February 19, 2017

Miss It

Aaron studied the dust on the floor even as Sam spoke... until she mentioned joining him. Turning his head to the side to look at her, he searched her eyes. Did she really mean it? He turned back to looking at the floor. 

"Everything is boring alone..." A slight scoff surfaced. "Never wanted to admit it... but ya know... after all these years going it alone, I gotta say... it downright sucks." He picked at a loose thread on his jeans, not sure why he'd even said that out loud. It sounded stupid and just made him vulnerable. But at the same time... he was growing too tired to keep all his walls up. 

He turned his head once more to look at Sam. "Best way to see the stars is dead of night away from city lights. On a clear night you can see thousands upon thousands of stars. It's totally different than just seeing a few right after sunset." He studied her eyes again, feeling as though he were standing on the edge of their depth, one step away from falling into them. "I miss it... being outdoors."

Scott grinned at Hope's response.
Of course not. Well maybe.
Blame Dalton. It was all his
He scrunched his nose at his phone.
I promise to behave better
He thought for a moment before letting his thumbs type again.
Maybe lunch again tomorrow?

"Oh, really?" Hunter arched an eyebrow at Ryan. "Well I..." He thought for a moment, trying to figure out one scenario where he might need better aim, but came up empty. Without anything to say, he just laughed. "As long as you're the one teaching me to throw better, I might be able to work on that." He hooked her ankle with his and kept it locked there, just because. 

Even after the pizza was brought to the table, he didn't move back to the other side of the table, but stayed next to Ryan, eating, teasing, and making sure she kept smiling. He wasn't sure what it was about her, but he couldn't help but just want to help her feel good. He liked her smile, and the darkness that sometimes passed through her eyes bothered him.

Tossing another crust aside, Hunter sighed with content. "Good choice," he confirmed. "Pineapples and all."