February 4, 2017


Ryan couldn't help but laugh more at Hunter as he squirmed. The way his eyes twinkled they just drew her in. As Hunter stopped though and brushed some of her hair from her face Ryan held her smile but became still. Leaning her head into Hunter's hand Ryan closed her eyes for a moment soaking in the warmth, the softness of his skin. She would never understand how he had the ability to stop her in her tracks like that and turn her upside down. Only Alec had ever been able to do that, and still, this was much different and Ryan liked it.

Hearing Hunter's speak again Ryan opened her eyes. She knew he was right. Morning would be here before they knew it, and if they were going to get up at a decent time sleep had to come soon. She didn't want to go though. 

Shifting just a little Ryan slipped down on the bed just a little. Enough she could lay down and lean her head on Hunter's shoulder as she draped her arm over his chest as she just buried herself a little deeper into the blankets next to him. 

   "I guess you're right. We should sleep. I claim this spot as my own. Safe, warm, comforting...its perfect."

Sitting down now with Pete and Susanne Ron once again just observed. She seemed liked a nice lady and though she had seen much he himself could never imagen her doing something like this. They had to ask everyone, though, they couldn't play favorites. That's just not how it worked. 

Nervous, believes the people dear if let loose are a menace to society, defensive. Ron wrote more notes. 

Hearing Pete's comment he wondered for a moment. Susanne did really seem like a nice lady. Was it really that suprising?

   "I guess a lot of people can not act like themselves when they feel cornered. Honestly, though a lot can be said about someone becoming defensive. I'm pretty sure Susanne is not the leak."

Writting another note by her name...innocent...Ron was satisfied for now. If they had to come back to her they could, but he didn't think they would need too.