February 26, 2017


Coffee was good and ended too quickly. Getting back to the shop Ryan really didn't want to go to work but she knew she had too. After being gone for a week, and her boss being so understanding about everything she couldn't take advantage of that.

Getting off the bike Ryan didn't move far as Hunter took off his helmet. Coming in close to him Ryan just played with the buttons on his jacket for a long moment before finally looking up at him and squinting in the sunlight. Did she really want to go to the races tonight? Was she ready? Looking into Hunter's eyes and seeing the comfort that was there she didn't care if she was ready or not she wanted to go to be there for him and if people had anything to say, she would do her best to ignore it.

   "I'll be there if Eli has nothing planned and can drive me. Definitely, keep an eye out for me."

Learning in Ryan's lips brushed his before she pulled away and smiled a little her eyes twinkling. She couldn't just leave it at that till she saw him again, that would be torcher to him, but to her too. Coming in again she pressed her lips against his and let it linger with passion this time.

Looking over the menu Sam chuckled at Hal's comment. Honestly, she was the same way. She always knew what she wanted but she looked anyway. Never knew what might be new and look good. 

   "Eh, never hurt to look anyways."

Putting the menu down and grabbing her tea Sam took a long sip she looked at Hal across the table. It really was nice they were doing lunch after this morning's little rough start but now that they were here, something just seemed off. Hal almost seemed nervous.

Looking around the room Sam thought it might be there were too many people, but it was just them. She felt bad but hoped it would pass quickly for him.

   "Yes, I actually got the address from Kirk before we left. As long as your up for it though."

Hearing a noise Ashlee opened her eyes and just layed in bed for a long moment. Was it just the wind or did she hear someone at the window?! Listening she heard the noise again and sat up. It was a tap, at her window. Who on earth.

Getting up out of bed and wrapping a blanket around herself Ashlee's bear feet padded across the floor to the window. Opening it and seeing Dylan Ashlee gave a sleepy smile thought she was slightly confused too.

   "Hey Dyaln. Everything ok?"