February 28, 2017


Hearing the proposition Ashlee thought for a long moment. It was pretty early as was, and she had gotten at least a little sleep before Dylan came to got her. As tired as she still was she might as well stay away now and try to at least get the day started.

   "I'm gonna stay too. I wanna see this little fella discover the world."

Looking to Sparky and then Dylan again she smiled. She actually had never pulled an all-nighter before but always wanted too. At least this would be a good reason. 

   "I think I'm definitely going to need coffee when the time comes though."

   "For the last time, you are not an idiot."

Sam smiled again as she dug into her food. Going to the lake and learning how to fish did sound like fun.

   "Just name when you want to and I am game.  I think it sounds like fun."

Hearing about the burgers and fries Ryan's stomach growled. Smiling she gave Hunter's let a little thump at she stole one of the fries before going back to the car she had been working on but still talking to Hunter as well.

   "Of course fries and burgers are ok. It's one of the best on the good foods to have. Thank you."

Leaning over the car and tinkering with a few things Ryan thought for a second about his question. She had forgotten to text Eli this morning.

   "Mmmm...I forgot to text Eli and ask. Let me do that now."

Pulling out her phone and opening the text she wiped some of the grease from her hands before type.

Hey Eli. Hunter has a race tonight and wanted me to come. Wanna go too? If your busy
that's ok I can have Hunter pick me up. Love
to have you along though.