaster. So asking for help... is not only acceptable, but generally recommended." 

He straightened and opened one of the desk drawers, pulling out a mini Milky Way bar, which he tossed in her direction. "And chocolate always helps... Always. Just don't tell anyone about this stash or it will mysteriously disappear and then when we have a really bad day, we won't have the pick-me-up." 

Turning back to his paperwork, he paused, then looked over to her once more. "For the record - I woulda chosen the same thing today. Remember, you're limited by Aaron's own actions, which only he can control. Rick's just going through a hard time."

A coma? For a few days? Scott managed a thin smile. "If you're thinking I must feel like crap," he answered hoarsely, "then you're right." 

"Well...welcome back, Scott." JT smiled as he came into the room. 

Scott licked his dry lips and closed his eyes again as the data tried to take over. "Thanks... I think." 

"Mind if I poke and prod a bit?"

Scott smirked. "Like I have a choices?" He gave Hope's hand a little squeeze, not wanting her to leave. He really wasn't sure all what was going on and was just a bit frightened. "" He flinched as JT forced his eye open and shone a light into it. "What happened?"

"Mm..." JT listened to his heart and took his pulse before making a note on his clipboard. "Can you tell me?" 

"Um...last thing I remember..." Scott winced as a new wave of pain shot through his head. 

JT eyed him with concern. "Are you experiencing any kind of pain?"

Scott nodded, keeping his eyes shut. "Just, um... my head hurts. It... seems to come and go."

"Okay. I might be able to help with that. About what happened..."

"I was with Garret and..." Scott's breathing sped up just a little as he recalled being strapped into the assimilation chair. "And... and he had me hooked up and...and that's the last thing I remember." 

JT nodded thoughtfully before going through routine questions about his name, the date and his family. Everything checked out okay, satisfying JT for now. "You just rest a bit now, alright? I want to run a test or two to make sure the swelling in your brain has gone down, and if it has, you'll be out of here in no time." He patted Hope's shoulder as he passed by. "I'll make some phone calls, too." He knew she'd understand that he meant he'd be calling the Elite. 

Alone with Hope again, Scott managed to open his eyes again without the overload returning. "I...I didn't think... I'd survive," he admitted softly.

Look Good

Doing there best to try and get the bandage on Ryan was thankful. At least someone was thinking. More than likely she would of just kept working and worried about her finger later. She always had been stubborn like that.


Seeing Axel rub his hand out of the corner of her eye Ryan didn't linger or mention anything about it just simply tried to focus on the task at hand. Maybe they could both tag team this car and get it down in a good amount a time.

   "Ok, so...we tag team this and maybe it wont turn out to be a complete mess and we can make each other look good in the process. Sometimes...its ok to have help."

Hearing that here was another kill Nate let out a sigh and shook his head. He couldn't believe this was happening. Not only did they have to worry about the Agency they had to worry about some Vigilanty that was going around killing there targets.

   "What I wanna know is how to they know who we are going after...because it always seemed its the people we want to talk too. I don't get it."

Running a hand over his face Nate nodded and looked to Reese again. I guess his best bet was to call Chance and get some pictures and reports sent over to him so he could look them over.

   "Ok, I'll call Chance."

Once Reese was gone Nate pulled out his phone and dialed Chance. Getting his voicemail he left a message. 

   "Hey Chance its Nate. I need you to get me photos of the crime scene here of the guy who died along with the reports asap. Thanks."

Exhausted Hope's eyes popped open thinking she felt something. Sitting up she just looked at Scott and waited. Her was so tried she didn't know if it was her own imagination or not. As Scott shot up from the bed Hope jumped up. Running to the door she called out to the doctors.

   "He's awake...hurry."

Going back into the room Hope puts a hand on his arm. She didn't know what was going on or how to help other than being there at the moment.

   "I'm here Scott its ok...your safe."

As Scott fall back in the bed Hope forced a little smile looking down at him. He was awake she was thankful for that. 

   "You are in the hospital at the moment. You've been in a coma for the last few days. I'd ask how you are feeling but I guess that would be a little silly huh?"

Wondering away from the room that was now holding Aaron Sam couldn't help but be a little nervous. She hoped this would work out ok and she had to calm her worry. She had her own stuff to work on and couldn't be with Aaron twenty four seven.

Getting to the security room and sitting down at the table where some files were waiting for her Sam let out a sigh before looking to Hal. He'd been a really big support system to her and she was forever thankful.

   "Well, I guess we will see how this works out now. Thanks for helping direct me. It really means a lot." 

December 26, 2016


Wondering over to Axel with her hands in her pockets she looked down at what he was doing. She felt so bad for him with how bad his hand was getting. He tried hard to do what he still loved and even if he didn't didn't say it you could see how much it hurt.

   "Here let me help."

Twisting some of the bolts Ryan got 2 off, and the last one just didn't want to budge. Continuing to try and twist it her hand slipped and she gashed her finger open. 

   "Ah crap."

Pulling her hand away quickly she put her finger to her mouth to stop it from bleeding. Using her other hand she tugged at the bolt before it finally gave way. Setting them aside her removed her finger from her mouth and looked at the cut. It didn't look to bad, she should live.

   "Alright that's done, what next? You be my brain, I'll be your hands."

Hearing Aaron's comment Sam's eyes went wide for a second before they softened a little. Drawing closer to the bed Sam just looked at Aaron for a long moment before reaching out and slapping him upside the head again.

   "Keep dreaming buddy. You might have cleaned up nice, and you might be decent looking but I'm a little smarter than that, and your not going to sauced me."

Turning and heading for the door Sam stopped getting to it before looking back at Aaron.

   "I"ll be back in a bit with lunch. Try and stay out of trouble."

Sapphire smiled proud of her work. She didn't often get to do stuff like that since it was mostly Scott and Dalton that did the hacking, so when she actually did she was proud of her work and it was nice someone else noticed it too.

   "Well I hope they do keep you around. Who else am I going to show my skills off too."

Sapphire couldn't help but grin at Garret for a moment. Hearing Garret's comment about Scott Sapphire looked down at her desk for a moment before looking back up again. She was upset with Scott for what he did to Garret but she still loved him.

   "Thanks Garret, that really means a lot."