February 28, 2017

Knuckle Heads

Ashlee gave a nod as she continued to watch. Once it was time she sat up just a little bit watching in amazement. What a wonderful experience to watch every moment and be on of the few to see the new foal. Just studying the foal Ashlee couldn't help the large smile that spread across her face.

   "He's wonderful, and perfect."

Looking to Dylan and smiling again Ashlee nodded. This was her first time seeing this and she already wanted to see again next time.

   "That was one of the amazing things I have ever seen. Thank you so much for letting me join you."

   "You are not an idiot. Just because you have a hard time with something doesn't make you one at all."

As the food came and taking the time to say a prayer Sam dug in taking a bit. Maybe eating would help take Hal's mind off how he felt. She really did feel bad for him and wished it was easier to put him at ease.

Taking a bite of her food and hearing his comment and question Sam thought for a long moment. She didn't think he needed to redeem himself but if he wanted to try and spend more time with her she didn't mind.

   "Well...I've seen people fish before but I have never tried myself. I'd be willing to learn, though. Looks like fun."

Despite all the work the morning had gone slowly and though Ryan new lunch time was coming there was far to much work to even think about stopping. Belting out a note to the loud song that was playing and tightening another bolt on the car she had been working Ryan didn't take much note to what went on around her. 

Hearing Miles whistle Ryan looked up and then hearing what he said she turned to look at Hunter. A smile spread across her face seeing him sitting there. The sunlight shone in just right putting a glow around him.

Wondering over and fitting herself between his legs where she sat she leaned on his knees for a long moment just looking at him.

   "You know...I think I kinda like it you don't have a normal job. If you did these visits would be a lot less, and I rather like them."

Leaning up and giving him a soft kiss Ryan didn't let it linger too long before retreating. Just smiling she was sad today was busy and her and Hunter could stow away somewhere.

   "Today is a busy day. Two fo our other guys are out. If you don't mind hanging around while I work I think it would be ok since the boss is not here. I can enjoy lunch between work, and well these other knuckleheads are pretty good company too."