February 20, 2017


Hunter smiled, leaning his face into her hand just a little before she withdrew. "Mmm, well, I guess if you wanna see me chasing around rugrats and trying to get them to pay attention in class, you're more than welcome to be a spectator." He chuckled. "One of these days I probably need to be responsible and get another or better job. I won't always be able to live off my winnings and race gambling." His eyes narrowed slightly. "Especially if somebody starts beating me again." 

Grinning, he leaned close to give her lips a soft kiss. "I better get you back to the shop before they think I kidnapped you. I don't think I'd want those guys coming after me."

It was almost noon, and Levi's stomach growled. He'd brought some of his mom's leftover vegetable soup for lunch, and he could almost hear it calling his name. He just had to finish this one email, then he could eat. His dad had left to run an errand, leaving him and Karla to turn up the music as loud as they wanted, which... was pretty loud, until the phone would ring. 

Suddenly though, he heard a new sound. Banging? Wait, what? He turned and looked over his shoulder at the front windows. 

Kyle had his arms spread out over the window, his face barely an inch from the pane as he tapped his fingers on the glass. Theo banged his palms lightly on the pane next to him, a cheesy grin on his face, while Russ had his hands cupped up against the glass and was yelling, "Karla!" All three guys were frantically trying to get her attention instead of using the front door.

Scott fingered his phone for a moment, thinking. A picnic sounded nice. And Justin had been trying to get him outdoors more. Maybe he could even bring his camera. And Domino would love a romp in the grass. For the first time in a very long time, he felt a small spark of excitement. 
That's a really good idea.
I can bring stuff for
Justin had forced him to go shopping for food the day before, so he did have enough to bring and share.
Meet you at noon in
the park? 
He rolled onto his back and Domino promptly crawled up into his side where he could put his arm around her and she cuddled in close to keep warm for the night. He sighed and gave her a pat. Maybe, just maybe tonight he could avoid the nightmares.

Aaron looked at Sam in amazement. Was she serious? It was one thing to bring him up here or let him have a short walk outside, but to plan an evening was... stupid on her part, if nothing else. At least right now if he tried anything, there were people around. Hardly anybody was here at night though. He could easily...

He stopped his thoughts and turned his face away to look at the bare wall across the room. "I'd like that." Why had he just agreed? Nothing mattered. He didn't matter. This place didn't matter. It was all pointless. This was just an attempt on Sam's part to break him down even further. Make him comfortable so he'd be vulnerable. And yet... he didn't want to spend another evening alone in that room. And if he was completely honest with himself... he had no intention whatsoever of harming Sam, even if given the opportunity. Which... wasn't like him, and was just a little frightening. 

"You have to bring some flour tortillas... and some shredded cheddar." He glanced back over to her as he thought about what he'd already seen in the break room that they could use. "A couple potatoes... and a couple apples." A slight grin curled the edge of his mouth. "And only if we can go up on the roof for a clear view."