February 16, 2017


Dismounting and walking with Dylan along the path Ashlee listing intently as his is voice seemed to change. Hearing everything he said She was a bit surprised. She knew a little about Dylan's past but not everything. Her heart went out to him and she started to understand just a little bit more about Dylan and the way he acted. 

    "Your a good guy Dylan, no matter how shaded your past is. We all make mistakes, no one is perfect."

She didn't have the past like Dylan did and this time with Travis was one of the very few times she had ever gotten in trouble but she could see why he kept his distance. She didn't want him to think he had to though. 

Shifting a little and bumping him with her shoulder she smiled. He past didn't scar her, and it didn't make her want to run away screaming. The face he was here and telling her all this said a lot about him and she was honored he was telling her.  

   "You should give yourself a little more credit, and let yourself be happy. You deserve it as much as the next person. Not to mention I still want to be your friend. Even if Travis and I have been hanging out more and stuff. I still want you in my life too."

She couldn't help the color that came to her cheeks. He took that much notice in her it made her feel kind of good.

   "Do you really always know where I am at?"

Ryan was happy Hunter said he would stay for a little bit. She knew he was tired so she wouldn't keep him long but at least for a little bit. Ryan knew this was but she was happy Hunter had the confidence to look Eli in the face and get everything out of the way.

Leaning into Hunter as he put his arm around her Ryan smiled her eyes twinkled. She was nervous what Eli was going to say, but at the same time, it was a new excitement too. 

   "I had a really wonderful time, and the company I think was great too."

Searching Hunter face she smiled before looking to her brother again. Shifting a little she pulled out her phone and she handed it to Eli to look at the pictures. Her on a horse, the kittens in the bar, the picture of Hunter and herself, Clint, the kids, some of the different views.

    "It was a really wonderful place, Eli. It was so pretty, and riding a horse was scary but amazing. A lot of wonderful people there too. I even got to help Clint in his shop work on some cars, tractors, and pickups. Hunter was the perfect gentlemen too and was there when I needed him. We kinda grew closet too unexpectedly."

Ryan searched her brothers face wondering what he thought, wondering what he would say. She couldn't help but be nervous. Eli meant a great deal to her and having his approval was important.

   "I was mad at you too, but here I am. Funny thing about friendship and people who care. Even if we are upset, we are still always there for you."

Giving Scott's hand a gentle squeeze Hope lets go and took the check as the waiter brought it. This was her treat today and she didn't mind one bit.

   "Calling is simple, even if its just to know we are on the other end. It's never a bother at all and I know anyone would agree with me. I just takes that step and I know its a big one, but everything else after than will seem easier."