February 22, 2017

All Smiles

Aaron gave a little scoff and shook his head at Sam for the hundredth time. "You boggle my mind, you know that? How have you kept yourself alive as an FBI agent all this time, when you go around trusting guys like me?" In spite of wanting to be grouchy again, he couldn't resist grabbing a couple more chips to munch on. "You know good and well that in spite of my bum knee, I could still do some damage, and we're up here without anybody but the security boy knowing about it." 

He squinted at her in the dim light, noticing a few stray strands of hair that had slipped out from her short ponytail. "What makes you think I won't try to pull something?" He really did want to know. What was it about his behavior that gave her even the slightest notion he wouldn't try to run, or worse? "I stood in the kitchen twelve inches from you with a knife in my hand and you didn't flinch. We're up here - alone - and that doesn't bother you?"

"Food? Who said anything about food?" Kyle grinned from ear to ear as Alice joined them, and he returned her quick kiss. "We just decided to sit here and let our mouths water from the aromas." 

Seeing Alice's look, Theo's eyes widened, and he sheepishly changed seats. "He's lying. We've already ordered and he ordered for you, too." 

"He ordered anchovies," Russ warned. 

"I did not!" Kyle threw a napkin at him. 

Russ threw his hands in the air. "Why do you keep throwing things at me?!" 

"Because you're an easy target." Theo tossed another straw wrapper at him. 

Russ turned to Karla and smirked. "Some things never change, you know that? The only good thing is that Twila and Erik aren't here because they're just as bad. You sure you don't want a job? You could be my bodyguard." 

"Awww." Kyle offered a mock frown. "Poor wittle Wuss can't defend hisself."

Russ' eyes narrowed. "Oh, shut up." 

"Hey, is your boyfriend ever gonna get here?" Eli stole a french fry from the oven pan as he walked through the kitchen behind Ryan. The steaks were done and just keeping warm until Hunter arrived. He grabbed a couple beers from the fridge and meandered to the living room where he slung an arm around Scarlet's shoulders and gave her cheek a playful kiss. "Mwah! I know your postponed trip is a pain but I'm glad you could come over tonight." He glanced to the kitchen before lowering his voice. "And meet the guy who's got her all in smiles again."

It was later than Hunter liked, but there wasn't much he could do about it. He'd rushed home to take a very quick shower and throw some clean clothes on, but still hadn't gotten to Ryan and Eli's until eight. Hopefully they wouldn't mind. 

Pulling his motorcycle up to the curb, he parked and cut the engine before taking off his helmet. After dismounting, he ran a hand through his hair and wandered up the sidewalk to the door.