February 21, 2017


Aaron just shook his head and gave a light laugh. "I do not know what to make of you, Sam. You've got to be loonier than a fruitcake or the most naive agent I've ever met... but I know neither of those are true."

He tried to study her face in the dark. "I'm here because I'm a criminal and you're treating me like... like a friend." He shook his head again and took another slice of quesadilla. "And saying I'm not a bad guy, to boot. I mean seriously... You know good and well who I am and what I've done. Sense of humor or not, there's a reason I've been locked up here." He took a moment to chew, honestly bewildered by Sam's behavior. He'd been confused before, and it just kept getting more and more odd. 

Finishing his mouthful, he slid down and laid on his back to get a better view of the sky. His mind was still reeling though. "Besides, what's your point? One of these days the Elite is gonna get tired of housing me, and it's off to prison I go."

Kyle gained a new smile as his eyes twinkled. "Thanks. Alice and I are super excited."

"Yeah," Russ complained, "he's worried about taking time off when the babies come so he's working us all like slaves."

"Oh hush." Kyle threw a straw wrapper at him. "If I didn't keep you busy, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself."

Russ laughed and glanced at Karla. "I hate to admit it, but it's true."

"In truth, things slowed down there for a while," Kyle admitted. "But we're gonna hit the road next week to take another small tour. Still nothing huge but it's exciting."

"The most exciting thing is his song writing." Theo gestured at him. "He's sold several lately."

"Eh..." Kyle shrugged, unwilling to get all the attention. Truth be told though, his song writing was going quite well. "Helps keep the bills paid." He cocked his head at Karla. "We don't seem to be very organized on the road lately though. Twila tries but we haven't found a very good system to keep track of all our schedules and contacts." His implication hung in the air until he spoke again. "You wouldn't consider joining us again would you? We're in a better spot now and could pay you more than we did before..."

As Ryan withdrew, Hunter sighed and watched her head into the garage. Wouldn't it be nice if he could just steal her away and spend the rest of the day with her. The way she looked at him... how soft her touch was... It took all he had to pry himself away and finally head back across town. 

In the shop, all the guys had been watching, and all had eyebrows raised by the time Ryan came inside, accompanying their grins. Miles blinked at her. "Well... Cassy hasn't been visiting Leo much lately, Jed hasn't had much luck in the girl department, Ron has sworn off women, and Axel... well we think he's allergic to kissing in public."

Nearby, Axel smirked and turned back to the engine he was trying to work on, but it was slow going since he was still struggling with his hand. His cheeks has flushed slightly though. He did keep his relationship with Jess fairly private, and had learned to endure the teasing around here. He knew they all meant well.

Miles continued his grin at Ryan. "So it's at least been a while since we seen two people kiss," he concluded. He sidled up to her and nudged her arm with his elbow. "How the heck did you land Hunter Maxwell anyway? I'm a guy and even I'm impressed."