February 22, 2017


   "Keep having that kind of attitude and you will be nothing. Do something about it, and life will change. Sure you are starting at the bottom again but find another reason to be alive. Show us you can rise above. I know you can, if you put your mind to it."

Sam smiled before she started to pick up some of their mess, she had a fire in her eyes when she talked to Aaron, not one of anger but one of challenge. She wanted to see him become better, more than just a mindless Agency agent.

Once finished putting everything away she only stood to throw some stuff in a trash can that was on the roof and then returned to the blanket. She was tired honestly but she wanted to give Aaron all the time she could outside.

Slowly the time ticked down and she wasn't sure how long they had been out there. She didn't much mind though. The air was nice, and the company too. Shifting a little and turning to Aaron again she gave a little nod.

   "Ready to go back in? Well I know your not ready, but at least for now? Maybe this will become the new hang out for us. We can be like the cool kids."

Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle at Hunter and smiled returning the handshake. Eli had told her a little about Hunter and from looking at him he held himself well, and there was a calm about him. She thought he was the perfect person for Ryan to be around.

   "Nice to meet you, Hunter. I actually am saving and I was about to start eating furniture if you didn't get here soon enough Ryan refused to let us eat till you got here."

   "It's rude to eat before the guest gets here you know."

Coming up alongside Hunter Ryan put her arm around him. Bringing her hand up to his neck she gently ran her fingers along his hairline. He wanted to play dirty not giving her a kiss she'd play right back.

   "So are we ready to eat? I kinda like my furniture to much for Scarlett to gnaw on it."