February 14, 2017

Good Guesser

Reading Lucy's face and seeing the color in her cheeks, Jamison knew good and well what she'd really meant, but did find humor in it. He chuckled and shook his head. "Not silly. I did that once with a little table. It was on a street corner to be picked up with garbage. Who knows where it had been, but I rescued it and now it's my night stand." He'd done that with a few things... usually just small furniture or books. Books...he could never see any books discarded.

Lucy's proposition made his eyebrows rise. He was pretty much a total stranger and she was asking him for help? Was she that naive, or that perceptive that he was a safe guy? He wondered which. "Nope." His rejection came quick, but his eyes twinkled. "Don't want any extra money... but I can help." He kept his lips from smiling too widely. "So do you assume most guys in the park can best you at calculus or are you just a good guesser?" 

Scott's face flushed slightly as his eyes dropped. He never had held too much confidence when it came to his photography. "I don't mind if you frame them... if you want. I mean... yeah." He wasn't sure why she'd want the lonely flower on her wall, but if she liked it, then he wouldn't tell her no. They were hers - he'd given them to her. Deep down though...it did make him feel good. 

"Um, I was thinking if... well, it's almost lunchtime and... well, Justin made me eat breakfast so I'm kinda woozy, but if you wanted to go get something to eat with me?" 

Clint smiled and nodded. "I think a road trip to Nevada sounds like a good idea. If I can pry Wendy and the kids away for a few days, maybe we'll take a mini vacation sometime." It really had been nice having Ryan around. She was nice, and having help in the shop was a bonus. 

All too soon, breakfast was over and everyone was dispersing. There were handshakes but mostly hugs and farewells. And soon, Hunter was sliding into driver's seat of his car beside Ryan. "Well... you ready to hit the road?"