February 22, 2017


   "I don't know if you would try something or not. Just because I am here, and I am trusting you doesn't mean I don't still have my guard up. At any moment you could do anything, but I wouldn't be the only one injured."

Just searching Aaron's face for a long moment like she had before Sam wondered about him, wondered how his mind worked. She really didn't have much of an answer to his question other than it was just a feeling. That wasn't something easy to describe, though, or something easily understood. 

   "Guess you are going to have to keep wondering though because I don't have an answer that can be understood. There is just something in your eyes that tells me you won't. Respect, admiration, wonder...I'm not sure what it actually is."

Grabbing another slice of the quesadilla and munching on it for a long moment Sam looked back to the sky as the stars twinkled and danced. 

   "I do know though that if it was anyone else up here, you might try something. But with me...I don't think you will. Maybe it's because I respect you, and treat you like the human you are."

Alice couldn't help but roll her eyes. She could never see this bunch not eating. She was hungry all the time due to being pregnant and they still eat more than her. In a way, though it made her feel good, at least she didn't feel too bad overeating.

   "Anchovies can't be any worse than pickles on ice cream. That's been my new thing lately, and the first thing I think I have seen Kyle cringe at."

   "I think I'd make a horrible bodyguard. but I'd like the job of being the babysitter for the twins. Now that I can work around my job with."

Karla beamed seeing Alice and he little baby bump that was already showing. If she was to guess she was going to be huge come time to have them. Really she couldn't be happier for Kyle and Alice if anyone one deserved it, it was those two. 

Ryan rolled her eyes at Eli as she swatted him when he took a fench fry. She was happy they were all going to be here tonight and Scarlett being able to join them was nice too. Stopping hearing something Ryan perked up thinking she heard Hunter's bike.

   "He's here!"

Trotting to the door she waited a few moments before opening the door not being able to help the smile that spread across her face.

   "If you had taken any longer I think Eli was going to hunt you down himself."

Looking up at Eli and leaning into him Scarlett laughed a little. It had been a bummer her trip was on hold at the moment since she had been already for it but that just meant now she got more time with Eli and Ryan. Not to mention if was a nice surprise to see Ryan smiling again.

   "Mmmm...Least I have you so I don't mind it being put off for now."