February 21, 2017

It's Nice

Getting up the flights of stairs was a chore, but Aaron managed with Sam's help, and didn't complain. Hitting the fresh air, he just stood for several moments with his eyes closed, breathing in the cool air. It was cooler than he'd anticipated, but he didn't mind. He'd rather be cold outside than warm in the stuffy bedroom.

Sam's impatience made him smile a little and he came over to the blanket. Really now... she was actually trusting him this far? She couldn't be putting herself in a more vulnerable position if she tried. He eyed her for a moment then just shook his head. He lowered himself down and set his crutches aside, then helped take the food out of the bag and handed her a piece of the Apple quesadilla. It was something simple but he'd always liked them.

"When you don't have meat, you learn to make do with something else," he mused. He took one too, and quietly are for a few minutes, just letting his eyes adjust to the dark. He leaned back on one elbow and looked up at the sky. It really wasn't too bad of a view for being on the edge of the city. He took another bite of the snack before glancing over to Sam again. She hadn't needed to do this. It wasn't a requirement, and boring evening or not, she hadn't had to come here. The question was... could he really trust her more than the Agency at this point? 

"Thank you..." His eyes dropped before he looked up at the moon instead. "I don't know if this is just a tactic or not but... it's nice to get outside."

Karla's invitation brought on enthusiastic nods from the guys. "You're sure more than welcome to join us," Kyle added.

Levi smiled a but shook his head. These were Karla's friends and he wanted her to have a good time and not worry about having a newcomer in the mix. "Naw, you go on." He nodded at Karla. "I'll hold down the fort." He looked to Kyle. "Make sure she doesn't hurry back too fast for work."

Kyle grinned. "You got it."

"So come on," Russ prompted as he pushed open the door. "I'm wasting away to nothing!"

"How is that even possible with all those potato chips in your stomach?!" Theo followed him outside.

Kyle just rolled his eyes, though his expression was one of amusement. "Guess we better go before they leave without us..."

It wasn't too much later that the small group was filing into Mom and Pop's. Carson glanced out from the kitchen and grinned as he saw Kyle. It had been a while since they'd had a rambunctious group in here. He looked over to Aerith. "Wanna take care of them? I got my hands full of pizza sauce."

Getting settled at a table, Kyle looked across at Karla, still smiling. "So... How have you been?"

Hunter smiled and returned Ryan's kiss. "Mm... Yeah, if you don't mind eating a little later. I don't get off til seven and I'll need to go home to shower and change."

He rather liked the idea of eating supper with them. It would give him a chance to get to know Eli a little more too.