February 22, 2017

Never Stop

Hearing Axel Ryan just smiled again as she tinkered with the car. She new what Axel was saying and what was hidden in his words. She might not be super fast but she had that drive to do her best with a few new tricks from Clint. She missed everyone from the ranch already but it gave her the want to visit again soon.

   "Thanks, Axel, for everything."

Finding Orion Sam gave a nod as she looked and cocked her head a little. Hearing him say everything was cooler with a sword Sam couldn't help but chuckle. The childish tone in his voice was cute and she really liked seeing that side of him.

   "I'm going to have to remember that. Maybe one day when I come in I'll have a sword with me so you'll think I'm cooler."

Listing to Aaron as he talked Sam's heart ached hearing about his life again. She felt bad for him and wished things were better. It was nothing she could change now but when she thought about it, it explained so many different things about who Aaron was.

   "Did you know on youtube they have live videos from the space satellites. They move around in space looking at the earth. It's actually really neat to look at and as I kid I would shut the lights off in my room and just pretend I was floating out there. Life on this earth is pretty crappy, everyone has their own skeletons they deal with."

Silent again for a long few seconds Sam took a chip and threw it at Aaron with great aim having it land on his forehead. Not being able to contain her laugh she looked at him letting her eyes focus and just looking at him from the natural skylight.

   "Never stop counting the stars, no matter how crappy life gets. People can take a lot of things away from you, but they can't take away what's in your mind and heart if you don't want them too."

Hearing Russ question Karla looked down at the table for a long moment running her fingers over a ding that was in it that had more than likely been there a while. It was hard talking about Kip, it was hard not knowing how he was or what was going on, and it was hard to think of him and not have her heart ache. She knew the question would come sooner or later though even though she had hoped it wouldn't.

   "I haven't heard anything from him. I hoped you guys had but...I guess not."

Sighing for a second Karla was sure a look of pain passed through her gaze. Kip had meant everything to her and so quickly it was gone.

   "Where ever he is, I hope he's taking care of himself. In a way I feel bad I was so hard on him."