February 22, 2017


Hunter rolled his eyes as Ryan met him at the door. "Yeah, sorry. After class, a kid needed help with his material and the other instructors were busy so I had to stay longer, then I knew you'd appreciate it if I took a shower and put clean clothes on." A smile emerged as his eyes twinkled. "Unless you plan on staying ten feet from me all evening..." He stepped in close, still smiling. "But I'd sure hate that."

He leaned even closer as if he was going to kiss her, but then bypassed her to step into the apartment, purposely leaving her hanging. 

Eli grinned and gave Scarlet a squeeze. "I'm glad you've got me too," he teased. As Ryan trotted by to get the door, his eyebrows rose. She hadn't been that happy about anything in... ages. 

As Hunter entered, he smiled and released Scarlet. "Hey, he made it! We can eat now!"

"Sorry about that." Hunter spread his arms. "I have arrived. Let the eating commence."

Eli laughed and gestured to Scarlet. "This is my girlfriend. Scarlet, this is Hunter."

Hunter stepped forward and offered her a handshake. "Nice to meet ya. I hope you're not too famished."

Aaron's eyes narrowed at Sam's conclusion. But in all honesty, he didn't have an argument. She was probably the only person here he didn't want to haul off and smack at the very least, choke to death at the most. Why though, he didn't know. He hadn't even had a problem pushing guys around in the Agency with whom he'd worked closely. Sam was nothing but his handler, and here he was, not willing to harm her in the slightest. 

He sighed and clammed up, just remaining silent for quite a while. Eventually, he laid back down on his back to keep looking at the stars. "I don't feel like a human." It might seem a statement totally out of the blue, but he'd been thinking about her words this entire time. "Humans have lives... goals... purpose. Me, I'm just... surviving." 

He sighed and put his hands up under his head before closing his eyes. He was a little chilly but didn't care. For all he knew, Sam would be ready to pack up and go back inside any minute, so he wanted to soak this up for as long as he could. 

"The only purpose I had was in the Agency. Out here... I'm nothing all over again just like I was before."