February 12, 2017


Walking to the bunks Ashlee thought it was nice Dylan walked with her. He had been acting strange all night and she couldn't help but wonder what was up, but at the same time, she wondered if letting him and Travis know this afternoon she wouldn't be caught in the middle of them may be snapped some sense into him. 

   "A ride tomorrow sounds like fun. I have to do chores in the morning first."

Ryan couldn't feel more content walking hand in hand with Hunter. Tonight there had been competition in the card game, but fun and joking too. It felt nice, and to know she had grown a little closer to Hunter today felt even better.

   "Something tells me...tonight I will sleep pretty good."

Turning to look at Hunter Ryan smiled before leaning and kissing his lips again. She couldn't help but be worried about what tomorrow would hold. Would he really still want to be around her when they got back?

   "You promise things won't change when we get back? You wont forget me? No matter what anyways whispers about me or us?"

Feeling color come to her own face Karla gave a small laugh taking another bite of her food. Chewing gave her good reason to be quiet for a long second. Maybe she jumped a little too much on the whole as friends things and she felt bad.

   "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you gave me the wrong signal. I guess...I'm just a little sensitive to the whole dating thing."

Looking for a second it was hard to talk about Kip. She missed him, but at the same time her heart still really hurt from what had gone on. Not to mention now he was missing altogether.

   "The day I tripped over that bucket outside the office I actually had just broken up with my boyfriend. I can't say the relationship was bad, he was a pretty amazing guy. He had a good heart he just...thought I guess he needed more than would I could offer or was willing to give. Just another thing to add to the crap that's happened in my life."