February 15, 2017

Of Course

Dylan wasn't surprised at Ashlee's quick dismissal of the subject of her and Travis. He'd just wanted to hear it for himself that they were an item. Not that he had too much doubt, but her saying it was just the confirmation he'd been looking for. Her next question, though, went unanswered for a several moments. Did they really hardly talk anymore? If it was true, he knew that was his own fault. He knew he was a loner. He knew he could be antisocial. He knew he didn't talk very much. He just... didn't do people well. Maybe it was part of what he'd admitted to Sparky - that he didn't think he deserved to be happy. But maybe part of it, too, was just his ongoing struggle to find his place and be comfortable enough in his own skin that he could let down his walls. Just because he didn't talk though, didn't mean he didn't care. Is that how it looked to others? He wondered.

"I'm okay," he finally answered. He aimed Seven along the left fork in the path this time around, taking a different route than what they'd ridden the last time. "Wish Hunter woulda stayed around a little longer," he admitted. There was another long pause before he glanced over at her, cocking his head a little to see out from under the brim of his cowboy hat. "You happy?" It was more pointed than simply asking how she was doing. He really did wonder if she was happy here. She smiled more that Travis was around. Not that it made him like the other young man any more.

Hunter was a little surprised Ryan was hesitant to walk inside by herself but it certainly didn't bother him. On the contrary, it kind of made him feel good. "Of course that would be okay." He shut off the engine before stepping out of the car. Coming around to her side, he grabbed her bag for her.

Inside, Eli had fallen asleep on the couch. As Zidan started to whine though, he got up and sleepily looked out the window. Seeing Hunter's car, he was relieved they'd made it back in one piece. Not that he was worried, but he did like knowing his sister was safe and sound. Padding to the door in his socks, he made it just in time to open it before Ryan had a chance to get her keys out. "Hey!" He couldn't help his smile in spite of his sleepy eyes - he really had missed her. Letting her get inside, he gave her a big hug. "Mmm, it's been way too quiet without you around here." As Zidan got excited and tried to nose his way in, Eli laughed. "He agrees with me." 

Turning, he acknowledged Hunter with a nod, then offered him a handshake. "Thanks for getting her back here safe." 

"Of course." Hunter grinned. "Wouldn't have it any other way." He set Ryan's bag to the side and gave her a bit of an awkward look. He wasn't so sure what her brother would think of their newfound relationship. 

Oblivious to anything going on, Eli just smiled at Ryan again. She looked... good. Tired, but good. "How was the drive back?"

Jamison just smiled and nodded to Lucy. "Far as I know, I'm free tomorrow, so I'll be here." Actually, helping someone out like this was fun. He'd helped fellow students before when he'd been studying himself and had always enjoyed it. As much as he liked learning, he liked being able to share the information too. 

Standing up, he grabbed his own book. "Enjoy the rest of your day." He wandered back to his car, not really feeling like going back to work but...he knew he had to. 

Scott's eyes fell back to the table. "I don't feel like a fighter," he answered softly. He forced himself to take another bite of his sandwich, then a sip of his water. Hope was right. This was scary. He didn't know what would happen one day to the next. He didn't know if he'd have a good day or a bad one. He didn't know if his emotions would get the best of him, or if he'd be in control. If the data would hinder normal tasks or if he'd be fine. It was all just so... unsettled.Was he really not alone?

He glanced back up at her, mulling over her words and the things Justin had told him. What did it mean to let others help? What did it mean for him to not keep trying to do things on his own? "I feel like I'm falling down a dark hole." He swallowed hard as tears sprang into his eyes. "And no matter what I do... I can't seem to stop or... or find my way back up. Everything I do to fight it is wrong."