February 15, 2017

Fight Alone

   "Take one day at a time, stop looking ahead. Tomorrow might be a good day, tomorrow might be a bad day but you won't know until tomorrow so don't stew on it till then. If tomorrow is a bad day, grab the phone and call me, or Justin, or even Dalton and let us know you just need someone even if its just to make sure you get out of bed or eat."

Searching Scott's face for a long second Hope felt bad for him. She could see he was tiring but she could see it was so hard too. She wished there was an easier way, that there was a wand, or a cure to just make everything better.

Looking back down at her food Hope pushed it aside before reaching across the table and taking Scott's hand in her own. Just running her fingers across his for a long moment she finally looked up and smiled. 

   "You don't have to fight alone or be strong all the time. That's what the people who care about you are for. Sometimes we can take the work because that's what friends are for."

Getting up to the door and having it open Ryan smiled seeing Eli. She really had missed her brother a lot. If there was one reason truly to come back home it was him. Getting inside and returning his hug Ryan just held him for a long moment till she felt the wet nose of Zidan and stepped to the side to let him in too. 

   "Oh I missed you both so much."

Stepping aside and moving in a little more to let Hunter in too so he didn't just stand on the porch she smiled. She knew he more than likely felt a little strange and honestly, she did kinda too. She wasn't sure what Eli would think of her and Hunter.

   "The drive back was a lot better than the drive up. Other than being sore from a horse ride yesterday. I have a picture too as proof I was on a horse."

Looking to Hunter again and smiling she nodded wondering if he would like to come in for a little bit. She knew he had to work tomorrow and it was getting late, but maybe he would stay for just a little to un-wide. Taking his hand she looked up at him before looking to Eli again and scrunching her nose. They might as well get this awkwardness out of the way if Hunter was going to be around more.

  "Hunter, do you want to stay for a little while? We have lots of adventure to share with Eli and it just won't be the same doing it alone."

Hearing Dylan wished Hunter would have stayed longer Ashlee gave a little nod. She could tell that he and Hunter were good friends and that he was sad he was gone now. Dylan had very little friends or people he was close too. It was sad that there wasn't someone more permanently around for him to hang with. 

   "Maybe you can go visit Hunter sometime. I bet that would be fun."

Hearing his question about being happy Ashlee thought for a long moment. That was a hard question to answer or at least she thought it was.

   "I think I am. I was getting pretty lonely before Travis came to the ranch. Not many people my age around to hang out with and while I didn't mind being alone but it was kind of a bummer not being able to really share anything with anyone. Such is life though and I think things are turning out alright now."

Quiet for a second Ashlee bit the inside of her lip. Just watching Dylan for a moment as they rode. It kind of felt like old times again being here riding with him. She really had missed spending time with him.

   "I always liked when we hung out even if it wasn't much. But you kind of just...disapreared there. Thats when it became lonely."