February 12, 2017

Best Guy

Giving her best smile Karla sat a little taller. Hearing about Levi's ex-girlfriend the thought of her leaving him for someone who didn't have a job at all seemed a little confusing. From what she had seen of him he was nice, sweet with a good head on his shoulders and even if he did work a little too much at least he was stable and able to help provide for whatever lucky woman came into his life. 

   "Friends it is then, in and out of work."

Raising her glass for a moment she smiled before taking a sip and then setting it down. Everyone had their story to tell, no matter how silly it sounded.
   "Nah you don't sound like a dork at all and even if you did...I kinda like it."

Looking up at Hunter and shifting a little Ryan smiled as her eyes twinkled in the moonlight. She really hoped he meant what he said. Quickly Ryan had grown to like Hunter, and see him in a different light. He made her feel good, he made her smile, and he made her feel whole again. He was her second chance.

   "Ok. If they wanna whisper, they can. Least I know I'm gonna have the best guy on the track to cheer on. "