February 19, 2017


Ryan just rolled her eyes and shook her head at Axel's comment. It was nice to see him joining in, in the teasing. Ryan had missed it and it felt like everyone had been walking on egg shells but since she was bad things seemed to clear up a little bit. Things were still tense, Ryan wasn't up to the speed she wanted to be but things were definitively a little better.

   "We look out for our own. Mess with one of us you mess with all of us."

Following Hunter out Ryan slid into his car and buckled up. Waiting for him to get in she reached over and placed her hand in his lap just happy to rest her hand there so he could still shift the car. She didn't mind where they eat really as long as they got good, and she was with him.

   "You can't leave me with these hard desitions you know."

Ryan thought for a long moment on the options and now knowing what place she should pick. 

   "Let's go to Mom and Pop's. I kinda have a hankering for pizza."

Watching Jamison as he tossed the cores into the trashcan Lucy smiled. He had good aim, he had a good arm, and he was a good shot. It hadn't gone unnoticed yesterday or today. Jamison just seemd like one of those that was good at a lot of things without even trying.

   "I can impress the professor all thanks to you."

Lucy smiled putting her books back into her backpack. She was ready for the test that was coming now and she felt more confidant. At least maybe now she could get a passing grade.

   "I really can't thank you enough. I know it might not seem like a lot but to me it means a great deal. I think I can actually pass the test now."

   "Its hard when you have a route to have it broken. Every day your just use to going through the motions. Now is the time to kinda just work on you though and do the things you never had time for before. Get better, heal, and then before you know it start again."

Daltion chewed on his jerky quiet for a moment before taking a sip of his pop. He missed Scott a lot and there enjoyment of breaking each others codes. Mostly he just missed having his friend there to talk too. 

   "I think you still have a place with the Elite, you just have to get better first. Than again I am bias, I do miss having my office buddy around. You are one in a million Scott and no one could take your place."